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Everything posted by stacey

  1. I am soooooo excited for you and cant wait to hear the deatils and see pics when you get back
  2. Ok it is supposed to be 100 degrees where I live tommorow. It is 7:30 pm and it is still 88 degrees. Whats the weather like where you live? It is to ealry in the year to be this hot!!!!
  3. stacey


    Welcome to the forum and happy planning
  4. Congrats and happy planning!!
  5. Welcome. Your pictures are absolutley beautiful
  6. To pair with the lamb, for a vegi I would do those small carrots, not baby parrots but they look like a realy carrot, only there about 1.5 inch long. And I would serve the lamb over a polenta infused with black truffle oil.
  7. stacey

    New Bride!

    Welcome to the forum and happy planning!!
  8. OOOOOOHHHH those are very cute. I was thinking about doing the same thing for wedding favors. What company did you use?
  9. hmmmmm, not to be negative but, best of luck with that. When ever my FI starts talking about home projects I cant help but to cringe.
  10. Congradultions and happy planning, and crafting
  11. Ok so I am all for revenge, matter of fact I am probably the queen of revenge. But why dont you try and kill her with niceness. Bring her wine, cookies, cake, flowers, what ever.....I would be do F*ing nice to her everyday that it would practically kill her. Its worth a shot. Sometimes being nice is the best revenge you can give to some one like that. Then if that doesnt work........ IDK... hire a hit man?
  12. Welcome to the forum and happy planning
  13. Congrats, this site will hopefully help ease the last minute stress
  14. Claudia is my wedding cordinator at the Dreams in Cancun. I am sure that some of you have her too. When was the last time that you heard from her? I emailed her a question about two weeks ago and sent another email the other day and still have not heard from her. Have any of you had this problem lately?
  15. stacey

    First Timer

    Congardulations and welcome to the Forum. Happy planning!!
  16. Do you have to be there 4 days prior because you are going to be legally married in Mexico? If so are you ok with getting married at home (dont tell anyone) and then you have have your wedding in the 12th.
  17. So we did not end up paying for her. She all of a sudden had the money. (funny how that works) I basically would just like to demote her. but I am sure that, that would go over like a fart in church
  18. I paid $4.03 last night. I think I need to buy a bike
  19. I am getting married at the Dreams in Cancun. I went through a TA so I didnt have to do that. It also made my life a lot easier. PM if you want and I will give you her info
  20. Thanks ladys. I called her last night to talk about "stuff" mainly to ask her if she needs to drop out of the wedding. But guess what... she didnt return my phone call. UGHHhh. Oh well I will just have to let it go for now.
  21. Congraduations. I hope that your day is all that you dreamed it would be
  22. stacey


    Welcome and happy planning. I am getting married there this Ocotober!!
  23. I am glad he is OK. Stay calm and he will be home safe in no time.
  24. I am so happy for you. I am going to have to change my responce from happing planing to.....happy motherhood??!?!?!
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