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Everything posted by EricaG

  1. I've been so busy with working extra shifts and moving in between them that I haven't had a lot of Y&R time lately. When I do get a chance, it isn't even for a full episode. Hopefully I can get a full one in today. It starts in 15 mins and Justin is sleeping!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by sararae92 The wedding was beautiful! Congratulations! I've been thinking about this resort for a few weeks now and I think that this is where we're going to have our May 22,2010 wedding, granted they aren't booked already. Not too many brides have posted reviews but the ones that are posted are great and thank your for all the detailed info. I was wondering what you paid for the photo package (with video, too) through Photo Souvenir? If you don't feel like sharing I totally understand... thank you!! I totally recommend this resort. It is soooo beautiful. Anyways, the photo package was about $1600 US I believe. She gave up over and above what we were supposed to get, and we felt like we were getting a steal. Everything they did and gave us was worth more than what we paid! I completely recommend them as well!!!
  3. Hehehehe! It looks like we are getting more people coming over to our side Susan! They finally see the light! LOL
  4. Great review! Glad you enjoyed the resort as much as we did. I noticed that you were able to choose things from the different menus. We were told we could choose things from one menu only! Another difference is with the bouquets. I was able to upgrade ours and they didn't have lilies. Here is a pic of our bouquets we were offered
  5. He has been told that I don't trust him anymore, and that that trust is going to take a long time to build up again, even if he gets his act together. He knows I want nothing more than friendship right now as long as he stays sober, and that if pigs start flying and we get back together, it won't be for years of him proving himself. He also knows that I am not out looking for a new man, but that I am not going to sit around and wait for him to get his life in order.
  6. So I guess I will be seeing those on the day before! I am so excited!!!
  7. So Larry is out and will be staying at his Mom's for awhile. His brother may have gotten him a job up in Grande Prairie, so at least he will be working and can help me with the bills and kids. I guess he talked to his Dad and told him that this wasn't my fault, and that he had no right to treat me that way. There is one big step in a long journey for him to get better. He has not been one to take responsibility for his actions and would blame it on this and that or someone else. He still isn't allowed home and I dropped a bag of clothes off for him out by the van so he could pick them up. I just hope that the choices and changes that he has made in the last 10 days will last a life time for him. I still care for him and want the best for him, but hopefully that isn't going to jail again for his choices.
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