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Everything posted by Jen_S

  1. Jen_S

    New here...

    Welcome and congrats!
  2. I would love to do it but I have to travel to Australia for 2 weeks returning on the 16th so I will miss some weigh ins is that ok?
  3. These are all great ideas. My FH loves watches and I buy him a lot not sure I want to get him another one hmm maybe the photos!
  4. oh great i might do that instead of trying to bring everything down.
  5. cute ideas i am just not sure how we are going to get it all down to Mexico!
  6. Yes I did bootcamp, I am just glad I lived through it!!
  7. I have my date booked but can not get any other information from the WC. She sent me a email to pick where we want dinner and that was about 2 mo. ago and I can not get response, so I don't know if our Italian rest. is booked? On another note does anyone know if they offer centerpieces if so what they look like or should we bring our own?
  8. Welcome we are get married in Mexico at Gran Bahia Akumal. We are gonna do a wedding on the beach and the site is beautiful!!! Good Luck!
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