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Everything posted by stacey

  1. [QUOTE=Lagen;408323] And, instead of calling me to tell me this she IMed my fiance and told all of this to him - she's met him 3 times. So, now I'm pissed that she was so socially inapprorpaite as to say negative things about me to him and cause triangulation. UGH! . You need to get rid of her. If she has only met your FI, 3 times why the hell is she contacting him to vent about you. FUCK that, who the hell does she think she is making it into a threesome problem? This is the man you are going to marry.. If she was really your freind she would never contact him to bitch about you. Is she trying to get the two of you to fight? It kinda sounds like she is after your man. Tell her to stick her med school books up her ass, and let her go!!!!!
  2. Ok so I just ordered my wedding bubbles. I dont even think that was on my list. Now I need to come up with a better slogan than "blow me"
  3. We bought ours from a boutique store. It wasnt a chain store. My FI loves his ring!!
  4. DONE: Location Secured Airline tix bought Ceremony Time / Details Menu Secured Have dress and alterations done, need to have it bustled Invites made and sent out Booked Honeymoon Everyone is RSVP'd Time line is almost done FI grandfather is marrying us so that is done Center peices are figured out In Process: Rehersal Dinner planning through FMIL Going to buy Brides Maids dresses next friday Group activity I am doing hair extensions, thats in process NEED TO DO: Buy wedding shoes / jewlery Makeup pre session/buy makeup Order OOT Bags and stuff that will go in them Decide on bridal flowers Ceremony Music Decide on song to walk down the isle to Get started on a brochure to send out a month before hand (doing that tonight) Get grooms and groomsmen suits Buy FI wedding gift buy BM gifts buy parents gifts register online for gifts, we are registering for activities for honeymoon phewwww im tired just thinking about it And much more im sure
  5. Yari, your not the only October Bride I am right there with you, but you are way more orginized than I am. Im starting to freak out!!!
  6. So my FI and I sat down last night to really plan out our AHR. Apparently we have two completly diffrent views on how it should go. So far we think that we will have about 300 people and will be renting a hall. But after that we have two completly diffrent ideas. I want music and dancing, he doesnt. He wants people to show up have a drink and an appetizer and go home. Talk to me about yours. What did you do, or going to do
  7. WOW it sounds amamzing. I cant wait to see pictures. Have a fabulous wedding day!!
  8. Congradulations on picking a location. Now comes the fun stuff
  9. Have a fabulous time!!! I hope it will be all that you dreamed it would be and more
  10. Congradulations!! the shirts are such a great idea.
  11. My advise would be to let her go. There is no reason for you to have stress like this on you day. Seriously we need to start a my bridemaids suck, club.
  12. Welcome to the forum. Happy planning!!
  13. I am sooo happy to hear that you found it.
  14. Congrats and welcome!!. My suggestion would be to take your time and look at places on the internet, and contact the places that you are interested in.
  15. WOW, your pics are beautiful. I love the ones of you guys in the fountain, bowl thing!!
  16. stacey


    Welcome to the forum!!
  17. Welcome to the forum!!
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