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Everything posted by Jen_S

  1. That is a great idea. You could put in your vows or a quote from your ceremony.
  2. My DH asked my mom (since my dad has passed) and showed her the ring he actually did it the night before my mom and I were going on a vacation for a week, wow can she keep a secret!
  3. Congrats sounds like the perfect wedding!!!
  4. My hubby wore a ivory suit with a black shirt and he looked great. I think if you think he looks best in black then let him wear black.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda Started laughing at myself but eventually, weirdly, it seemed normal to lunge around. I actually have osgood-schlatters and when I was young i had it bad and prevented my growth plates from growing correctly i guess so running is just a little too intense for me. A short jog is ok, but i'd rather just fast pace walk, and lunge around the house HAHAHA! Lol I always do lunges while I am getting ready in the am. I brush my teeth while lunging I blow dry my hair while lunging, it just does not seem right to not lunge and get ready any longer.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren oh, we're neighbors! i'm in morris township. My name is Jen by the way and wow we are neighbors who knew!!
  7. Rachel why not do easy crock pot dishes you just throw the food in the pot and your good to go. You can make a lot of healthy options. What I do because I tend to get into a routine and make the same things is get a good cook book or google and find some easy ideas. I agree just make a couple small changes and it will help.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren jkcz (sorry, don't know your name), they had it at my stop and shop, but i know you can always find it at trader joes or whole foods. where in nj are you? Cool I am going to try it. I am in Lake Hopatcong where are you?
  9. Quinoa I never heard of it I like trying new things I am going to have to try it. Rachel - do you hate to cook or just that you only cook a couple of things, have you tried taking a cooking class? County colleges usually offer them so does Shoprite at least the one by me.
  10. Weight is such a pia! I have also done well with WW when I really stick to it, I like th flexibility of it. Right before the wedding DH and I ordered Nutri System YUCK!! The food was horrible. I would not suggest eating the frozen WW meals for lunch and dinner they have a loads of sodium. I have not tried this diet Skinny Switch Secret but I saw a commercial on it and was impressed, there was another one too based on the glycemic index but I have not been able to find the site.
  11. Congrats on finding your dress it is beautiful!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Scubadiva You do it everyday? Ive been running and working out just need to tighten up a bit more Does it help the crater butt also?? hehehe I do the video every other day but when I go downstairs and I see I jump on it for a little bit. The video is a mix of 1 min on the machine 1 min lunge the nit ends with some ab work. Here is a link to it Buy Leg Magic - Leg Magic Tightens and Tones Leg Muscles Faster Than You Thought Possible I think I have seen it in Bed Bath and Beyond then you can use a 20% discount.
  13. The session is maybe 20 minutes and your legs get a pretty good burn. After about 2 weeks doing it often I began seeing results. I have a friend who is a dance teacher and she told me about it and she never raves about exercise equipment.
  14. Congrats welcome back! You look amazing your pictures are stunning.
  15. The leg magic machine is awesome! When I use it I see great results.
  16. Congrats what a great review! Your wedding looked amazing you did a great job pulling it all together!!!
  17. I would check with your county. We got married in Mexico and our county required a renewal ceremony and the fee was $150 to make it legal here so we decided to get married at the courthouse prior to leaving because between the county fees and the difference in the legal and vow renewal we saved around $1500.
  18. Your dress is stunning and those earrings are going to look awesome!
  19. I agree I would not change my location unless you really wanted to. My FI and I were going to elope 2 years before we got married to Vegas it was spur of the moment and I wanted our immediate family to come his mom said no because it was raining so we went and planned a wedding in Mexico and she was not coming until 1 month before the wedding. So plan what you want those who really want to be there will. Good Luck!!!
  20. Oh its beautiful!!! I really like it with the bands. That is too funny its like the one you ripped out.
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