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Everything posted by stacey

  1. I feel the same way. I think I work for an hour and do wedding stuff the other 7 hours!!!
  2. Welcome to the forum. Happy planning!!
  3. I know that some of you have been looking for diffrent types of bags, I found this great website, that has tons, check it out!! Paper Mart Packaging Store
  4. Have lots of fun, do drink to much!!!
  5. I love the word "piss up" I had to share it with the lady's in my office and now everyone is walking around saying the want to have a piss up this weekend. LOL
  6. oooohhhh a bachlorette party. Thanks for the laugh, I needed that. I forgot that your words are a little diffrent
  7. I think I might be confused what is a hen do?
  8. Congradulations, have a great time!!
  9. Erin, I love your dresses, very cute, and might hide tan lines too!!
  10. I have been looking at a lot of BM dresses, but nothing is jumping out at me. Where did all of you find your BM's dresses?
  11. That web site is AWESOME, thanks so much
  12. your not a douche, hes a total douche. Not only is he off duty, and calls in to someone, but then it sounded like he was almost hitting on you when he said he used to live above you.
  13. SO do you think that when they find out you could video tape it!!! J/K but it would make a great video. Sorry this has to happen at your wedding though
  14. I think that booking a massage is OK, that is what I am going to do the day of the wedding as well
  15. It is 9:45 Pm and it is still 95F. WTF I love the heat, but it is such a shock to the body when it has been cool for so long
  16. lol, ok yougave me a good laugh. I hope your ok. Geeze I think I need to make my way down to NY
  17. Welcome to the forum and happy planning
  18. Whooo hoooo I am sooo excited for you. Have a safe trip, and I hope that your wedding is all that you dreamt it would be and more. I cant wait to see your pics when you get back
  19. Those pictures brought tears to my eyes. I cant wait to see pictures of howthey looked on you bouquet
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