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Everything posted by Jen_S

  1. I did mine about 10 months before the wedding so it was doen for our STD which we sent out 9 months before the wedding.
  2. Congrats and welcome!!
  3. We picked a affordable resort which is made up of 3 resorts so guests have the option of where to stay. In our STD we only sent info on the resort we are getting married at. When we talk to people about the wedding we tell them all we have planned and they actually want to stay at the same resort since everyone will be there.
  4. Yeah it does stink. The dress I fell in love with has bust lines so it can only be taken in two sizes maybe 3. I found the dress about 2 months ago paid for it but asked them not to put the order in since I knew I wanted to loose about 20 more lbs. I lost enough that I would fit into the next size and actully only needed 2 more inches to get down one more size. Now I need to decide if I should buy the one I now fit it which is smaller then when I paid for it or buy the one that I was only 2 inches away from getting in before the foot accident. I would really hate to be told I can not loose any more weight because the dress will not be able to be altered. I am kind of leaning towards ordering the smaller since I am only 2 inches away and the wedding is not for 9 months but I am also nervous what if it does not fit.
  5. Congrats! We are getting married there next Feb.
  6. Congrats! I am also getting married in Feb! I am sure you will get some great info on here.
  7. Sorry it did not turn out the way you wanted. I do not think it looks bad.
  8. Welcome! I just got back from a trip to Au it was great!
  9. Your dress is so pretty! My mom surprised me too and bought mine also so sweet!!!!
  10. I broke my foot on Sunday so I am very limited I am sad I had a great routine at the gym with boot camp, spin, kickboxing and weights. I have a dress fitting to order my dress on June 2nd so I am bumed out. I needed to loose 3 more inches to order the next size down dress.
  11. I am curious too we are trying to decide on our photographer and the TTD is really important since it looks like a lot of fun!
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