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Everything posted by stacey

  1. I printed on the envelopes themselves and it turned out great. I used velum envelopes. Something I learned though is that they need a few seconds to dry, or else they will smear
  2. Does anyone know if you have to pay to get your bridal party on the resort for the rehersal if they are not staying at the Dreams?
  3. Thank you so much for your input. I went home last night and talked it over with my FI. We went over the list and it would end up being like 1/4 that wouldnt be invited. He still didnt want to invite everyone, but I had to put my foot down on this one.
  4. My favorite show of all time
  5. That is so scary, Im glad that she is ok. i am a firm believer that things happen in three's so I think you are done
  6. Ugghhh I have been a NOOBI for like a month WTF
  7. Ohhhh no. I am currently doin the club terrace, but now that I see the beach pictures I;m totally torn :smile29:
  8. Your dress is beautiful. But I like the Idea of pearls better. But you have to determine what might look better in pictures
  9. Thanks ladies. I agree with you, i would hate to leave someone out.
  10. Ok so my future mother in-law and myself have been debating this topic. I feel that since we are asking are guest to fly out to Cancun for our wedding, then we should invite them to the rehearsal dinner. She thinks that it should be the bridal party and family. But we have a small guest list, about 40 people. So that means that about 30 people will be at the rehearsal dinner and 10 wont. What is your opinion?
  11. You looked beautiful. However the whole rashe thing is freaking me out. I love your brides maids dresses where did you find them?
  12. Your wedding was beautiful. But the rash thing is freaking me out. I love your bridesmaids dresses. Where did you get them?
  13. stacey


    I am "newbie" My Name is Stacey and I am from Napa California. My wedding is October 14th 08 at the Dreams resort in Cancun
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