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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. I never heard about this until I was here on the forum. There was mention of this not to long ago and that is when I found out about these. Really I think that it all depends on what traditions, your family and the area that you live in or come from are used too. We don't do the dollar dance, but most weddings I have ever been to the bride gets kidnapped and the guest are asked to donate $$ for the randsom to get her back. The $ is usually collected by the BM in a cowboy boot. As for dances with the bride and groom, the bride gets the song, 'I knew the bride when she used to rock n roll' and the groom gets 'I'm to sexy' and usually gets slightly stripped down by all the women dancing around him.
  2. EricaG

    Definite Newbie!

    Welcome to the forum. This is a great place to help you get started, and make the planning enjoyable!
  3. Welcome to the forum. Post some pics and a review for everyone else that may be thinking of having their wedding in Negril.
  4. That looks like a beautiful resort for a small intimate wedding. Can't wait to see pics when you get back.
  5. My Mom got these cloth garment bags that we are going to put my daughters dress in and the guys outfits. Then we will just hook them on to my dress and carry them all on together.
  6. I think a soft cooler would work well for a single guy. I never really thought of bottle openers. Maybe I will see if I can find some that won't cost too much. Since the rooms are stocked with bottless of pop and beer that require a bottle opener, and not all the rooms have them. Last time we were there we didn't have one in our room but I think everyone else did.
  7. Those pics turned out great, and I love the hanging orchids. I am so glad that you had a wonderful time, and maybe this will open up the eyes of other engaged couples looking for a resort.
  8. That is a tough one. If you never asked her to be in the wedding, why would she assume she was? Some people really don't think. What did you tell her when she asked? Do you have other people in your wedding party? If you aren't having a wedding party, you could always just tell her that you aren't having anyone stand up for you. Is she still being invited? If she is, you could always tell her that she can get a dress in whatever colour as she is more than welcome to come as a guest but you will not be requiring her to stand up for you. If she askes why, you could always be honest and say that when you really needed her to be there for you, she wasn't, so you have ask people that stood by you in this difficult time. You can also point out that she didn't even know the location had changed over 2 months ago.
  9. My MOH is planning another gathering for me, but it is going to be a great time, and I won't be centre of attention really. We are going paintballing, so it will be an exciting time by everyone, and it isn't about me as much and not about opening gifts an stuff! I am excited for that one. It will probably be sometime next month so that anyone who is going to the DW can get rid of any bruises they may have acquired from the activity! LOL
  10. Our wedding is on the last offical day of hurricane season, but I have been watching the storms closely. Luckly, Punta Cana doesn't get as much of the hurricanes as other parts of the Domincian. Doesn't mean they don't get the rain or that they won't get hit, but look at last year when there was a hurricane in Dec!
  11. Martha - Just make sure you are safe and that you are completely prepared. Make sure that you keep us updates whether you stay or go!
  12. I don't see a couples shower happening for us, since it is hard enough to get Larry to stay at the kids b-day parties for very long. I have never been to a couples shower and honestly, never heard on them until I was on BDW. Most of the guys we know would be there for presents maybe and then run off to watch sports or something. After the baby showers he had fun going through all the gifts and seeing what we got! That was enough for him.
  13. That is such a cute little robe. That was so thoughtfull of you JaimeLynne.
  14. Welcome to the forum, from one Nov bride to another.
  15. That is a beautiful place. At least you were able to spend some good quality time with your brother even though you didn't get anything done that you hoped too.
  16. I have put a couple things in the one suitcase that we won't be using until we are done there, so might as well pack it and get it out of the way. I also have some color wonder books and the markers packed in hailey's carry on. I have also made copies of our passport and packed them away. I really like the packing idea Michelle. That is such a great idea, although with my luck we would get ours, and Hailey's suitcase would be the one that would get lost with all her clothes and Justin's clothes and diapers would be the one to get lost. Maybe I will get all the bags packed and then just throw an outfit for each of us into the other bags. That beats packing a change of clothes in your carry on like we used to always do.
  17. I think this would be a blast. If it is only a monthly thing, than that still gives everyone to save enough points to take part if they want.
  18. I am not really nervous about the shower this weekend, but I'm not overly excited. I think that it hasn't really sunk in that it is for me! This is the first of 2 or 3 so I might as well get used to it I guess. I am a Leo, so part of me likes the attention, but over the years I am getting more comfortable taking a back seat to some of the excitement.
  19. To make a long story short, 2 of our wedding guests will be flying together from Toronto although one lives here in Alberta (the one having the shower this weekend for me) and the other one lives in BC. They will be flying WestJet and are allowed 2 checked bags each weighing up to 50lbs, so that is a total of 100lbs each of them can check!!! Needless to say, I believe that we are getting even more wedding room in Terri's bag than she offered up before. I believe she is now offering us a whole suitcase that she can take down for us if we need her too! My dress is a free carryon as well, and if needed, we can also take a diaper bag on for free for Justin, although I'm not going to if we don't need to, since we will be really loaded up then - us, 2 kids, 3 carry-ons, dress, diaper bag, plus stroller which we can take to the plane door, checked luggage will include 3 large suitcases, playpen, and sporting goods bag.
  20. I would probably go with the white gold as well since you can't really tell the difference. Later on you can always upgrade it if you want, but I don't think that anyone other than you would know the difference.
  21. We havent' really had anyone thining about staying at another resort that I am aware of, but when FBIL wasn't booking because he didn't have the $$$, I told them about a cheaper option for a resort close by, and they seemed interested. Then I reminded them that there would be the cab ride over to our resort, and a $50 day pass fee for each day that they came to our resort. If he was still bringing his kids, that would be another $250 in day passes that he would be responsible for. They wern't excited about that and decided to jsut stay at our resort, although they still haven't booked. I would think about including a positive sounding insert with the STD's &/or invites and posting it on the website.
  22. That is something that I never thought of. That is something that will have to be added into the ettiquette books.
  23. I am having a crinoline under my dress. Although it is heavier, I am not too worried about over heating, since I found the evenings to cool down compared to the days, and that will be when I am going to be dancing and probably getting warm. If you prefer the look of the crinoline and you keep tripping on the hoop skirt, I would go with the crinoline.
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