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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. There is a lot of info on the forum regarding the different resorts. Check out the resort reviews as well as the Jamaica threads and the Costa Rica threads. Good luck!
  2. Welcome to the forum. It is nice to see another Canadian girl on here!
  3. Those look like great beach bags, and for that price you can't go wrong. I got the beach bags for the girls standing up for me from Old Navy, and they love them. I gave them to them yesterday.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 We are hoping to get the Jimmy Buffet Margarita Machine...yum! This is one thing that I am hoping to get too. My MOH has one and she took it my shower yesterday so my sister cold make tropical slushie drinks for everyone. We call it Jimmy and we love Jimmy! Even if we don't get it, I will be happy getting anything off our registries, which we got a lot more yesterday than I was expecting. Some of it from the registries, and some not, but it is all great and I was sooo excited!
  5. That sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Have a great time with it and can't wait to see some results!
  6. Oops, I missed it last night then, but I didn't really have a choice since I was on the road heading home from the city anyways!
  7. I think that the time limit makes sense if people are deleting their posts. That would make things difficult to follow if they are just blank!
  8. We have been faced with the same issues. My Mom's side of the family has been all for me having a DW for years, and now I might have one cousin that is getting ready to book! FI's immediate famiy were all saying they were coming and his mom just booked on Fri and that is it. We leave in 2 1/2 months and it doesn't look likely for many more to book. I almost have more coworkers going than we have family. You still have some time and they may change their minds again, but just do whatever the two of you want to do, not what everyone else wants you to do!
  9. Your pics look great. I loved my BD shoot and totally became comfortable quickly.
  10. Congrats on finding a new endeavor that makes you happy!
  11. Glad to hear that everyone and their families are okay. I have been out of town but wondering about how things were going down there. That is too bad that there had to be any lives lost, but thankfully it wasn't worse. A house can be replaced, a life can not!
  12. Congrats to everyone, especially Kelly and Kathy. You two did awesome!!! Looking forward to the BL4 and getting back to the gym so I might be able to get some real results happening next time.
  13. I'm curious to see what happens. Dan played the game, although you never know how everyone will vote. Dan pissed a lot of people off, which could cost him the game. Depends on what they are voting on!
  14. Your dress looks sooo great Michelle. That is so sweet about your little sis helping with the train! Your bachelorette weekend sounds like so much fun Amy! Enjoy it! Well, I just got home from my weekend in the city and my bridal shower today. It was so great and I had so much fun!!! I will get the pics off my Mom's camera tomorrow (Mon) when I go over there, since it was getting late when we got back to town. She just got back from her cruise yesterday, and has gifts for us, but didn't want to hand then out at the shower. Coming home I actually had to leave the crook pit behind because there was literally NO room left in the van, unless I leftmy Mom, sister, Hailey or Justin behind!!!!
  15. Michelle that is awesome that you were able to close out the one registry. I have my shower tomorrow.
  16. I loved it. Mary was hilarious. I love when she made the comment about moving up to Canada, becoming a citizen and drinking the water, because we have awesome dancers up here. And then the first dud dancer that they saw, she was so funny.
  17. We might laminate our luggage tags, but they go into the hard covers still. I posted pics (that were blurry) but we are going to change them a bit again. I have a pic on one side with the guests name on it, and the other side was another pic with our wedding info on it.
  18. I got distracted while I was typing by last message and now I see the other pics that were posted too. What are these people thinking? I think there needs to be a whole lot of smacking people that tell these brides they look good!
  19. That dress is so nasty. I agree that whoever told her to get that dress should be slapped. She may be proud of her fake tata's but that doesn't mean she has to show them off to that extent, especially at her wedding.
  20. Fortunately I have not been in your situation, but my BFF was a couple years ago. We had this friend that I was no longer close to and would only see maybe once or twice a year, but she would always call my BFF and talk about how bad her life was and cry to her about how she slept with some random guy from the bar and he never called her afterwards...yada yada yada! Anyways, there is a big party weekend in our little small town Aug long every year that causes the towns population to more than double, and my BFF decided that was going to be the end of the friendship. It was sort of like a goodbye although the other girl was not totally aware of it. It actually worked well, as the other girl only tried to call my BFF twice I think, and that was it and it has been over 2 years since then. Of course you have something else that you would like to do, so I don't really know what to tell you. I think that this "friend" is to draining on you to keep around, but it is just a matter of when you cut her lose. Is the ticket paid for? Did she pay for it? Is there anyone else that could go in your place?
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