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Everything posted by Jen_S

  1. Janet your pictures are awesome looks like a wonderful day!!! I agree you could still probably bring in a photographer as a guest I did the same thing, we brought 2 photographers from Nashville and it was a much better deal then hiring the resort photographer, plus we were able to get more images then we could from the resort. If you do hire the resort photographer find out if you can order prints later or do you have to make you selection while you are there. I found now as time went on I like different pictures.
  2. Our niece was our fg and she was 2.5 at the wedding she did fine walking down the aisle. We practiced at her house whenever I saw her and right before we walked down we told her to start throwing the flowers when she got to the chairs (bc the beach was long) and she stood in one spot and dropped all her flowers it was adorable!!!
  3. I believe the price of the legal wedding is included in your wedding package and I understand it is very easy. We decided last minute to get married at home because our town would still require a receremony and it turned out to be cheaper for us to do the legal at home and then the vow renewal in Mexico.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by swankster77 Yay! It's official... June 12, 2010! Paloma assigned me to Jazmin... she said not to contact her until 3 months prior... not sure if I can wait that long! One thing I found odd... she required no money down, no contract to sign or anything. She said everything would be charged to my room when I check in on June 8. I hope this is for real! This is for real!!! You will get your bill prior to checking out.
  5. We did our thank you at the cocktail reception after our dances with our parents our the other speeches were also done during the cocktail reception, we let them choose when the best time for them was.
  6. Wow how exciting your weddings are almost here!!! I hope you have a blast!!!!! Enjoy every minute of it!
  7. I would think any jeweler who repairs jewelry can do it. We had my wedding band made to custom match my ering you may find that it is cheaper then you would think to have one custom made for you.
  8. We used flowers from our ceremony (1 was free and the other 3 were $40 each) We had 4 tables so our WC moved them from the ceremony to the reception and then guests that were going to stay a couple of days longer took them to their room. I also brought candle holders to put on the tables.
  9. Congrats to all the new couples getting married here!!!!
  10. Oh I am sorry to hear you had a bad experience I ordered a bunch of stuff from them and had a good experience. However, all my items were not on backorder.
  11. I also agree the pictures of the flowers the resort sent were not very impressive. What I did was find flowers that I liked and I would send them to my WC until I found flowers that were priced just right. I loved my flowers they were exactly what I wanted bright and tropical with a splash of white. The flowers were very fresh. Here are pictures of our flowers: Brides - Free - MOH $35 - JR BM - $15 - Flowers for ceremony and then used as centerpieces $40 -
  12. mexicana bride welcome! if you stick to this diet you will be able to get that dress on with no problem. jstinemari you are probably at the most difficult part only a couple more days the 2nd week is really good because the days start to switch for you, having a piece of fruit not is a treat!
  13. Lisa Congrats on the weight loss that is awesome. I agree you should totally buy your FI a doughnut so he has one on your cheat day!! Kristy I have to say this is a pretty easy diet you and your hubby should give it a try. I really like it!!!
  14. Congrats!! That is awesome! Your new home looks very cozy!!
  15. LOL that is too funny! I am going to have to have one now!!
  16. Thank you everyone for the big congrats I am just so excited to be a mom it is going to be awesome! Makes me really want to loose that 15lbs now so I can keep up with him :0) Lisa that is a funny but sad story about the doughnut your poor man! Hopefully they have them the next time. Talk about dedication you got sugar free cough syrup! You are going to kick ass on this diet if you thought about that.
  17. Thanks everyone we are so excited this is going to be an awesome experience. Now watch I will get prego right away lol which would be amazing.
  18. Congrats to all you new mommies and mommies to be!!! All the babies are so beautiful. I have been stalking this thread for awhile because DH and I have been TTC for only about a month now, but on Friday I will become a Mommy. We are adopting a 1 year old little boy, this all began only 2 weeks ago (my head is still spinning) when my DH 2nd cousin was looking for someone to adopt their grandson and we said we would love to, so we hired a lawyer and have started the adoption process. I am so excited and nervous it is going to be awesome. We are still TTC so who knows what the next couple of months will bring, right now I feel so blessed. If anyone has any advise for a 1 year old I can use all the advise I can get.
  19. Congrats to everyone who lost weight this week! Whoo Hoo! We are all gonna be hot mammas as if we aren't already!! Lisa that is a good cheat day, don't be scared of you next one just eat smaller sizes. Well I am onto week 2 I lost 4lbs last week and I do have to say I did cheat Thursday and Friday night I had a couple of drinks bc DH and I just found out we are adopting a 1 year baby boy and will be getting him on Friday!!! So I had a couple of drinks to celebrate so I was very happy to still have a weight loss.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by nikki&owen wow this thread has been so informative. I am booking my wedding at GBP tulum in Feb 2011 and am looking into doing the dinner and reception pool side. It sucks that it can only go until 10:30 though. Does anyone know if it gets cool at night in Feb? I was wondering if I should move my date if I want to do the dinner outside? Did anyone else get married there in feb - april. I am wondering if I have to be worried about the spring break crowd? We got married on Feb 28 and the weather was perfect!!! We did the dancing outside and it was a perfect night.
  21. Wow some weight loss this week I also am a scale addict and I also lost 3.5 lbs. I have to also say this diet is much easier then I thought the only thing I really miss is fruit I can not wait to have it next week. Lisa how exciting you have almost completed 3 weeks and get another cheat day enjoy tha blizzard!!
  22. Well I completed my first day and so far so good I did not feel hungry. This is what I had: breakfast - 2 egg whites with cheese, 1/2 cup of coffee snack - piece of chicken lunch - can of tuna with a little mayo & veggies snack - cheese for a snack dinner - ribs with salad with oil and ving. I did not have protein shake last night bc the store was out of the mix so I bought one this morning at shoprite the same as finzup but in choc. Has anyone tracked the calories they ate? I did and yesterday I only had around 1000 calories so I think I need to eat some higher calorie stuff plus my shake will push up I want to eat at least 1200 calories so my body does not think I am in starvation mode.
  23. Wow you gals are doing so great congrats!!! Kathy how long have you been on the diet.. well life style change as I like to call it? I have officially started I hope I get the great results like the two of you!
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