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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. Michelle - Those all look great! How old in your little bro? Those outfits look like they might fit my little guy! LOL
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by melwru Hi there. I am from Canada too and couldnt find a Canadian supplier so I ordered from Sand Blast. It wasnt too expensive. Just ask them to send it USPS rather than UPS or you will get dinged hard with brokerage fees. good luck Thanks for the info. I still have not heard back from them yet, but it is still good to know for when I do order them.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by gen moriya hi everyone- I am not in the bl3 club, but i am trying VERY hard to lose weight. I am addicted to pasta and i just wanted to share a dish that is a great substition that i have been loving. FAKE MAC & CHEESE chop up cauliflower really tiny (mini bite size) & saute or boil until soft. in a fry pan toss with with a few tbs. milk (i use soymilk) and sprnkle in some 2% grated cheese. then i thrown it in a small casarole dish in the oven with another layer of chese on top and bake until its crispy. top with ground pepper! i know, i know the cheese is sort of bad....but if you use lowfat the dish is a great low carb fake pasta for when you're really craving it just wanted to share. I think I may have to try that. It does sound good. I was actually able to do my dance revolution today. I did both level one and level two. I was sweating like mad and my Mom was having a reat time watching. Not sure what I am doing for supper yet tonight, maybe some soup, but I am really trying to watch my portion controls.
  4. Those cards are so hilarious. I am totally doing something like that for my MOH and BM. Thanks for the link Maura!
  5. My mom got our crinolines yesterday, so Hailey and I tried them on. Hailey tried hers on with her dress and it looks sooooo adorable. I didn't get pics yet. I will once our tiara's come in which should be soon. Then I will get her all dolled up and take a pic. I tied on y crinoline. but not with my dress. I was too busy cleaning my Mom's place to get ready for Justin's 1st birthday party on Sat. That is another task in itself, cleaning up after the kids, keeping them quite while Mom is still sleepig and doing my workout on the dance revolution. Michelle, I love the maraca idea. That would be so cute and fitting for a Mexican wedding.
  6. Celina - My Mom and I were looking at the custom shirts, but FI didn't like them when I showed him. FI is a country bot and if I let him dress the way he wanted for the wedding, he would be in Wranglers, his roppers, a western shirt and his cowboy hat. LOL. Picking a shirt that he likes has been a challenge, but we got it done! Danielle - That is exciting that you started getting your shirts in. Lucy - My Mom and I are both nurses at the same hospital. We don't work together as often now since I changed rotations, but occassionally, or we see each other in report at shift change. People like working with the both of us too, because we get our stuff done, but we have fun doing so! As for what I have left to do: -finish beading the dresses (Mom is doing mine & I am doing Hailey's) -get the guys pants (waiting for 2 GM to book still) -decide on something old & something borrowed (one item from my Grandma & the other from my Nanny, both who won't be there) -get Bubba kegs -DIY projects -programs for on the fans -finish bathbombs -finish Welcome books -make Hailey's FG basket And finally....pay off the trip!!! OMG, that looks so short now.
  7. I am not to bad if there is none in the house, but if there is some here, I swear it calls my name and as much as I fight it off, I always give in eventually. I haven't bought it for awhile, but FI does, and not only does he get it for him, but he gets me the diet stuff thinking that it is ok. I keep telling him not to get me any, but I think he figures I deserve a treat and that I really am dying inside to have one.
  8. Ok, so here is a quick summary of my night and then I am going to bed! I had to work for another nurse tonight since I am so nice, and I decided to take my booking forms for Photo Souvenir with me to finally fax off. It was retarded when we started but finally got things under control just in time for me to go for supper. I went and had supper and realized when I got home to eat that I had forgot my forms. So I took them back with me and went to relieve for supper in the ER. While I was over there, I faxed off my forms. That felt good to do that. The ER was not busy and finally I got back to my duties. I was just about to start meds at 8:30pm when the ER nurse yelled at me to get over there. There was a girl that came in having a lot of pain and she was only 33 weeks along. We are a small rural hospital and our first reaction is to get them to the sity ASAP. Well this woman was already 7 cm, so she was going no where! We got her over to L & D and the Dr checked her again and she was 8-9 cm dilated. We called in the second on call Dr who had been working all day until 7pm, and when he got there he checked her and she was fully. We had her start pushing at 9pm and she delivered a beautiful baby boy at 9:34pm. He was doing so great too, but since he is so little, we had him shipped out by air ambulance to the city. I was supposed to be off work at 11:30pm, but finally left there at 12:15am. Not bad, and there was still stuff to do with the Mom that we couldn't do with the transport team all in there, but my Mom came on shift and she was taking over. My kids were over at my Mom's tonight too, and Justin is still there, but Hailey woke up before my Mom left for work and wanted to come, so she did and I brought her home. Once getting back here, I got online to pay the deposit for our pics and it feels sooooo good to have that done. Just as I started writing this I heard the plane fly over that was taking the baby to the city too. Cute little thing!!!! Okay, Goodnight!
  9. I got all my water in today and didn't have any pop! That is a big step for me.
  10. That is good to know. Last year my parents were in Mexico when ?Olga was happening and they were asking me if I could tell them where it was headed and so. It wasn't that easy to find out the info, so now I know. Thanks Krys
  11. The guys are only wearing shirts for our wedding to but I made them some bouts out of a shell. When I asked him if he liked them, he did, so they will have them on. The free one that we get with our wedding package my Dad will probably wear. Here are the ones I made:
  12. What a sweet idea. They look so cute and she looks like she is having a ball!
  13. I wish I could open windows on the other side, but we live in a 4-plex so we only have 2 outside walls that have windows and the sun gets them all in the evening. As for the AC, only recently have people started getting AC up here, since usually we have the heat on all winter, and the summers are usually just nice. The last few years we have had some HOT summers though!!!! Hope your little guys starts feeling better!!!!
  14. I started using Sparkpeople again today to track my calories and exercises! Hopefully this will get me back on track.
  15. What a aweful situation to go through. I hope the bank is able to give you your money back. Have you FPIL tried contacting their bank as well? I am wishing you all the luck in getting things worked out. No one needs this kind of stress before their wedding!
  16. We do have fans going and then open the windows after the sun goes down. If we open them before the sun goes down, it gets hotter in here as all the heat just swooshes in. They have been drinking lots, and I think I will take them over to my Mom's so my sister can watch them there. It is cooler at their place then it is in here. Right now it is still cool, but the sun is almost over the roof and shining down on the side and front of our place. I'm glad you found your GM shirts. Another thing to tick off the list. I can't believe how quickly Nov is coming!!!
  17. That is so exciting!!! I am sending you many $$$$ thoughts your way. Can't wait to hear how it goes!
  18. I can't believe that it is almost here Morgan. I have already started my packing list, but I have 4 people to pack for plus the wedding stuff! Good luck with getting all the last minute things done. I am working on my welcome books too, so I would love to see what you have done.
  19. I remember doing the Pepsi taste test. What ever happened to those. If I saw one in the mall, I was in line to do it, and everytime I picked Pepsi!!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Becksy I'm going to start keeping track of my calories on Sparkpeople.com. I find it easier to watch what I each when I track everything. I find it surprising to see how many calories I eat in a day, especially when I think that I did well. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB SparkPeople is GREAT!!!! I love Sparkpeople. That is how I was able to lose the first 17lbs back in Jan/Feb. I slacked off and haven't been on for awhile, but I am totally going back. We could become buddies on there too. My username on there is the same as here. ethrondson.
  21. Good point. The Mountain Dew in the US has massive amounts of caffeine where as ours has absolutely no caffeine.
  22. I have started working on the welcome books for the OOT bags, but not quite done. I won't be able to finish all the pages until I have final numbers for the trip, but they have been started and they are on the comp ready to be added to. Once I get more done on this, the pics will come. Totally not wedding related, it has been so hot here that my son basically slept and ate yesterday, and when you would pick him up, he just felt slimmy from sweating. It was so gross and I felt bad for him. Both kids went in the tub and got ready for bed, and Justin woke up 3 or 4 times during the night because of the heat. Before Hailey went to bed, she was asking for a cookie and since I said no, she had to keep asking, in case I changed my mind of course. Suddenly she told me that she spit on the couch, and when I looked at her, she had vomitted all down the front of her and all over the couch. As soon as I got her and the couch cleaned up, she aske for a cookie again and said she wouldn't spit again....of course she is gagging before and after saying this. Once again, I think it is from the heat, and our apt heats up soooooo bad in the evenings because of the way it faces. It feels nice right now, but wait till later!!!!
  23. I agree that you do not need to pay for their expenses. If they are unable to make it do to finances, than that is to bad, but it shouldn't be up to you to pay their way. If you are having a DW, you have to expect that not everyone will be coming, even if they say they are. I asked my BM before actually booking the trip, and 2 have backed out due to money issues.
  24. I am not having good luck with my WC either at my resort. I was talking with a really great one at first but when we booked into the one section, she didn't cover that one, so I was passed off to another WC. This one doesn't answer all my questions, and usually if I want her to respond at all, I have to write and ask how long before I hear from her! So frustrating. The only thing that is keeping me calm is that I got most stuff figured out with the first WC before we actually booked!!! Sorry for the hijack!
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