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Posts posted by SunnyBride

  1. We leave tomorrow for our wedding on the 29th! I can't believe how quickly it's come. Our ceremony is at 4 and we have about 40 people coming. I would like to do a receiving line after the ceremony, but am just worried that if it takes too long, we'll run out of light for the photographer, because I think the sun sets around 5:30. Should I forgo it and just talk to everyone at the private reception?

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HaleGrifa View Post
    Hey Sunny Bride

    Not long now before we depart for Mexico. My group departs on January 24 for our January 29th Wedding.

    How has planning gone for you? What have you pre-booked? Who is your WC? What time & location is your ceremony and reception?

    Wishing you all the best ~ See you in Mexico :)
    Hi Laura,

    I'm getting SO EXCITED!! Most of our guests are meeting us there on January 24th, but we're leaving this Friday, so just under two days to go.

    Planning has gone pretty well. I'm working with Lily, and she's been really responsive and easy to work with. We've got the flowers, centerpieces, cake, etc all arranged, along with equipment for a slide show (we're inside in the Ballroom Carey). How did that stuff go for you? Who was your wedding coordinator? We'll have a welcome dinner on the Sunday night, because some family members don't arrive until then at the Italian restaurant (El Mangar?). I can't remember the name right now.

    The ceremony is at 4:00 on January 29th at the Tucan Gazebo - same time as yours, I think? Are you going to the disco later in the night after your reception? We'll have to keep an eye out for each other. Best of luck with your wedding and your trip!

  3. I found out yesterday morning that my aunt has unexpectedly passed away. She is my dad's sister, and I can tell that he's really upset. We all leave for Mexico this Friday - my parents spend the winter in Phoenix, so they'll fly back to Vancouver for the funeral Thursday, leave that night to fly back to Phoenix, so they can catch the flight they originally booked from Phoenix to Cancun. There isn't anyone else from my dad's side of the family coming, but I would still like to do something to acknowledge her just for him. What do you do in a circumstance like this? Has anyone had experience with someone passing away unexpectedly so close to their wedding?

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dana_C View Post
    Hey ladies! Does anyone know if MP has you sign something (like a cute certificate etc.) if you do the symbolic ceremony? I still want to have those pics and sign something since we won't be telling our guests that we'll be legally married before we go down...
    We are doing the exact same thing, and my wedding coordinator told me that there will be a symbolic certificate that we'll sign at the ceremony.
  5. We have about 40 guests coming to our wedding in Mexico; On my family's side, one of my parents friends 60th birthday is January 29th, which is the same day that we're getting married. At the reception, during the dinner, Mom wants me to have the emcee announce her birthday and have everyone sing Happy birthday. I don't think it's appropriate, given that it's our wedding dinner, though I would be fine having the emcee acknowledge that it's her birthday (just no singing). I think it detracts from our wedding day!


    What are your thoughts? Am I being unreasonable/bridezilla? Would you do it??

  6. Thank you guys for posting about what to tell my guests - it is definitely helpful to know that the restaurants don't take reservations, and where to get the entertainment schedules, etc. We are also getting the 'Promotion' package where you get the two free tours included as a part of your week. Does anyone know if the tours fill up quickly, or if it's possible to reserve a spot in advance? We had wanted to do the Tulum tour with the snorkeling in the afternoon as a group activity. I talked to the resort to see if I could reserve a block of seats and they said that everyone has to be at the hotel before we can book. I don't want to suggest it as a group activity and then have people get turned away if the tours fill up quickly...does anyone know how that works?


    Thank you so much for your help!

  7. Hi Ladies,


    I was looking for a bit of advice from anyone who's been to the Moon Palace before. We leave for our wedding in 2 1/2 weeks (yikes!) and I want to put together a little welcome letter that I'll send to our guests about a week before we leave. I was going to include 'useful information', for instance that you should bring biodegradable sunscreen, and how to book a airport transfer to the hotel, but I'm wondering what other kinds of things I should mention? Does anyone know if it's hard to get into the restaurants so you should make your reservations right away, or where you can go to see the nightly shows, etc., etc.? It's hard doing this having never been to the resort. If anyone has input, I would be so grateful!!

  8. Hi Ladies!


    We booked a civil wedding ceremony with a group package, so that when we had 10 rooms booked we would get a free cocktail reception, etc. Now we are thinking about making our ceremony symbolic, and getting married here first (but not telling anybody). Does anyone know if you get the same group deals with a symbolic ceremony as with a civil? I don't see why it would matter, but you never know, and my wedding coordinator hasn't gotten back to me yet...

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SunnyBride View Post
    Hi Joy,

    How long are you reserving the ballroom for? Are you planning on having your guests stay there for the whole night, or moving over to the disco at some point? We are also booking into one of the ballrooms for a private function, and I want to start all the dances there, but I can't decide if we should pay extra and stay there all night or just book it for about four hours. I know if you book an outdoor location you have to close it down by 10:30, but just wondering what other people in indoor locations are thinking...
    Thanks Joy! That definitely helps. It's good to get an idea of what other people are doing... So, if you end up going to the disco later, will you keep your dress on? For the other brides-to-be, are you planning on wearing your wedding dresses to the disco later? I can't decide if I should change or not.

    Do you know what you're planning for a group event? We were thinking about choosing one of the free tours and doing that with everyone, but I'm not sure. On the Knot, they suggest not doing anything that would take more than three hours, and I think a lot of the tours take longer than that...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ErikDaGenErik View Post
    hi! we're having a ceremony at 2pm and this is how our day looks so far:

    2pm - 3pm Catholic Ceremony (full mass for an hour)
    3pm - 4pm Pictures formal and candid at Chapel Gazebo and wedding party
    4pm - 5pm Photo session with newlywed bride and groom (this may overlap with the previous photo sessions
    5pm - 6pm Cocktail Hour at Chapel Garden or Terrace
    6:30 Full Reception and party at Ballroom (we're giving people 30 minutes to change for teh reception and/or walk to ballroom.

    we were going back and forth debating whether to have teh ceremony at 2pm or 3pm, but decided with 2 pm so our day is not so packed together just in case we need more time for pictures.

    most of the receptions ive been to have an average of 2 hours between ceremony and reception. this is also the max # of hours guests should wait for teh reception, per Brides Magazine.

    hope this helps!
    Hi Joy,

    How long are you reserving the ballroom for? Are you planning on having your guests stay there for the whole night, or moving over to the disco at some point? We are also booking into one of the ballrooms for a private function, and I want to start all the dances there, but I can't decide if we should pay extra and stay there all night or just book it for about four hours. I know if you book an outdoor location you have to close it down by 10:30, but just wondering what other people in indoor locations are thinking...
  11. Lately I've been feeling worse and worse about choosing a DW because of how things are going with the economy, and money is getting tight for everyone. It's a really weird feeling because half the time I'm super excited because we already have group contracts and everything...and the other half of the time I feel ridden with guilt about my choice to get married at MP.



    I can totally relate to how you are feeling these days! I don't think any of us would have dreamed what would happen in the economy when we started booking our weddings. We're less than 60 days away from our wedding now, and it's time for everyone to pay up their final deposits - I'm wondering if we are going to get a bunch of people jumping ship because they are worried about jobs, etc. We live in Canada, but booked our trip directly with the resort through a friend's membership, which means we pay in US dollars. I think it's going to cost everyone an extra 30% to come because of the economy (when we started this, the dollar was at par), and I keep losing sleep over it. But, you're probably right - if we had wedding at home, I'm sure there would be something else to worry about!

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by amduran View Post
    I think for the actual ceremony, the CD is the only option. I had to pick 5 songs and burn them on a CD. I changed the order a bit from what they recommended. My songs coincided with the following 5 activities: 1) processional (bridesmaids/groomsmen), 2) bridal entrance, 3) sand ceremony, 4) cutting of the cake, 5) recessional. Since we were in Mexico, I really wanted mariachis... so I had them come in at the beginning of my reception (not during the cocktail hour).

    As far as hearing the music, you are on the aisle/walkway for such a short amount of time (even shorter in the other gazebos) and there is so much going through your mind that I am not sure how loud the music was. I vaguely remembering hearing something, but I can't really say how loud it was. I really don't think it is a big deal because everything happens so fast... Inside the gazebo, the volume was not an issue.
    I know that in the information I got they said to pick four songs for the CD player. We aren't planning on having the cake cutting there, or having a sand ceremony, so would I just pick one for the processional, one for the bridal entrance, and then a recessional song? How long were people waiting in the gazebo before you got there? I would like to have some music playing for people while they are sitting and waiting for us to arrive, but I'm not sure if that's an option. Did you have champagne at the gazebo after the wedding? Is there any music playing for that? I would pose these questions to my wedding coordinator but I STILL don't have one assigned, and I'm less than two months away now!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by amduran View Post
    I don't remember the mosquitoes were pretty bad 3 weeks ago despite us having temperatures of about 80-85 F. I can't remember them being such an issue back in May during my site visit, but I don't think I spend too much time out after the sun set. They are not an issue during daylight. That is why I told me guests during the reception that the reception was originally scheduled outdoors, they were relieved they were not outside.

    As far as the horse and carriage, it only will transport the bride and one additional person. I tried to convince them to allow be to ride with my mom and dad, but that didn't work.

    The way it worked out for me was that Nancy (WC) came to my room about 20 minutes before the ceremony. The horse and carriage was waiting for me outside my room. My father and myself got on the carriage and Nancy drive my bridemaids to the gazebo in a golf cart. The groom and groomsmen were already at gazebo with the rest of the guests. Once the bridesmaid got to the gazebo, Nancy lined up the bridesmaids and grooms men down the walk way. When I arrived with my dad, the processional started. I was basically standing behind the bridesmaids and groomsmen. When they got to the gazebo, they played the bridal entrance song and my dad and I walked in. That is why the Tucan gazebo is so great. The walkway is really long which makes everyone's entrance so much more dramatic. The photographer will also have a long walkway to work with.

    And as far as wind. It is always very windy around the Riviera Maya. My veil was flying all over the place in some instances, so I had to tuck a piece of it in my dress during some pictures.

    Thank you so much for posting all this info and getting back to our questions! It's really helpful. I'm also getting married at the Tucan gazebo, and plan to use their CD player instead of live music. The walkway is really long, which will be nice, but I'm wondering if you can even hear the music from the end of the walkway? I'm assuming that the CD player is up in the gazebo, so I know the guests should all be able to hear the music fine, but I'd like to also hear it when we're 'walking down the aisle'. Did you have any trouble with that?
  14. Hi Ladies,


    We were just at a wedding on the weekend that had a great slideshow, and were thinking about incorporating something like that into our wedding...does anyone have details about whether Moon Palace has the equipment for that sort of thing? I'm thinking that we would need to be in a indoor private function location and it would need to have a projector screen and a computer hook-up. I know they'd have speakers for music to go with it...

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HaleGrifa View Post
    Yippeee - I spoke with our onsite WC yesterday afternoon and all of our main details are booked and confirmed!

    Kalena is a wonderful WC - easy to work with and very accommodating!

    Welcome Dinner - Booked with Photographer

    January 29, 2009
    3pm Wedding in the Chapel Gazebo

    * Mariachi band booked
    * Bride Bouquet selected
    * Cake

    4-6pm Cocktail Reception Chapel Garden

    6pm-10pm Private Function Terrace Venado - with Lounge set-up
    (we have requested a time extension)
    & Disco to follow the reception

    Note - I let her know that we have hired a photographer and it was not a problem - we are using the photography & dinner from our Deluxe Package at other times during our stay.

    Best of Luck Ladies!

    Hi Laura,

    Congrats on getting everything booked!! I still haven't been assigned a wedding coordinator (I keep bugging Marlyn), but I did call the resort directly yesterday and ask for someone to be assigned, and arranged with the person I was talking to to book the Tucan gazebo. I think I'm supposed to hear from a WC today at some point, which will help!

    What is the lounge set-up? Do you have any pictures of it? Have you heard how much it costs? I'm still trying to decide where we should have our reception afterwards.

    For anyone who is booking the horse and carriage for your way to the wedding, do you know if the bridesmaids just meet you at the end of the aisle then? I had always thought that I'd be going to the gazebo with my girls, but obviously we can't all fit in that carriage! Would they have a golf cart for transportation or anything, or would they just walk? I'd like there to be something kind of special for them as well.

    Laura, just out of curiousity, which bouquet and cake did you pick? I wonder if we'll see each other the day of our weddings! I'll be keeping an eye out for other brides for sure!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HaleGrifa View Post
    Hi Sunny Bride

    Where are you planning on having your ceremony & cocktail hours & reception?

    Hi HaleGrifa!

    We were planning on asking for the Tucan Gazebo for the ceremony, but I haven't decided about locations for the cocktail hour and reception. I read someone earlier quote that I think there is a balcony or terrace by the Italian restaurant overlooking the infinity pool that is supposed to be really nice for a cocktail hour, so maybe there? I've been asking Marlyn for a wedding coordinator (we're within the three months now!) and I still don't have one. Did you do anything differently to get yours?

    Are you planning on organizing many activities for your guests? I was hoping to get a schedule of the theme shows that are on nightly and see if we could book a bunch of seats for one of them...has anyone tried that? Do you know if there is a printed schedule of the theme shows anywhere? When I get a WC, I'll ask them too!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Camie78 View Post
    Hi SunnyBride,

    I have a document I received from Moon Palace regarding the private function pricing and pictures of the private function sites. I also received a map of the property to help me figure out where the gazebos are in relation to the private function sites, etc. Not sure if you have received anything from Marilyn yet but I wanted to pass these along to you just in case... Let me know if you are unable to open the attachments and I can email them to you.

    Thank you so much for posting these!! Info like this is so useful. smile116.gif
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HaleGrifa View Post
    Hello Canadian Bride.

    Wow I can't believe that we are on the same day!

    When do you arrive and depart? How many guests do you have? Did you book through MP or a TA - cost? Are you honeymooning at the MP?

    We are getting married at 3pm on the 29th - but hoping to change the time to 4pm (either way it does not matter, but we would like to move it back)

    Our plan is as follows, although not set in stone:

    Ceremony - 3pm (or 4pm) Chapel Gazebo
    - We are currently assigned to the Tucan Gazebo - which I am ok with, but would prefer the Chapel. We are having a Civil Ceremony with the Deluxe Package. I have requested through my WC to have the Chapel and she is going to confirm with me once we begin planning.

    Cocktail Reception to follow the Ceremony - maybe Chapel Garden or a Terrace

    Terraces- Do you know of any info on these? We would like to select something close the Chapel and the Grand Side.

    Reception to Follow - Chapel Garden or Terrace

    We are unsure about using the Garden - as there may be other weddings in the background (although I heard this never happens) As well, I wonder about being on the grass for sitting and dancing? (shoes)

    We are doing a round table set-up with also the lounge set-up incorporated.

    Does any Bride have experience with the lounge set-up?

    We hope to extend the reception - but unsure of the cost. Based on that we will determine when we will head to the Disco.

    Music - What are you doing for this? We are bringing our ceremony music and reception music on an IPOD (we will burn the ceremony music on a cd - as I have read that this is a must)

    We have tonnes to chat about!!

    Where in Canada are you? We are in Niagara Falls, Ontario.

    Happy to meet you - Laura

    Hi Laura!

    It is fun to meet someone getting married the same day! We fly in on Friday, January 23rd, and we'll be staying at Moon Palace for 8 nights. We're moving to the Aventura Spa Resort the next Saturday, and will be there for 6 nights. We wanted to make sure we stayed at Moon Palace until Saturday because most of our guests will be flying out that day. We had a family friend who is a member of the palace resorts, and has let us use their membership to book all of our guests. So far, I think we have about 40 guests that are confirmed to come. It's so exciting! What about you? When do you fly in? And how many guests?

    So you do have a wedding coordinator assigned already? I've been asking Marlyn for one, and should be getting one pretty quick - in three days, it will be exactly three months until our wedding days!

    I can't decide what to do with the music. We're bringing a CD for the ceremony, but for the private reception, I haven't decided. I had thought that we'd just go with our Ipod, but I do want some control over the lighting - has anyone had experience with this? I saw someone quote earlier that you can buy the lighting separately from the DJ, but I don't want it to be a lot of work if we do it ourselves.

    Have most of your guests paid for their trip already? We are in Calgary, in Canada, and I'm PANICKING over the Canadian dollar and the exchange rate! We are booked to pay in US funds, and our trip is getting more expensive every day! I just feel bad about our guests because it was already a lot of money to be asking them to spend, and most of them have only put down their initial deposits. Yikes.

    What are you doing for decorations in the chapel/gazebo (whichever you go with)? I was actually wondering if we could purchased flowers for the gazebo, if those same flowers could be used for the centerpieces on our tables later that night, for our private reception? Has anyone tried that?
  19. Hi HaleGrifa,


    Congrats on your wedding! I'm getting so excited as the day gets closer.


    We are getting married at 4:00 PM on the 29th. I had asked the resort who my wedding coordinator was, and was told that it's Marlyn, but the more posts I read, the more it seems like she might not actually be the WC, she's just the contact until I actually get one assigned? Do you have one yet?


    I have asked for the Tucan Wedding Gazebo, because I kind of like the idea of a longer pathway to walk on, and we're not having a Catholic ceremony. Do you have yours booked yet?


    We were going to have a cocktail party on the Sat or Sun that everyone arrives as a 'meet the wedding group', and then on our wedding day we'll just have the private function. I don't know locations or anything like that for the private functions yet (I've asked Marlyn, so I'm just waiting). Do you know where your function is?


    Are you planning on having it indoors or outside?

  20. Hi Ladies,


    I'm so happy to have found this forum specifically for the Moon Palace! I have my wedding date booked there on January 29th, 2008, and the information in here is sooo helpful. I was looking at the pictures of the flowers that were posted in a PDF earlier. Does anyone know how much the bridesmaid bouquets usually cost? It seems like $100+ would be so much to spend for four bridesmaids...

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