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Everything posted by FYB87

  1. Hi Audris! to the forum! Happy planning.
  2. FYB87

    Hi Ladies

    to the forum Kim! Happy Planning.
  3. to the forum! Happy planning.
  4. FYB87


    Congratulations and to the forum!
  5. to the forum Ben! You will find tons of info here!
  6. FYB87

    I'm a newbie!

    Hi Maria! to the forum!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jill okay, I just wanted to say if anyone else has problems going, the tea I drink works VERY well! It's called Yogi Tea "Get Regular" you drink it at night and then in the morning you will need to go. I use two tea bags and let them sit for about 5 minutes or so. Good Luck! OMG...I just got that a couple weeks ago. It worked the first day and then nothing. but, I didn't try two tea bags. I will do that tonight. I'll probably lose 5lbs!
  8. Good Morning Ladies! It's my 3rd day today and I'm a lot better than yesterday which I am very happy about. I'm neither tired or grouchy. I went to the gym and did my weight training (no cardio). I ate a banana and had a protein shake this morning after my workout and I brought watermelon, grapes and 2 bowls of soup to work. I did weigh myself this morning before I woke and I lost 2lbs!! Not much. But, I feel like even if I don't lose what I want (enough to fit my trousers & skirts again) which may be 5-7lbs. I won't be upset. Because knowing that I actually followed the diet and didn't cheat (it was hard the night I made spagehetti for my son and I didn't even taste the sauce) assures me that as long as I put my mind to it I can alleviate the snacks and crap I eat sometimes. Also, I do plan to incorporate the soup into my lifestyle. Because I actually went to the bathroom last and this am (sorry if TMI) which is shocking (I usually go once a week). Have a good day ladies and enjoy your soup! Only a few days left for most!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsFisher2B I think I'm going to give this a try starting Monday! I'm a bit worried though... has anyone had *ah hem* diarrea from it? It seems like it would clean out your system!!! I haven't had any problems at all. But, then for me I hardly ever go no matter how many veggies or products (benefiber, metamuccil, etc...) I use. I believe Dez921714 (could be wrong) said her FI went 11 times either the 1st or 2nd day. Other than that I haven't heard anyone mention any problems thus far!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 Well I have lost 4lbs in 3 days! Pretty impressive for me because I have the hardest time losing weight!!! CONGRATS on losing 4lbs already! Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE Okay so it's almost 1pm here - I have eaten a whole big bowl of melon and another big bowl of soup. I have been grazing on it all day. I am trying to chug down some water. I feel full, but I'm still hungry! I am thinking of putting some Mrs. Dash in my soup for dinner. It doesn't have any salt in it, so maybe that will help. I am in it or my FI will call me a quitter. He doesn't think I can last the whole week, but now it's my mission to prove him wrong! He knows I dont like soup - but I LOVE veggies - so that's my ace (or so I hope) We can keep going girls! You can do it! Keep up the good work. It's only my 2nd day. Yesterday I think I ate half of a really large watermelon! So I know how you feel. It'll all be worth it in the end. Plus, you definitely have proof you FI wrong! Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jill But I did lose about 3.5 lbs. so far, so at least thats good! GREAT JOB on the 3.5lbs loss! I'm a little jealous! Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 FYB87 How you hanging in there today? I'm a lot better this afternoon definitely. I was really grouchy and tired this morning which is very unusual for me cause I'm a morning person. Not sure why that was. Also, I'm not eating like I was yesterday. Yesterday I ate a ton of soup and half a large watermelon and drank a gallon and a half of water. So I was running to the bathroom all day and night. But, right now I'm GREAT! I'm thinking I will go ahead and eat the potato tonight instead of the chicken. It's really starting to sound good. Plus, it's not normally in my eating plan. Thanks for checking in on me!
  11. I would reply back and let them know they will have to pay a day pass for the wedding and any other events that are planned for the resort that you choice. I do think the wording could have been better.
  12. EEEEEW! I can only imagine. But, I would be dying with laughter myself!
  13. FYB87

    Newbie post

    to the forum Julia! You will find great info. here. Happy planning!
  14. Great find! I'm bookmarking this page. Thanks so much for sharing with us!
  15. Great review! Sounds like you all had a wonderful time. Congratulations! You dress was gorgeous and I loved your bridesmaid dresses as well. What a beautiful color.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 I just weighed myself again and I'm down a total of 7lbs...even waited 15 min for the scale to reset like the manual says and weighed myself again...same thing Congrats! That's awesome that you lost 7lbs already! What a great feeling you must be having! Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 FI said he felt bloated, but I figured it was because he's not used to eating THAT many veggies.... I'd say if you don't start feeling better by tomorrow, then to go off of it. You eat great to being with and your health isn't worth it. I walk, but it's not the same as intense work outs. Hopefully, I will feel better tomorrow. I do wonder if it's just all in my head since this is my first diet. But, if I wake up feeling the same way tomorrow, I'm unsure what I will do. I fell asleep 3x at red lights driving to the gym this morning. Not fun! Quote: Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 That is so strange that you feel bloated. Someone else reported that too. I feel completely empty which I like. It seems you already eat healthy so if you had to get off this diet to feel better I would. I work out every other day- moderate work out- light weights and cardio. I feel so good and have alot of energy this morning. I can't wait to get to the gym and I'm never like that! That's great that you were excited to get to the gym this morning! I did modify my workout this morning to low impact weights and cardio (rode the bike on level 4 I think). So that could also make a difference. It's so good to hear that everyone is doing such a good job with keeping up their diets. It is definitely inspirational to me and I wouldn't be continuing today if I didn't have you guys as encouragement! WE CAN DO IT!
  17. FYB87


    Anita! Happy planning.
  18. FYB87

    New here

    Happy Planning!
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