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Everything posted by stacey

  1. Welcome to the forum Beth. I hope that the forum can help you!
  2. My FI and I dated for three years before we got engaged. I refused to live with him untill we were engaged. I didnt have a really good reason, it was just my thing that I wanted to wait. We got engaged in August and moved in together at the end of January. We will have been living together for 10 months when we get married. I am happy that I chose to wait to live with him until we were engaged, and I am happy that we live together before we are married. Our relationship is diffrent now that we live together, (diffrent in a good way)
  3. I did mine on the printer. They turned out great. The only thing is, my envelopes we velum, and if you tuched them to soon after printing they smeared, so let them sit for a few seconds
  4. We are having someone very close to us play the guitar for me while I walk down the isle. He will be the only source of music while I walk down the isle. He is pretty talented and could play/sing what ever we want in English or Spanish. I never gave it a thought, and always assumed that I would walk down the isle to "here comes the bride" But now FI says that lame, Since we are doing a DW and we are on the beach and not in the church we should use a diffrent song. So now tha question is what song? I thought about the acustic version of "here comes the sun" But I am also looking for other ideas. HELP
  5. Here is what I did today: I litterally hit "the issue button" on a policy, returned a phone call, did lunch for an hour with one of my BM and talked about wedding stuff, and the rest of the time I have been here. It has been a very productive day if I do say so myself.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by MoonPalacePookie It will only get worse, I am on here all day during work. I take breaks every hour or so and do a few minutes of work. Its horrible, but I can't seem to concentrate on anything else. LOL, I couldnt have said it better myself
  7. Do it, I think you would look cute with short hair!!! The worst thing that happens is you dont like it, and it takes a few months to grow back
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by tlomlad when we were there we asked around and they said that depending the size of your group you could def just show up and ask to be seated and they would o it if they could the only thing is that you might be sat at different tables and have differnt servers so there is the possiblity that say table 1 could be done there meals and on2 dessert while table 4 is only half way through if you pay for the service they will pre setup the restaurant and all your orders will be taken together We will have about 45 people. So I am most likely going to have to set something special up. I think we have to many people to just show up. Oh well, it just goes along with everyting else. I feel like I signed my contract I was overly happy with the price, Then you notice that some things are missing, and now I have almost doubled the price that I originally signed for. So much for the Cheap DW that we had planned!!!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by niels408 I can beat that...my FI wants to play "Superstar" by Lupe Fiasco....yeah, i'm serious I'm going to put up a battle on this one Laura I think I have you beaten, my FI is insisting that we walk in to "Im the best around" from the Carate KId LOL......I have to let him have this one
  10. Ok I know that before I suggested killing her with kindness, but now...... I have changed my mind!!!! Maybe we should all pitch in a help you hire a hit man!!!
  11. I made this the other night, But I skipped the olives and the Ricatta cheese. I used fresh moztarella instead. My FI loved it, and he usually refuses to eat tomatoes. Thanks for the reciepe!!
  12. Welcome to the forum. Happy planning!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak I'm hoping she didn't have her wedding here recently. I am having my wedding at the Valentin also and have been reading the reviews on Trip Advisor and lately it is pretty scary. They keep losing power and are without power for 8 hours or more at a time. Well, just recent reviews said power went out for a long period..so long they set them up at another hotel. And they said there was supposed to be a wedding there that week so hopefully it was not hers..that would suck. I'm hoping they get this power issue fixed by the time my wedding comes. This is where we are going to spend our honey moon. Well I hope everything works out. I cant wait to hear the details and see pictures
  14. I loved it thank you for sharing. I loved the "you may now kiss the groom" part!!
  15. boooo I should have been smarter and done the same
  16. Yeah I think im sold on it. But I am a little sad because I know that no matter how many crunches I do, my abs will never look like the models
  17. stacey

    Our weddings

    Welcome to the forum, and happt planning
  18. Ok, so this is a little random, but have you seen the Bender Ball? They sell them on TV commericials. I hate the commercials, but the ball looks like it would help a lot with stomach crunches. I want to order one, but I'm wondering if any of you have bought it and have any feed back? Check out the web site if you dont know what im talking about Bender Ball :: Official Website
  19. My FI is in sales. He works for a company that makes and prints labels for wine. He is the guy the sells to people like Mondavi and Sterling Vinyards, etc... He makes almost double what I make
  20. I havent tried that dress on, but.... I have that same dress in blue but the length comes to just below my kness and I LOVE it!!!
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