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Everything posted by EricaG
So I am sitting at my Mom's right now watching it snow outside and waiting for my Mom to finish some more sewing on my TTD dress. Oops, got to go try it on again!
Danielle - The hepatitis shot isn't required here either, but it is recommended to get both A & B if travelling. The kids are getting Twinrix which is bot stains and Larry and I are just getting the Hep A since we already have the B one done. I would recommend getting it. It is better to be safe than sorry and it is good forever. Twinrix (A& has 3 shots (first one, 1 month later and 6 months later) and the Havrix (A) has 2 shots (first one & 6 months later)
Wishing you both a beautiful day today! Congratulations! Can't wait to see some pics when you get back.
Well I am at work right now doing the night shift with my Mom. Hopefully I will have the internet up and running again later today! I got the cake topper from ebay. It will look great on the cake if we end up having the beach reception since it won't start until 6:30-ish. My Mom has started making my TTD dress, and it started off with the intent to make it look like my actual wedding dress, but now it is going to be totally different. I can't wait for it to be done. Danielle - You look great in your dress. I am so glad to see pics of it. There were a few times that I have had similar thoughts, but then as soon as I try it on or start looking at other dresses, I remember why I love it so much. I got our Hepatitis vaccines the other day, and I gave them to all of us. Yup, that's right....I even poked myself. My Mom is a nurse too and doesn't think she could poke herself. I was pretty impressed with myself, as it didn't hurt at all!!! LMAO!!! Everyone has great welcome letters. I still have to finish our welcome books, but I am waiting for a few more pics, and making sure that there are no more surprise guests coming. I just found out that if my Aunt & Uncles trip to Mexico falls through, they are coming to the wedding.
We haven't asked about booking a private room as we were fine with having it in the a la cartes. There is the option of having a beach reception though, and they told me that there would be no additional costs for that! As for the dance, they told me we could arange for an area for a dance, but I have since decided not to worry about it. The group going with us isn't really a big dancing crowd, so rather than wasting the $ on an area down there for a dance, we are just going to the Bavaro lobby where there is a live band that plays nightly. We are having an AHR so we will have the big dance then.
Tara and Joe Leave on 10.30.08 and get married on 11.2.08 Danielle and Derek Leave 11/1/08 Get Married On 11/6/08 Lisa and Jayson leave on 11/2/08 and Get Married On 11/5/08 Mike & Michelle leave on 11/4/08 and get married on 11/7/08 Celina and Shawn leave on 11/5/08 and Get Married on 11/8/08 Jocelynn & Shawn leave on 11/5/08 and get married on 11/8/08 Amy and Greg leave on 11/21/08 and get married on 11/27/08 Shelley and Dave leave on 11/22/08 and Get Married on 11/25/08 Melissa and Kendall leave on 11/24 and Get Married on 11/28 Erica & Larry leave on 11/27 and get Married on 11/30
Ok, I have been away for awhile as my internet is messed up. Then I went to see if there was a loose connection, and when I pulled the tower out, it was stuck. I gave a bi of a pull and it broke the phone line off right at the plastic plugger-inner-thingy. The end was still in the back of the computer tower and the cord was no longer attatched. I do have another phone cord, but I want to move the computer into our room so our small tiny little livingroom will have more room. I just have to rearrange my room first, and that has been a challange since I've been working. Maybe today I can get it done, as I am at my Mom's right now. I hadto get measured for my TTD dress. Amy - That totally sucks about your butt. My sister burnt her butt in Mexico a few years ago when she was snorkling. Her butt was sticking out of the water and the sun got it! LOL!!! Michelle - Your shower pics look great. It looks like it was a lot of fun. Tara - Your welcome books came out great, and I agree about the jewellery. Wear whatever makes you feel like you! Celina - Two thumbs up to you for getting bunch of stuff done over the weekend. Is your MOH better about wedding stuff now? Well I have started my packing with the stuff that we won't be needed before we go. I can't believe how quickly it is coming up. Here are a couple pics I took lastnight of stuff. There is the fan how it will look with the program and also our cake topper. One pic of the cake topper without the light on and one with the light on.
happy hour : fun night
I weigh myself in the morning after I pee and before I eat or drink anything. I usually do it in my underwear though. The other day my first weight was in the AM like I normally do but then I was down in evening after eating throughout the day, and wearing a shirt too! I was excited, but I'm waiting until next week before I weigh myself again.
head : brain (this was more like a second thought! bad Erica!)
Lil boy break into zoo feeds animals to crocodile
EricaG replied to Jacqueline's topic in Random Thoughts
That is very disturbing. This kid needs some immediate intervention or he will be on of the next serial killers. I can't seem to wrap my head around the idea of a 7 year old being out on his own let alone breaking into a zoo! I hope his parents do get sued and I think that there should be something that happens to this kid. If they can't legally charge him, could they order him into therapy for lets say.......20+ year? Maybe that would help him get straightened out. -
Does it have to be your own wedding? LOL. We decided to start trying at our friends DW since they were going to start trying too. It took one shot for us and we now have a little guy running all over the place and getting into everything. We call him our little Cuban!! LOL We were thinking of trying for baby #3 in the Dominican after the wedding, but I wanted to fit into my dress for the AHR in March, and then my Mom booked a cruise for her, my little sister and I next Sept. I am not taking the kids and I don't want to be preggers since we are going to hit 6 flags in Cali afterwards, so the baby making is put on hold for another year. Maybe we can take an anniversary trip and make a baby then! Hmmmm!!! LOL
My youngest sister has passed...I want to cancel ceremony
EricaG replied to Indigo's topic in Just venting or funnies
I am so sorry to hear baout your loss. I couldn't imagine losing my sister, so it breaks my heart thinking of you losing yours. Like it has been said already, take a couple weeks to grieve before making any wedding decisions. Whatever you and your FI decide to do, don't worry about everyone elses or the $. If you feel that she would want you to continue with the wedding and you will be able to do so, maybe include her in the ceremony. If you don't think you will be able to go through with it right now, there is nothing wrong with postponing it. Don't forget that BDW is here for you if you need anything! -
snow white : apples
stories : Grandma
I just looked and I only have 4 more weekends to work before we go. I start my weekend tomorrow, and by Tues night/Wed morning I will only have 3 weekends left! Ahhh.....I just got butterflies thinking of it like that. I better get cracking and do some stuff around here today since this wekend will basically be shot.
Thanks for all your thoughts and input too. Although this started 2 years ago this Dec, for the past year it hasn't been too bad, but within the last couple months she has been having 1 'monster dream' almost every night and commenting on having them if she is in her bed. The funny thing is that if she is sleeping with me, she almost never has them, but sleeping with other people she will.
This morning I asked her if she could tell me what she saw in her 'monster dream' since she had another one this morning at about 6am. All she could say that I could understand was something about "pokey" "monster" and I think "tree". I know that these are normal for kids to have and they figure that it has something to do with their brains developing, which is why they usually grow out of them. Therapy may help, but medically there isn't much they can do. I guess jsut carry on with what we are doing. I wonder if lastnight wasn't worse because she can sense the tension everyone has around here with the murder and attack and then there wasa fire a block away lastnight, so the whole fire dept, the ambulance and a bunch of cops were flying passed and parked maybe a 100 yards away. Of course then this had half the town driving by because they are wondering what is going on and whether this creepy has been caught! Our quiet street was a zoo lastnight.
Hey there girls. As for tanning, I am going to do that too. I usually go about 6 times to get a base before going on tropical holidays and then I don't burn as easily. I think I might do a few more this time just because I will only have a couple days of sun before getting in my dress, so I would like to be a bit darker than my dress. LOL Michelle - I hope you can get your tan evened out alright, and WTG on the wedding stuff. So 2 bits of news on my end. First, my aunt's bone marrow test came back and the disease hasn't progressed, so she is still in the chronic stage. This is such good news, and now they aren't going to do chemo. As soon as they get the rest of the tests back, they will start her on an experimental medication which has been successful for 96% of the people that have taken it. It isn't a cure, as there isn't one, but it could put her in amost like a remission. This is the closest thing to a cure there is so far! Secondly, I got a phone call yesterday from Larry's brothers FI and she complained, and bitched, and whined enough that they are now coming!!!! Yesterday she was waiting for him to bring her the $ and then she was going to go book. Thank goodness she called yesterday, since Bay Days finished yesterday, so my MOH was able to go and get one more pair of pants before they shot back up to $65 rather than $30! Although, now I have to fix the welcome books. I am glad that I didn't have the 'Meet the Guests" section done yet, so I just had to print off 2 different pages again and make 2 more luggage tags.
laughter : humor
I am wondering if there is anyone that has had to deal with kids having night terrors? Here is my situation: My daughter is 3 1/2 and has been having night terrors for almost 2 years. When she has them, she wakes up crying and screaming and it is next to impossible to calm her down. She is unable to talk and if you ask her questions, she starts crying louder. They only thing I can do is to lay her back down, rub her head and back and softly talk to her telling her it is ok, that I'm there and to go back to sleep. Finally she falls asleep and usually that is it for the night. This happens almost every night, and usually once. When they first started they were happening several times a night, and she ended up sleeping with us for 8 months because of them. I think that she is scared to go to bed because of her "monster dreams" as she calls them. She is reallygood about going to bed for a few nights, but then it is suddenly a fight for about a week. She will have every excuse not to go to sleep and will finally say that if she goes to her bed she will have monster dreams! If I am in bed, she will want to sleep with me, and if I am in the livingroom, she will get her pillow ans blanket and bring them into the livingroom to sleep there. Lastnight she had 5 "monster dreams" and was so worked up that she was coughing and gagging! At 1:30am I told her she could go sleep in my bed, and I finally got her back to sleep at about 3am!!! I know that she should be out growing these soon and that they are common in young kids, but I'm wondering if there is anything that others found helpful when dealing with these?
I can't wait to see them next month in Edmonton. I saw them when they came 17 years ago!!! My MOH is taking my for my b-day present and she is so excited because she never got to go when they came last time. Nov 18th here I come!!!!!!!