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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. My Mom started working on the MOH dress. My MOH was down for Justin's b-day so Mom measured her and started working on it a bit. She will be back in town for our legal day on the the 8th, so I think Mom is hoping to get as much done as she can before she comes back. Then she can have a fitting. This makes me feel soooo excited!!!! It isn't too far away now girls!!
  2. I am doing the vow renewal package. Since it isn't a legal ceremony, we don't need the judge, so they get a staff member from the resort that speaks english to do the ceremony. Then there is no need for translation and you don't have to wait on the judges schedule to confirm your wedding date and time. We were able to book our date right away and I told them what time I wanted the wedding at.
  3. You two will get everything done and ready in time. It seems so overwhelming eh? In 3 1/2 months that will be me, but for the time being, our legal day is creepying up quick. On friday I realized that it was exactly 2 weeks until we are legally wed. OMG! Good luck with the finishing touches and the packing girls!!!
  4. I want Jesse gone, and if he manages to get POV again, I hope that Libra gets back doored.
  5. I haven't done great this weekend, but I haven't been too bad! I was working all weekend for day shifts, so I was on the go all day and didn't eat a lot of crap food, then we had the parties in the evenings. Chocolate cake and a burger on Sat and hotdogs and ice cream cake lastnight. I did only have 1 piece of cake for each party, so I behaved in that sense, and they were huge pieces. I don't know what to expect on the scale this week. Up? Down? No change?
  6. The parties went great. On Sat we had a bunch of people from out of town over at my Mom's and the kids all had a great time. Justin got some toys but scored big on clothes. I don't think I need to do any laundry for him for a month! LOL. Yesterday was for everyone that lives around here, and it started pouring rain, so the only ones that were there were FMIL, FBIL, his FI and his 3 girls. It was alright though. Oh, actually there were a couple kids that made it down for a couple hours earlier in the day, but I was still working then. I guess they went swimming in the creek too, since it was still hot then. I can't believe that my little man is a year old, and his check up was today...he weighs 26 lbs 5 oz!!!! Hailey is 3 1/2 and weighs 32 lbs.
  7. I really like that colour, and I agree that it makes your eyes stand out. I say wear it!
  8. Fill me in because I have been working all day and now I have to go back and finish a 12hr shift. I get to work 1.5 shifts today, and I wsn't planning to until part way through my shift this AM! Gotta go back now. LEt me know what happened!
  9. I love that idea Danielle. I laughed at the "sentenced to life..." bit too. We arent' gettin anything engraved on ours. FI won't be wearing his much anyway because of his job, and mine has enough room to engrave, but it would be pretty small. Just thought I would check in quick. I came home for my lunch break since I now have to work a 12 hour shift, and I will get home just in time for my MOH to get here for the weekend. I don't want to have to get sucked in for a 12 hour this weekend, since both Sat and Sun we are having parties for Justin's 1st birthday. I still can't believe that tomorrow will be a year. Yikes! Also, 2 weeks from today it will be my b-day and our legal day! Yikes again!!
  10. Well, I am hoping that next week will be a bit better since today I ended up getting my friend. Of course it had to coincide with weight in. I haven't had my period since March, but it decided to come now! Oh well, I should see better results next week hopefully!!!!
  11. I haven't actually test packed, but I know what are suitcases usually look like when we go on a trip, and how much room we should still have. It will be our first trip since Justin, but Hailey has a big suitcase this time that is probably 3 times the size as her old little one, so we should be good.
  12. For checked luggage we will have 3 bog suitcases, sporting goods bag, playpen. Then our carry-on luggage will be 3 bags and our dresses. The stroller will be checked at the door when boarding, and then we get it back on the tarmac in Punta Cana.
  13. I girl that I graduated with and that I also work with now went to Mexico earlier this year and when they got to the airport to leave, they realized that they forgot her suitcase. They had both kids and her husband's suitcases, but hers was not there at all. When they got down there, she had to go and find some clothes, I think she bought a couple swim suits and a couple dresses. The really sad thing is that last summer they took the kids to Disneyland and they forgot one of the girls suitcases! This is a family that either shouldn't go on trips together or they need extra help with the final prep! LOL
  14. I can't stand Libra or Jesse. They both need to go. At first I was really not liking Renny, but she has kinda toned it down a bit. I must say, if I was in the BB house, even if my hormones were raging, I would not be able to perform in front of the cameras. There are always people watching, there is an all night crew! That is not something that I would want spectators for! Nasty!
  15. Maybe tomorrow I will walk over to my Mom's with the kids instead of driving....hmmmm! After all, Mom does have 2 car seats in her car for my kids if I do need a ride home later....or I could walk again. LOL
  16. I think I got mine figured out, so I will try and get it done and posted.
  17. When I mailed out our STD's one came back for my cousin's Rodney and Reagan. I didn't get to worried about as I figured I would get the right address for the invites. Well, as I was doing the invites, I was talking to my cousin's SIL (my cousin Richard's wife) since they were in the process from moving from the same town that I was trying to send the invites to, to my home town. They were going to get the right address for me or else take the invites up there for me, but it didn't end up happening. I did see Reagan at a family wedding in Jan and told him about it, and he said that he would give me a call and give me his address. Well, last week I finally called up there and talked to Rodney. I told him about the wedding plans and got their address. Then a couple days later Reagan called back. Well, they are both planning on coming down to the Dominican for the wedding. I am excited since they are my 2 closest cousins in age on my Mom's side. The next closest cousin is actually our oldest cousin's daughter who was supposed to be a BM but had to back out. As for RSVP's, I got a few on facebook which wasn't actually an option, and only one person has answered through the website, and it was my coworkers husband saying "yes". I had a couple verbals from before we even sent out the invites, since I knew that they were coming, but no one else has. As I get word, or give up on them, I cross them off the list myself.
  18. OMG. That is so awesome, sweet and sad. So many emotions in one little story. What a great thing to remember. Cheers to your Grandma!!!
  19. I haven't got anything actually packed yet, but I do have my packing list done, unless I think of something to add. I also have 2 of the carry-ons in the livingroom and the new big suitcase for our kids in the diningroom. Oh wait, I do have colouring books and markers packed in my daughters carryon already. We got a family pack thing of the color wonder colouring books and markers, so she picked two to put away for holidays.
  20. Well, I was worried that I may have gained but I didn't. I didnt even lose a whole pound, but it is still a lose. Next week will hopefully be better. I have to lose he weight for my BD shoot after all!
  21. I haven't checked out the kodak site yet, but I did set up an account at snapfish. I will just use one username and password that everyone can use to put their pics in.
  22. That is sooo sweet. To bad the friend had to go and ruin the whole moment and surprise. I would have been soooo mad if my friend told me, and FI would have been soooo ticked!!!
  23. I love that video. I think it is such a great idea. Your guests are going to love it too, and laugh at the end while reading those credits!!! LMAO
  24. Welcome to the forum. I am also a Punta Cana bride. I am getting married at the Grand Palladium. I have been there before and fell in love with it. It is a beautiful resort, like most of them I'm sure. If you have any ?'s about this resort, feel free to PM me!
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