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Everything posted by stacey

  1. Congrats Mrs. Martin, that is very exciting. It seems like all of a sudden everyone is getting pregnant or having babies. I hope to join you all in the mommie to be status very soon.
  2. Kayte, OMG Twins!!!! That is scary and exciting, and scary again. But im super excited for you. It will all work out fine. Get all the rest you can, before you never get to sleep again!
  3. Heather, I honestly dont know what do say. Except I am so sorry that you and your family is going through this. You and your family are in my thoughts.
  4. Sloan congrats!! Im very excited for you. On the prenatals, I have been taking Target Brand for about 6 months and havent had any side effects.
  5. I voted. It looks like they are now in the lead. They seem like a great couple, that could really use something special like that in their lives.
  6. Congrats Jo!! I have no clue on the answers to your questions. Have you seen your OBGYN yet?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn79 I have a nervous twitch when I see people crack spines...it just seems so wrong! My FIL teases me when he sees me reading my books, open just enough for me to read the pages but not enough to make it crack. LOL I totally agree. When I have a hard back book, I remove the cover so it doesnt get messed up when I am reading it. I forget who suggested Interview with a Vampire, but I am currently reading it, im on page 50 or something, and so far I am not impressed. I am probably comparing it to much to twilight. But so far I feel like it is pretty slow.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by butterfly4kathy2 has anyone ever tried paperbackswap.com? Ive never heard of it, I will have to check it out. I have to admit though that I love buying the books slightly used from Amazon and keeping them. For some reason I love seeing my library grow. I know, im a nerd. Oh and I dont like to share my books either.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* My "new posts" link in the top right corner isn't there anymore, so I can no longer list the threads by recent post Anyone else? My new post link is also gone. It was there last night, however today it is gone.
  10. I dont have any BD pics. So a TTD pic will have to do. I cant wait to see everyones photos.
  11. This has already been mentioned. But I would suggest doing Yoga. Im sure its the last thing that you want to do when you are in pain, and work and commute long hours. But you might be surprised. Look for classes that focus on spine strengthing, such as Bikram (hot yoga) It has worked wonders for me. I no longer get back pain like I used to get from sitting at a desk 9 hours a day. And I rarley get headaches anymore.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by ~*~Margie~*~ Nope, not yet I have dialated another cm and contractions continue to be about 2 an hour and are pretty strong but not becoming more frequent. I guess slow and steady is a good way to go. I'd rather do the "slow" part this way when I can still get up and around as opposed to 21 hours in a hospital bed that I did with my first. I'll be sure to keep everyone posted! Im sorry Margie, that sounds yucky. But, there is a full moon on Saturday, so maybe that might help? You never know!
  13. Margie, I wanted to check in and see what your status is? Is there a new baby yet?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Reya I read Gone with the Wind and it's my favorite book! You should give "Scarlett" by Alexandra Ripley a chance. it's a sequel from a different Author. I have also tried reading Rhett Butler's people by Donald McCaig but I couldn't get into it. I will try again though! I am big into Audio Books now, I have a long commute to and from work so I listen to them in the car, I have a lot of new ones to get into but I keep flipping between the Harry Potter Books and the Twilight Series, I never get sick of listening to them! Hmm I have never heard of those books, I will have to check it out. When I was training for the Avon walk for breast cancer I used to listen to books. Becuase what else are you going to do on a 6 hour training walk. It deffiantly helped me do the walks Im a little embarrassed to say that I am currently reading the twilight series for the second time. Im on book two. If its possible I love it even more the second time.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn79 This book is in my Top 5 of all time, it really is such a good story. Memoirs of a Geisha was a great book. Has anyone read Gone with the Wind? I borrowed the book from my grandmother 10 years ago. And finally got around to reading it just a little while ago. That was a GREAT book. I would deffinalty recommend it. BUT it was a hard read, it took me what seemed like forever to read the book.
  16. For Mrs: Carly, because she has been so helpful in the TTC thread For B2B: I havent decided yet
  17. I had both my dad and step dad walk me down the isle. I was worried at first about how to tell my dad and how he would react. However I didnt make a big deal about it. I just announced that both would be walking me down the isle, as if there we no other options. I also did two father daughter dances.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 lol! Sophie is that giraffe that you can barely see at the bottom of the picture in my siggy. It is a teether that us supposed to be like the best ever! It's easy for babies to hold and it squeaks a little. LOL it sounds like an expensive dog toy. I apprently have lots to learn.
  19. Finn is adorable, i cant believe all that hair. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Thanks girls! Ashlyn is just starting to really like Sophie. She will grab her and shove her in her mouth then forget what she was doing and drop her lol Ok, i know that I am not in the mommy loop yet, but what is a shophie?
  20. Carly, thank you for your help. It looks like you pay for your subscription? I dont think I can add you unless I am a VIP member. Do you think it is worth it to pay for the member ship?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by MontegoBay We are looking for Tommy Bahama for our men wedding guests... Please "invite" me. [email protected] The tommy Bahama was from an old post. There is a new event every day. But I sent you an invite so that you can look at the site.
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