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Everything posted by Jen_S

  1. We did the symbolic wedding and they had us sign during the ceremony we did not ask they just did it.
  2. Jenn & Kat your babies are adorable. I love Finns hair and Ahslyn looks so happy!
  3. Been awhile since I have checked in I am loving all the nurserys, baby names, bumps and new adorable baby picts!!!
  4. Congrats the puppy is too cute!!!
  5. We went to Valentin Imperaial Maya for my birthday it is adults only and we had the best time! Valentin Imperial Maya ~ Riviera Maya
  6. I went off BC in July and it took until about September for a regular cycle. My dr also told me when you come off the BCP you are pretty fertile so if you come off a couple of months prior to wanting to get prego just be careful around your O time.
  7. Whoa I did not know about the sperm being 6 months old. I also agree with the other girls start to know your cycle so when the time comes you will have a good understanding of your cycle. DH and I knew we wanted to try in Sept. but I never thought to really look into it much prior to July when I went off BCP. I also highly recommend fertilityfriend.com a lot of useful information on there. Good Luck when you are ready!!
  8. I am not sure she will ever get her stuff together so at this point it is in the hands of the court I just want what is best for him he is an amzing little guy!! Kat and Carly I got your message and added you as a friend!!!
  9. I tried to add you as my friend but I have not figured it out yet lol!! My user name is Jen_S if you have figured it out. Yeah it was very unexpected we went to a my DH 2nd cousins house and they had their grandchild living there because the mother was unable to take care of him so they were looking for a home for him so we said we would adopt him that was in July and by the end of August he was living with us. We always laugh saying we wanted to TTC in September but instead we got a 1 year old. We go to court next week the birth mother now wants him back so we will have to see what happens.
  10. Thanks Kat what did you find to be the best tool on FF?
  11. Oh Carly I did not know I am sorry for the ectopic pregnancy that has to be tough. I am sending you baby wishes!!!! Kat Congrats you baby is beautiful!!!! Amazing how many old members of this thread are now mommies!!! Yes he has been living with us since August and I just love him he is just amazing. Makes me want another one I guess timing is everything! FF is great I just signed up for the paid membership last night wow a confusing site at first, but so much great info.
  12. I agree a great season. They all look so great!!! I can not believe how much weight they all lost then I yell at myself for just sitting and watching lol!!! I agree about Rebecca's hair I did not recognize her. Very glad that Tracy did not win she is shady but I guess it is a game. That is awesome they found love on the show!!!
  13. I thought I would bump this thread. Very exciting to see how many TTC have become mommies!!! Congrats! A lot has happened since my last post we started the adoption process of a 1 year old little boy and we are still TTC. I begun using FF for the past two months. Just checking how others were making out.
  14. I hate to say it but the bottom of my dress was filthy after the wedding. We got married on the beach and had a poolside reception. I did do the TTD and the dress was so clean after the session. After the session and just put the dress in the show to rinse and it was really clean.
  15. If I had to do it over again I would not of had a bridal party and just had it be me and my dh!
  16. Yes my group a tipped and they were able to get what they wanted. Others chose to walk to the lobby bar and get a glass full of in our case tequila (they wanted top shelf) so they could do shots, but I bet you could get glasses of Vodka and bring them out the lobby bar at the Akumal section was close to the pool side.
  17. I do not think she planned to get pregnant to over shadow your wedding. You are about to be a Aunt you should be excited for her and for the rest of your new family! My brother and his girlfriend got pregnant while we were planning our wedding and she was due 2 months before our wedding we celebrated the pregnancy and the birth of our new nephew she and the baby were unable to attend the wedding but my brother came to celebrate us. As for her saying negative things I think you should talk about them with her, trust me you will hold it in and it is better to get it off your chest now. Good Luck!
  18. Yes I would push hard to get it all sorted out now I also had printed timelines that had to go in the trash and I the joke with all our guests is where and when is the wedding because every time we left a meeting our WC would find us and tell us there was another problem with what he just picked.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyG I'd like to add fragrance so when you remove the cork it smells like beach (or coconut, etc). Anyone know where to buy these oils? We did coconut in ours and we got out ours at a flea market but I bet you could find them at Michaels or Walmart. Our guests said that really made the invitations because it reminded them of the beach!
  20. Welcome QTPie!!! Susie I would talk to the WC again about having more then 1 wedding a day I believe each resort can do up to 4 a day. Make sure the two of you express what you really want so you are disappointed when you get there, our wedding was bumped even though we were the first couple to book the date because our WC booked a bigger wedding at the same time and location we got bumped because we had the smaller group, I would really try to clear it all up now because our WC ended up wasting 2 of our vacation days planning and moving our wedding.
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