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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. Thank you so much everyone! So far today it hasn't been too bad, but I have only been up for a couple hours after getting off night shift. Work helped to keep my mind off things and the girls at work were really supportive as well. One of them is separated from her husband right now, and the other one was actually at our DW but she was abused by her first husband as he had a drug problem! I have talked to him today, and I think the hardest time was when I told him that there were no more chances for us. If he gets help and keeps up with it, we could work on being friends only for the kids! He doesn't even remember anything from lastnight except when the cops got him up out of bed and hauled him out. Thank you again, and I may need to vent, cry scream and whatever else over the next little bit.
  2. Well, I figured that I would let you all know that my marriage is over since you all saw me through the planning leading up to our big day. Over the years he has struggled with a drinking problem and was given the option of having a life with me or a life with alcohol. He chose me and was doing fairly well. There were a few bumps along the way, but we dealt with them and made it through. Well, he has chosen the alcohol over me for the last time and after I told him we were done, he ended up going out drinking again and this time he had the kids with him, so he was driving with them!!! Things starting getting pretty bad and home, and in the end, after I walked up to the hospital for my night shift, I called the RCMP and had him arrested! My kids are at my parents place and I will probably be staying there for awhile.
  3. This something that rumors of the drugs and rumors of a hoax will be floating around. Will we ever find out which it is? Who knows. I guess if he checks into rehab, then it is likely to have been drugs, but if he doesn't....who knows. Even if he was on drugs, his people may say that it was a hoax to help protect him, but if he is done show business, he doesn't really need to be protected too much does he? After all, even if he is doing the music thing, he isn't big and has a long way to go before he is.
  4. This something that rumors of the drugs and rumors of a hoax will be floating around. Will we ever find out which it is? Who knows. I guess if he checks into rehab, then it is likely to have been drugs, but if he doesn't....who knows. Even if he was on drugs, his people may say that it was a hoax to help protect him, but if he is done show business, he doesn't really need to be protected too much does he? After all, even if he is doing the music thing, he isn't big and has a long way to go before he is.
  5. starting a new life : exciting but scary
  6. OMG! I can't wait until tomorrow. I won't spoil it too much, but the Billy does tell Lily about the baby, there are flashbacks to Caine & Lily's steamy v-day last year, and....well......I can't wait until tomorrow. OMG!!!! I just remembered that I have an appointment in the city tomorrow, and I won't be home. I guess I will have to watch it on Mon with the rest of you! Sweves me right for getting so excited. Maybe I will DVR it if I remember.
  7. Here is my bouquet. These are real flowers from the resort and is one of the upgraded options they have. Here were the BM bouquets also from the resort
  8. I have had my days that I wanted to have an AHR and days that I had to be talked back into it. Our life is so busy and crazy right now, that I just have gotten frustrated with it. In the end, I do want to have it since there are a lot of people including grandparents that were unable to make it to our wedding that still want to be a part of our day. We didn't have a dance at our DW either as our group wasn't a big dancing crowd and since we were having the AHR, we will have the dance there. We are having the typical wedding reception except there just won't be a ceremony before hand, and the wedding party are all wearing their wedding outfits/dresses. That way those who weren't there, still feel like they are part of our big day. If you are going with a casual party/BBQ, then you may not want to wear your wedding dress, depending on the style of it.
  9. I watched the show lastnight and it was so bizarre. I kept expecting him to start laughing and talk off the glasses or something. There were a couple times I saw him sort of smirk, but it was still really odd! I am not convinced that it was a hoax Dave was in on, as he seemed to be taking the interview one second at a time. If he was on something, I hope he gets the help that he needs, and if it was a hoax that Dave was in on, awesome job, especially on Dave's part!!
  10. I am watching tomorrows episode for most of you right now!!! I saw that preview yesterday. Can't wait to see what happens! Oh, it is back on, better see what happens!
  11. We did one bag per couple and one bag per single person. Some of the things we still doubled up for the couples and other things we didn't. We made our own first aid kits and put double the meds in them and added a few extra bandaids and such. They each got their own bubba keg and gum.
  12. OMG I have mised some convo on here. I am actually with you Susan. I prefer Phillys over Sharon. Philliys may be a bitch sometimes but at least she isn't fake about it. Sharon acts like she is little miss perfect and innocent, but she isn't! I am not a Sharon hater, but I personally like Nick and Phillys now! I can't wait until the truth is out to everyone about the baby! I can't believe how long this pregnancy is lasting. Soap Opera pregnancies don't usually son't last that long, neither does the childhood years. I didn't watch it yesterday, and hopefully I can catch it today (which will be tomorrow's episode for many of you) but I think Chloe was thinking of telling the truth about the babies daddy.
  13. Thank you! You too made a beautiful bride Shelley, and your pics turned out fantastic! I love your BM dresses, the black with the green looked great.
  14. Welcome to the forum and enjoy you DW planning!!!
  15. Welcome to the forum and enjoy you DW planning!!!
  16. Welcome to the forum!!!
  17. Welcome to the forum and enjoy you DW planning!!!
  18. Welcome to the forum and enjoy you DW planning!!!
  19. Welcome to the forum and enjoy you DW planning!!!
  20. Welcome to the forum. I too was a Palladium bride but in the Dominican.
  21. Welcome to the forum and enjoy you DW planning!!!
  22. Welcome to the forum and enjoy you DW planning!!!
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