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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. I am hoping that this is fake. I did hear about it, but didn't pay much attention to it because the source wasn't really credible. I guess we will know soon enough though.
  2. Glad to see you back Dez! It has been awhile, but I totally understand being busy and unable to log on for a bit. Hopefully things calm down for you soon and we will be able to have you around more often again.
  3. OMG! That is the last thing that you need to be worrying about right before having a baby. Glad to hear that he is alright. Those baby gates can be dangerous, just ask my Dad, LOL!!!!! Hope he gets the baby gate up safely now, and good luck tomorrow! Can't wait to see pics of Noah.
  4. Those look great!!!! Can't wait to see the rest of the pro pics. I love the TTD pics.
  5. Lisa - Sorry to hear about the surgery, but you are right about the fact that it is over now. Too bad it had to happen right before the wedding though. Steph - You look great in that dress. It won't be long until we get to see the wedding pics with you wearing it!!! Celina - Glad to hear you had a great time! Your make-up looks great too. Michelle & Amy - Both of your hair styles look great! So we didn't end up going paintballing on the weekend. It was really cold with a really strong wind, and then it started snowing. We decided it would be better to wait on the paintballing, so we went bowling instead. I took the kids with us and Hailey got 3rd in both games of the 10 pin bowling. She got to use this little ramp thing that she just pushed the ball down. Then we went back to my friends and watched a couple movies. My next shower is on the 8th, and I think there may be more of a party after that one.
  6. Good luck girls! It was a tough choice this month.
  7. My Aunt had leukemia, and although that was going well, she ended up with lymphoma as well, and by the time she had signs of it, she was already stage 4 and passed away less than a week later. As for my Nanny, she has CHF and her heart is slowly dying. She also has pneumonia on top of bad lungs to start with, so she isn't a candidate for any surgery. Celina - Have fun at you bach party tomorrow and make sure you get a pic of your cake. Tara - OMG!!!! I can' believe you are in the single digits now!
  8. I LOVE your slideshow! Your pics turned out so great and you look so beautiful and happy in them! Congrats!!!
  9. November 2008 Danielle & Derek: November 6, 2008 - Paradisus Palma Real PC Shelley & Jamie: November 6, 2008 - Dreams Punta Cana Camila & Louie... November 8, 2008 - Bahia Principe Punta Cana Amy & Jordan: November 12, 2008 - Gran Bahia Principe in Punta Cana Caitlin and Joe: November 14, 2008 - Dreams Punta Cana Kasia & Rob: November 17, 2008 - Majestic Colonial Louise & Brian: November 18, 2008 - Melia Caribe Tropical Anil & Pam: November 20, 2008 - Ocean Sand Jessica & Dominique: November 22, 2008 - Dreams Punta Cana Cassie & Brad: November 24, 2008 - EdenH Punta Cana Lucy & Tom: November 24, 2008 - Dreams Punta Cana Shelley & Dave: November 25, 2008 - Dreams Punta Cana Erica & Larry: November 30, 2008 - Grand Palladium Palace December 2008 Miriam & Herman: December 5th, 2008 - Bavaro Princess, Punta Cana Taude & Jay: December 10, 2008 - Iberostar Bavaro, Punta Cana Tracy & John: December 11, 2008 - Melia Caribe Tropical Kyle & Daina: December 12, 2008 - Dreams Punta Cana January 2009 Jelena and Bojan: January 3, 2009 - EdenH Arena Michael and Nicole: January 8, 2009 - EdenH Real Arena Heidi & Derek: January 10, 2009 - Colony Bay Resort Punta Cana Erin & Martin: January 13, 2009 - EdenH Real Arena Lindsay & Jamie : January 28, 2009 - Grande Palladium Bavaro Chantal & Sheldon: January 30, 2009 - Dreams Punta Cana February 2009 Michele & Jo: February 18, 2009 - Edenh Real Arena Theresa & Stan: February 20, 2009 - Excellence Punta Cana March 2009 Carmen and Donovan: March 19, 2009 - EdenH Real Arena Nuc Med Bride & FI: March 19, 2009 - Gran Bahia Principe April 2009 Kim & Chris: April 4, 2009 - Dreams Punta Cana Raquel & Dominick: April 17, 2009 - Paradisus Punta Cana Nancy & Kenny - April 23, 2009 - Majestic Colonial Punta Cana Brittany and Jay: April 23rd (I think) - Occidental Grand Michelle & Jeff: April 24, 2009 - Meliá Caribe Tropical DRBride2009: April 24, 2009 - Meliá Caribe Tropical Aliya & Joey: April 24, 2009 - Riu Palace, Punta Cana May 2009 Shawn & Jeremy: May 2009 - Punta Cana (Still deciding on resort) Karen & Anthony: May 2009 - Grand Palladium Bavaro Punta Cana Yadira & Alexander: May 2, 2009 - Dreams Punta Cana Jennifer & Eliu: May 3, 2009 - Paradisus Palma Real Jennifer & Zac: May 10, 2009 - Paradisus Palma Real jhildebr: May 11, 2009 - Majestic Elegance Jennifer & Adam: May 11, 2009 - Paradisus Punta Cana Meagan & Jeff: May 15, 2009 - Dreams Punta Cana Jessica & Omar: May 22, 2009 - Paradisus Punta Cana Kristen & Craig May 22, 2009 - Paradisus Punta Cana Velvet & James May 8, 2009 - Riu Palace Punta Cana June 2009 melnb & FI: June '09 - Paradisius FYB87 & FI: June '09 - Resort undecided Krysta & Andy: June 19th, 2009 - Riu Palace Macao Summer 2009 FutureMrsRust & FI - Summer 2009 - Resort Undecided July 2009 Amber & Seth: July 2, 2009 - Excellence Punta Cana Nadia & Julian: July 3, 2009 - Excellence Punta Cana Jenn & Chris: July 31, 2009 - Riu Palace, Punta Cana August 2009 Shannon & Rich: August 5, 2009 - Dreams Punta Cana September 2009 Clare & Ross: September 7, 2009 - Ocean Blue (date to be confirmed) Chris & Martin: September 9, 2009 - Ocean Blue (date to be confirmed) Kristy & Vince: September 19, 2009 - Dreams Punta Cana October 2009 Jeannie & Jorge: October 10, 2009 - Dreams Punta Cana Jen & Dave: October 10, 2009 - Majestic Colonial Punta Cana November 2009 Veronica & Paul: November 5, 2009 - Majestic Colonial Punta Cana Keltie & Kyle: November 10, 2009- Riu Palace Macao Kelly & Dustin: November 10, 2009- Riu Mambo Puerto Plata Leslie & Gerry: November 16, 2009- Majestic Colonial December 2009 Julie and Rob: December 4, 2009 - Grand Palladium Punta Cana January 2010 Nicole & Michael: January 23, 2010 - Bavaro Princess
  10. Hey there everyone! So glad to see that the weight loss has been going so well. I know that I am disqualified now but that is alright. I have been gone due to a death in the family and now another family member is very sick and not likely to ever go homw again if she survives. Although I haven't lost any more weight during the past 2 weeks, I am happy to say with all the stress, lack of sleep and eating out/weird meal times, I haven't gained any weight. If you don't mind, I would still like to be part of the group without being a part of the group anymore. I am hoping to lose a few more lbs in the coming weeks, and could use the great support here.
  11. Hey there everyone! I am back, at least for right now. I have had a crazy past few weeks. I don't even remember when the last time I posted was and what I said anymore. If I repeat myself, I'm sorry. So I went to the city to be with my Aunt while she passed away, and the day that she passed, my Nanny ended up in the hospital over night for her heart. By the time we got there to visit her, she was already gone.....and at the casino! We came home for a couple days while we got some fresh clothes and stuff and headed down to where my Aunt lived so we could help my Uncle and cousins prepare for the funeral. The funeral was on Sat and Fri night while we were eating supper we got the call that Nanny was in the hospital again, but this time unresponsive and in the city. After the funeral we headed to the city to she her, and by the time we got there, she was awake, but loopy!!! She is not the same woman at all. Then the next day she had another unresponsive episode during the day, so we planned to go back in on Mon. When we got there, we found out that they did 6 mins of CPR before shoking her and getting her back on Sun night! Now she is loopy and in a lot of pain. Now I am home and finally got my internet working for the moment. I head into the city today for paintballing tomorrow, so I will post pics on Sun or Mon depending on my internet connection. Michelle - Great planning thread! I just picked up our sand ceremony on the way home the other day and it is the same as yours! Celina - Glad to hear that your dress is going to work out in the end! Can't wait to see pics without the girls being hidden so much LOL. I can't wait to get rid of some of mine, but I am waiting until we are done having kids first. Tara - Your dress looks so great on you! Flourescent lights don't do anything justice, can't wait to see the hot sun shining on it! I can't belive how much I missed out on! Wow it has been awhile.
  12. Everything looks so great Michelle!!! I can't believe the time has come already.
  13. We are getting married right on the beach. There is a group of 25 for our wedding too. We aren't looking to book the private room, but may have the reception on the beach as well, and then it is surrounding with palm fronds for privacy. As for the cheaper wedding costs if you have the private reception, I can't see it. I think the costs for the private reception is over and above the cost of the wedding.
  14. So I am a my Mom's and we are having our Thanksgiving supper tonight. Both my Mom and I can barely talk and laugh at each other when we try talking. Thank you everyone! We are doing alright right now. Her funeral is on Sat so we are heading down on Thurs afternoon to help get everything ready. My aunt from BC is flying in on Thurs as well and then we are having a family supper on Fri. So obviously I didn't get anything done wedding related, and it won't happen this weeken either. Next weekend is going to be a right off as well as it is my bach party. We are going paintballing, then supper, then who knows. Either to the bar or just back to my MOH's house. I am excited for that, even more now with everything that has happened. I got a phone call today to say that our sand ceremony is in. My Mom got it for me as a shower gift. I will pick it up when we go in for my bach party.
  15. We have been taking pics of the dress in progress but it will be a day or two before I can post them. We got a phone call yesterday that my auntie wasn't doing well so we rushed into the city to see her. My mom and I spent the night with her lastnight to keep her comfortable and after all the family came and said goodbye she passed away. We are in the city for the night tonight and heading home tomorrow. On the way we have to stop and see my nanny because she was admitted to the hospital today too! Happy thanksgiving I guess! I am very thankful for lastnight with my auntie though! I would never trade it for the world!!!
  16. So the lining is done on my TTD dress, and now she is downstairs sewing the chiffon on it. All the material for the dress cost a total of $44! That is so insane. While I am typing here, I am also dancing to Raffi!!!! When I was little, I had a Raffi record, and now my Mom got the kids the same one but on CD! "Down by the bay....."
  17. I can't to do our TTD session, especially after seeing all the HOT! pics. I don't think that we are that sexy, but we can try. I have told him about the TTD and he is fine with it.
  18. I really liked the dance that Vincent & Lisa did the other night. Edyta - She did awesome as well. Maybe if I kept up with dance I could've had a body like hers rather than letting it get to wear it is now! LOL
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