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Everything posted by Jen_S

  1. Please yes update it that would be great because she did make good on it. I am not going to take her up on the offer I live almost 3 hours away and I know she is going through some stuff and I do not feel I need to get a free shoot I just wanted my money back.
  2. I am happy to write that Danielle has given me my full deposit back and she has offered to give me a free BD session.
  3. Looks like a awesome place!!! Congrats on setting your date!
  4. Thanks everyone! Yes she was banned right after I sent her the deposit it did send up a flag but I thought she runs a business she would be honest guess not! I am going to contact the BBB because I just think this is a poor way to conduct business. This has not left a bad taste on getting BD pictures don I am thinking maybe for our anniversary.
  5. This makes me really sad to have to write this review but I feel obligated as reviews have really helped me make many of my wedding decisions, it was because of this site that I heard of BD photos and Danielle Durie and I do not want any to go through the disappointment that I have. I began contact with Danielle Durie on July 21, 2008 when I saw she was doing a BDW Group BD session. The shoot was $600 and it included: 2 Session Hair and Make up CD of edited printable Photoshopped Images $150 Credit towards prints or boudoir album I had seen her work on here and felt comfortable using her based on what I had read. 3 months leading up to the shoot Danielle asked for a 50% deposit so I gladly sent her the $300 on September 3, 2008 and my shoot was scheduled for 2pm on Nov 29th (the Saturday after Thanksgiving) I was so excited my hubby was going to love it, we were not spending the night before our wedding so I thought it would perfect to give it to him after our welcome dinner. All was good the week leading up to the shoot I emailed Danielle and we were still on. My girlfriend was going to come with me for the ride since the shoot was in Philly and I live 2 ½ hours away I checked my emails and found a email from Danielle on Thanksgiving night explaining that two of the other girls could not make the shoot and it was not in the budget to do me alone so she asked if I would be ok with rescheduling until January as that was when she was planning on doing another group session. I said sure as long as you promise to have my BD book to be by the 22nd of Feb (since we were leaving on the 24th for Mexico) she said no problem and that for not cancelling she would throw in the book for free I thought great gives me more time to workout and I will save money on the book and my hubby would absolutely love it! Danielle emailed me on Jan 3rd to see how my scheduled looked for the month and would I be able to do a session on Jan 24th? I told her my bachelorette party and shower were on the 24th the 31st would work better but if that was cutting it too close I would do it the 25th at 9:30 am she said no problem she could do it on the 31st and that she had the perfect location for 40s pinup. I had previously explained that I wanted to do some 40-style pictures since my hubby wanted to get a tattoo of me on his ribs dressed in 40s style and since his 30th bday was coming I thought I would pay for the tattoo so I thought jackpot two gifts in one! Well on January 30th (the night before the shoot) I get a email from Danielle saying she is sorry but when she called to confirm the location for the next day they misunderstood the date and put her down for the following Sunday Feb 8th at 4pm, we had a function we had to be at on Feb 8th and it was so close to the wedding as we were leaving a little over a week later I told her I was unable to do that date and sadly the shoot was not going to happen I asked her to please send me my deposit and she said no problem. Well here it is now the end of June and I still have not received my deposit. I have sent Danielle numerous emails and she kept saying she forgot and will get it right out to me. I still would not receive the money so I would wait a bit then send it to her again I then emailed her again and she said she was having financial problems and could she send me $150 that day via paypal (on May 28th) and another $150 the following week on June 5th I said sure no problem. So here we are now it is June 19th and still nothing. I was very disappointed I did not have a gift to give my hubby and I had bought all these cute outfits for the shoot that did not to happen but then not to get my deposit back is horrible. I don’t want anyone to get excited to give a gift and then to be disappointed and on top of it have to pay for it.
  6. Awww that is beautiful!!!! Gave me the chills. I love the star wars line!!! He is going to melt.
  7. I also think you can still have the feel of a traditional wedding just with the ocean, sand and dancing under the stars!!!! (aww makes me want to go back right now and live that day again) I have not been to ROR but our wedding dinner was delicious and our guests loved it. We still had our speeches and there was a lot of dancing for 32 people the dance floor was always filled. I think what you are feeling is common and if you can sit down and say having a DW is what you and your FI really want and you can live with the guests who can and cant come then you can fit in all the traditions you want.
  8. I think you and your guests have a better chance of getting swine flu in NJ then in Mexico today in the Daily Record a little boy age 10 from Sussex County died at Morristown Memorial (so sad) and New Jersey has had 415 confirmed cases of H1N1 influenza in 19 counties. An additional 252 probable cases are pending testing in the state lab. Here is the link: 10-year-old boy dies in Morristown | dailyrecord.com | Daily Record
  9. I also voted enough of them I can not believe what they did on I'm a celebrity!
  10. I also use to not take my cat to the vet because he was an indoor cat and had reactions to shots but then we got a dog and took him and he had the beginning signs of PD they did a good cleaning and now I give him medicine whenever his gums are getting a bit red. Good Luck I am sure they will be able to help him just remember after all the cleanings and such to always keep an eye on it.
  11. I also think both styles would look great with the dress. Sorry you missed the one though they will have more I am sure. I wore a cathedral veil I made it myself so it was the perfect length. I loved it and it did not bother me at all that day. I had my moh stand on the end during the ceremony so it worked perfect.
  12. Wow your dress looks amazing!! Your aunt is so talented!!! Good Luck tonight!
  13. Congrats! You look beautiful! Looks like a great wedding.
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