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Everything posted by stacey

  1. I cant believe I havent posted my TTD pics here. THese are not super sexy, but I love them
  2. Erika, your pics turned out GREAT!! And why would E kill you for posting the last one? I think its one of my favorites
  3. I love Big Love. Everyone told me I was a weirdo for watching it. Im glad Im not the only Big Love addict
  4. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!
  5. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!
  6. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!
  7. stacey


    Congrats and welcome to the forum!!
  8. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!
  9. stacey


    Congrats and welcome to the forum!!
  10. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!
  11. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!
  12. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!
  13. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!
  14. stacey


    Congrats and welcome to the forum!!
  15. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!
  16. Erika, people are crazy. And im pretty sure everyone is currently losing their mind, so apperently she fits right into that
  17. Here is the Dreams Cancun thread. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t2782 OOT bags stand for Out of Town bags. Please try to search for these answers next time.
  18. Erika, thats really bizzar. Im sorry she is being a bad comunicator with you.
  19. Andi, I will do 20 hours this weekend and then Im done!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Erika J Wow Stacey- i am so impressed how well you have pulled this all together, I mean you have done so much! Quote: Originally Posted by YaelM Stacey - wow YAY things are moving along so fast for u We will need to get a celebratory drink once u have your space Thanks girls, I really have been working 7 days a week. I work my real job and then come home and do work on the other business. I keep telling myself if will all be worth it in the end. Yael, Congrats on the name chnage!
  21. Man I feel like ever since we got back from Vegas work has sucked. Im pretty sure people are losing theirminds. They are nuts. I feel like I am running a million miles an hour right now. Of course I did it to myself. What a big dummy. LOL On a happy note I am meeting with a salon tommorow to discuss renting a room from them , It sounds like it will work out. Which is great because that means I can finsih my business cards, brochures etc...
  22. Yeah for the legal name change. Its sooo much work though, Tell DH that you need a gift as a reward
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