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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. OMG! That is soo hilarious. I agree that this may make the new facebook a bit more tolerable. Thanks!!!
  2. Thanks for offering such a great deal to the brides (and some grooms) here on BDW. You are right, this is a great place! Too bad we have already booked our photographer.
  3. I'm sorry that you have to go through this. I agree that he is the one that needs to leave at least for a couple days. My FI and I split up for a short while last year and I told him he could leave while he did his thinking, because this is the kids home! I didn't make it about me or him, but pointed out the fact that the kids need their home more than he does. Since your wedding is coming up, I would be telling him that you need to talk so that you can either get things sorted out or cancel and let everyone know since they are paying a lot of $$ to go. Good luck and I hope tonight goes well.
  4. Hey there Rachel. The whole forehead wrinkle....I have had one of those for years, honestly, I don't really remember not having it! Now I also noticed that I have to lines between my eyebrows from all my bitchy moments. When I saw that I thought, OMG, I don't think that I am bitchy that much, so now I try to make a point of opening up my eyebrows more so that it flattens out the wrinkles. I would much rather have smile and laugh lines than bitch glaring lines! Really, I am not that bitchy!!! Love the ass comment by the way. That is something that I too need to work on.
  5. Celina - You son talks like my daughter. Every once in awhile she comes out with some totally unexpected and crazy that catches off guard. This weekend I am working and don't really have anything else planned. My Mom was sewing my MOH dress today and was hoping to get my sisters started too, so my MOH might be coming out in Sunday for a few hours to try on her dress. Danielle - Did you end up babysitting for your brother?
  6. Just a few hours away:mountains
  7. Like the jurors were saying, they both played the game, but totally different games and Memphis let Dan do all the dirty work. Dan was the best player and deserved to win.
  8. Glad to hear that she calmed down and everything is okay now. I think part of it was probably the first time Mom venturing into the unknown.
  9. I am so glad that your dress survived the mess Celina. Speaking of kids I have to go and pick mine up right away. My sister spent the night lastnight so that someone would be home with the kids after Larry went to work and before I got back from work. Then I was going to drive them all over to my Mom's and then drop my sister off at school, but she was taking awhile getting her make up done, so I went to bed and she took the kids over and took the van to school. Now I am up, the van is back and the kids are laying down with my Mom, but I miss them so I will go get them.
  10. That is crazy Erin. Hope everything starts going better for you. Happy belated birthday, and make sure you have extra batteries for that miners hat just in case there still is no power!
  11. I was watching tonight to see if I knew anyone since I used to dance in competitions here in Alberta. Didn't see anyone at the Calgary ones that I recognized though. I agree that the auditions aren't the best part anyway.
  12. get out of my dreams : nightmares
  13. Good luck on talking to your FSIL. I hope that she calms down and realizes that it isn't really that big of a deal. The airline staff are usually very good with people that have little ones and understand what you are going through with the wee ones.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by yamille Yeah me too..I don't like it. I don't really understand teh groups though anyway. We already have a forum here. If anyone wants to friend me though.... there aren't too many yamille's i don't think! I did search Yamille on facebook and there quite a few actually.
  15. The Biggest Loser started tonight again!!! It is married couples against parent/child. That will help motivate me too I think, it usually helps, especially if I go to the gym while it is on and watch it while doing my cardio.
  16. I stand corrected my score is 2403! I think it is a cyborg or something. I placed second out of my friends! YEAH!!
  17. I got 2303 points or something like that. It took 6 tries, but I got to the level above the alien. Woo hoo me!!
  18. I think I might go buy my own scale so that I don't always have to run over to my Mom so weigh myself! That was a pain because some Wed I really had to drag myself (and two kids) over there to take a pic on the scale.
  19. I only bought tickets once and never won anything. I don't have good luck with stuff like that, so I don't usually buy the tickets in real life either.
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