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Everything posted by stacey

  1. This sounds a little odd to me. I suppose I can understand the chairs sinking into sand, but the guests can work around that. My thought is that, ceromonys can last a little long, and its a long time for people to stand. especially if you have older guests they may not be able to stand in the sand that long. I would vote asking for the chairs. And if someone does tip over, it might be a funny moment for you to look back and laugh at!
  2. I signed up for the web site that you all mentioned. I have to admit that it is very confusing. But it looks like there are classes you can take? I will have to work on that over the weekend, when Im not at work. It totaly looks like a foreign language though, with lots of new abreviations to learn!
  3. I am not on BC, so I wont have any issues with that. And I tend to have pretty regular periods, so....fingers crossed.
  4. Calia and Carly, thank you. I had no idea about the sperm thing. I need to find a way to break that to DH. he thought TTC was going to be a lot of fun for him! In terms of TTC I was worried about it consuming your life like planning a wedding, I was hoping that this would be diffrent, clearly its not. I will check out that web site. I have avoided learning about charting, I guess now is the time to learn!! Thanks again for the advise
  5. I have a silly question for you girls. DH and I are going to start TTC in April. Due to health issues we are not sure if I am going to be able to concieve or not. I want to make sure that my body is as ready as possible when we do start trying. Is there any advise that you have learned along the way, of things that you can do help your body? I know the obvious one like take pre natal pills, but..... anything else?
  6. I just learned about Snuba this last weekend. We are going to Puerto Rico in April with freinds who are big scuba divers. I am really interested in getting certified, but dont really have the time or extra thousand dollars laying around right now. So my freind suggested that we snuba. I believe that they will let you go down about 15 feet. It sounds exciting.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by KJT1985 It's not his parents. They told me this summer they couldn't go and that's fine - TOTALLY understandable. Its our other aunt - my cousins AUNT. I thought I made that clear. But thanks for making me feel even worse. Your welcome!! You sound like a spoiled brat. Grow up. K. Thanks
  8. Ok I am going to be blunt. First you knew that by having a DW some people would not be able to make it. Second, you cousin is clearly going through a hard time. Can you imagine the finacial, and mental strain this is putting on his parents. How do you think his parents would feel if they left him home to go to your wedding and something bad happend to him. Say, maybe an overdose? Do you really think that they want to stay home and baby him? I highly doubt it. I think that you are being selfish by throwing a fit that they are not spending money to leave the country for several days, when their son is in need of help. How would you feel if he died of an over dose while they were gone? Think about it.
  9. Depending on where you go, some resturaunts will waive the corkage fee for each bottle of wine you buy. So if you buy a cheap bottle of white, then you can bring in a nice bottle of red, and the corkage will be waived. You also have to understand that while it make only take them 5 seconds to pop a cork, most resturaunts rely on alcohal sales to make their revenue. So if you are not buying what they have to offer they have to make their money somehow. Hope that helps
  10. Nicely said Alyssa. Why would you think that people would put off their lives for your one day?
  11. Yeah, wasnt it so hard trying to swim with the dress. I told critsey I thought she was trying to kill me, just to make her album look better.
  12. Hmmmmmmmmmm it could be interesting. Except I have a feeling that if I were to try it I would look like a drowned rat, lol
  13. Underwater BD? I have never heard of that. Are there any examples Morgan?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by meldal101010 I'm sure this has been asked before, but i was wondering if anyone had their reception on the terrace? How was it decorated? Was it really windy? Any pics would be appreciated! Thanks I had my receoption on the terrace. You can decorate it how ever you want, my reception decorations were pretty minamal. I got married the same time of month that you are. It was REALLY windy, but the wind didnt bother the reception. The wind is pretty much blocked from getting into the terrace.
  15. Great job Nicole! Im glad you did a planning thread! And, I loved your dress, it looked perfect on you.
  16. Congrats, I would love to see pics as well. We spent our honeymoon at this resort. If any bride is considering having their wedding there, or just honeymoon, I would recommend the resort hands down, it is amazing. On a side note the same thing happend to us when we checked it. They were not rude, but I thought it was a little odd. ANd your right, it was as if they didnt believe we were who we were.
  17. I finally broke down last night and orderd my first vampire books. I orderd twil ight and the second book. Are there 4 in the series? I was avoiding reading them, but them DH brought home twilight to watch on Sunday and now Im hooked.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Danyelle Hi ladies! Also just finished a fun read called The Sweet Potato Queens First Big Ass Novel. It's definitely chick lit and had me laughing out loud. Ive read every single one of the Sweet Potato Queen books, they are my favorite hands down. Although DH says I cant read them in bed any more because I keep awake because I am laughing so hard
  19. Ahhhhk how did I miss your review?!?!? You looked amazing, your dress was beautiful, and I cant believe how fast you heeled. The wedding itself looked great and it looked like everyone had a wonderful time. Congrats on being a Mrs.
  20. Heather~ what a great review, thank you for sharing!! It looks like you had a fabulous wedding. Im a little sad that the shout box girls didnt jump on a plane and take that open room.
  21. WOW yael, you two are getting pretty good. I love the martinis!
  22. I love the pics, Fer did an amazing job, he is so talented.
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