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Everything posted by MoonPalacePookie

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel "Sometimes me think what is love, and then me think love is what last cookie is for. Me give up the last cookie for you."- Cookie Monster Oh I love Cookie Monster, what a man (creature-thing), this quote is the cutest thing ever. I stole it as my Myspace saying.
  2. Will you know for sure in two weeks if you're doing it? Seems like a big thing to find out at the last minute, you dont have much time left. Oooh I hope you make it, it will be so cool.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Ok first- I love the booze table. Are those pitchers just full of juices or is that some kind of yummy mixed drinks? The teacups are so cute. What the heck are you going to do with them all? LOL I'm glad you had fun. The pitchers are full of red and white wine sangria, so yummy. The cups will stay in the kitchen for a while and I might get a little cabinet to display them later.
  4. My super cool bride glass, no tea for me: The teacups displayed in my kitchen: My pinata filled with candy I can't eat because I have a wedding in 4 weeks (they're good too, Starburst, Skittles and Reese's) The pinata is going to be in trouble after I come back from my wedding:
  5. This does give me an idea, I would love to see FMIL locked away in Mexican jail. What a great wedding present, maybe I'll have her carry a "package" home for me. I'm going to have to do a vent about this woman one of these days.
  6. I had my shower over the weekend and wanted to share some pictures. My MOH did an awesome job of getting everything organized. The theme was tea party and everyone brought a teacup that represented their personality, so I ended up with like 25 different teacups, its great. Here are some of the pictures: Of course the alcohol cart first: My co-workers and my MOH (I'm in the black dress in the center, she is to the right), my mom likes to wait until people move to take pictures, so they're all a bit blurry: Some friends (that's my head behind the dessert stand) That's me getting ready to play the "How Well Do I Know My Groom" game, turns out, not at all, because he doesn't know himself. I only got 2 answers right and about 20 wrong, and every time I got a question wrong, I got a piece of gum (super sugary, instant sugar coma gum, eeewwww). Toilette paper brides, my team won (I had 2 floral designers on my team) Opening gifts, no ribbons were broken during this process (though I did not know about the rule until the next day). If you dont know, supposedly the number of ribbons you break predicts how many kids you'll have.
  7. My FI loves Nat Geo and we have watched Locked Up Abroad a couple of times. Its not really scary if you consider that these people make a rational decision to bring "packages" back with them. Its not really like Bridget Jones' Diary where its someone you know or someone puts it in your luggage like Rachel said, mostly its just kids trying to make some money, they should just know better, no one is going to pay you money to do something innocent.
  8. There are a bunch of compilation albums out there that have all the songs everyone knows. Here's a couple: Russian Collection 1985-2000 (2 CD Set) ·ÒÕ×ÔÃëÕ Ôãíâë - °ÛÛà ¿ãÓÃçÕÒÃ
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Shay2679 I think it is great going there...but what about on the way home? Do you have a portable shrinker thingy!? The bag has one of those holes on it, that if you press on it, it lets the air out. You unscrew a cap and hold the button thingy down and roll the bag to get all of the air out. It actually works pretty well without a vacuum (though not as quick).
  10. Oh how cool, I'm so excited for you, hope you get picked, can't wait for the update. BDW would explode their ratings, we would all tune in to watch.
  11. Privet, I'm also Russian, I dont have any good music and we're doing English and Mexican music for the wedding. There is a great website for buying Russian CDs online, its RussianDVD.com - Russian DVD and Russian music store. They have all kinds of music and they let you listen to the whole album. I usually just listen to it at work. Hope this helps.
  12. Well, I bought everything on Saturday but didn't get the chance to make the soup. Will do that tonight and start tomorrow, can't wait.
  13. How totally selfish of me, I write a book and never ask you how your planning is going, you only have 3 days more than me. Bad Pookie.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by ntanzob This picture gives you a good idea of how some of them are (right by the retainer wall) - I think there are only a couple that are just a little farther away. Do you remember that Pookie? I am not sure we can go wrong whereever we end up - the best of both worlds like Pookie said. I know Lake Terrace is pretty far from the wall and the beach. Its one of those terraces that you cross when you walk between buildings. I'm using that for my reception and I dont really care, its just so beautiful everywhere. Quote: Originally Posted by ntanzob Hey Pookie - How is the planning coming? You are right around the corner! Are you really excited yet? Five weeks, but who's counting, right. My big problem recently has been trying to figure out a way to bring everything with me. I have a bunch of vases for my centerpieces and dont want to check them. All of our suitcases are either too small to pack all of the glass or too big to carry-on. So we gave up and bought Office Depot file boxes. They're 24x15x10, so they might be a tad big for a carry-on, but we're hoping we'll make it. The cool thing is we are leaving all this stuff in Mexico, so we dont have an empty suitcase to lug home. Other than the packing issues and still having 4 people who can't make up their mind about coming (including FI's mom), I'm so excited, I wish it was July already. I'm having my bridal shower tomorrow, so I'll have pictures on Monday. Also, Nicole, we're having our rehearsal cocktail party on the 22nd, at 8pm on the Tucan terrace, if you want to stop by and meet (I can't fine the post where you told me when you'll get to the Moon, but I think you'll be there on Tuesday, right?).
  15. Out of almost 100 invitations, I received 27 RSVP cards. I was really looking forward to doing scrapbook page with all the RSVPs, but oh well.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by KBMD12309 I have my wedding scheduled for ON the beach. Ive been hearing that the beach isnt the best here now im freaking out bc that is the whole reason why im doing a destination wedding. My wedding is at 3pm. Should i reconsider and do it in a gazebo? I dont think the beach is that bad, it gets alot of seaweed, but they do a pretty good job clearing it, just ask you WC if they can clear it before your ceremony. I am not sure if anyone here got married on the beach, but you should read Andrea's review, her ceremony was on a terrace overlooking the beach (Dez there's a good picture of the Tucan terrace and its proximity to the beach in her review) http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t18071 It seems to be the best of both worlds, having the ocean in front of you without getting your feet sandy.
  17. Congratulations, you guys look so beautiful together and you looked so happy. Love the sombreros, wonder what the people on the street were thinking?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 To any of you who have been to the MP... Do you know which terrace area is closer to the water? Or has a grest view of the water We don't want to do the coctail hour in a garden or on the sand, but we do want the ocean within view. Any suggestions welcome..... We've been to MP twice, but I never cared about the terraces (wasn't engaged at the time). I'm sure Nicole can help more, but here's a map of MP, it shows you the approximate location of all terraces and gazebos. Moon Palace Map.pdf
  19. I dont want to follow the eat a potato one day and a banana the next (i'm allergic to bananas), thing. Do you think I can just eat the soup and stay away from fried foods and be OK? The other stuff makes it too confusing. I dont necessarily want to lose the 17 pounds, but love the idea of detoxing and losing some weight.
  20. Love, love, love the blue ones, they're so cute and fun and tropical.
  21. Thanks for this thread, I was so worried, not necessary about myself or my FI, but them messing up the test and refusing to marry you. I read someone's review that said they dont even label the blood results, what if they get them mixed up or something. Nice to know about the symbolic ceremony, I'd hate to tell my family we can't get married because we failed our STD test.
  22. That's terrible, my brother went with high senior class when he was 18 and they were stuck in crappy hotel rooms and booked onto tours with little to no safety precautions. I think it's because they're kids and don't know any better. I was so worried about him the entire time he was in Cancun. Poor girl, that's just horrible.
  23. We totally fit the requirements, we're both 26 and getting married July 23, but I'm not going to do it. Not only am I afraid of how they can "spin" it, I'm not sure if all of my guests would be interested and I dont want to make people uncomfortable.
  24. I think I'm going to try it this weekend, no promises but the soup sounds great and I love soup. No way I can get FI to join, he is so picky about his food and eating the same thing over and over would not work for him.
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