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Everything posted by FYB87

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 I give all of you ladies a lot of credit! Your wedding night will be so very special and hot hot hot. To answer the question, we have chosen not to wait. Its all a personal choice. You guys have a lot more self restraint then I. Congrats! Well...I just hope we don't do like most couples and fall asleep on their wedding night because it was such a long day! Maybe we should schedule a morning wedding!! LOL
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by froggie1013 You're probably going to think I'm nuts, but I've never been with anyone. I've always wanted to wait till my wedding night for my first time. So you're definitely not alone! I don't think your nuts at all! I'm all for waiting until your married. I almost made it the first time I got married! LOL However, once we were engaged it was all over. I was 19 at the time so I guess I was itching to do it!! Now, I'm older, wiser and more in control of my actions!! So good for you girlie!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by K&Rwedding I totally understand. My BFF is getting married in St. Johns in October and to be honest I am so excited, but it is really expensive for the guests to travel and stay there. Mexico is a place that can fit into most budgets. Congrats on the decision. Cheers We are re-thinking the USVI because of the cost for the guest as well. But, not sure if The Dominican Republic is any better. Have to do more research!
  4. I saw the commercial for the Peticure and contemplated buying. But, my doggies normally get it done at the groomers or on their vet visit. I'm too scared to do it myself. I don't want them mad at me!!
  5. My hubby to be and I have decided to wait until after we have married to finally "do the do!" Which means it will be our first time with one another. Just wondering if there are any others that are doing the same thing. At this point I wish no one else was going with us so we can just get married and go directly to the honeymoon! The anticipation after the ceremony is going to kill me! Anyway...just wondering if anyone else is in my shoes!
  6. Turn on - Kiss on the forehead Turn off - Tongue in the ear...how gross!
  7. FYB87

    October Wedding

    Welcome to the forum! Your colors and theme sound beautiful!
  8. Good to have you here and welcome!
  9. FYB87

    New to the site

    Welcome to the forum!
  10. Welcome to the forum!
  11. If we do choose Dreams we are thinking of going with the Ultimate Wedding Package. Did anyone else choose this package? Or have any feedback in regards to the Gold Wedding Dinner? Like which locations you have to choose from and options for the menu? I did send an email. But, I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask you ladies!!
  12. Thanks so much for posting these. I had just finished sending my email to them asking for info and pics. So this will help me be a little more patient until they respond!!
  13. We are thinking that we will stay where we get married and do what most people are doing and going somewhere else for our one year anniversary!
  14. I definitely would like to know the outcome as we are trying to figure out if we are going the villa or resort route. And Dreams seems to give you a lot for your bucks. I would hate to have to go somewhere else because they won't let in the photographer I want. My fingers are crossed that you get some good news!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsPetti2Be My fiance came up with a great idea on the weekend to save money on the reception...let me know what you guys think of this. He thinks we should do the dinner in the restaurant (which is free with our package) and then have the cake, drinks and dancing on the beach...which I would imagine would only cost $1000-$1500 to have them set up tables and give us a bartender for the evening. I am still awaiting a response from the resort as to whether they will do this or not. I think that would be a good idea! Let us know what they say!
  16. FYB87


    Welcome to the forum!
  17. FYB87


    Hi Cherrie...welcome to the forum!
  18. Thanks for letting us know! We're in between DR and USVI. So this will be helpful if we with USVI!
  19. Welcome to the forum and congrats!
  20. FYB87


    Welcome to the forum!
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