Not sure how I missed this thread. But, I'm glad everything worked out in the end. I just switched back to T-Mobile from Helio and it sucks. Which is why I said don't know how I missed the thread! LOL. I switched to T-Mobile from Sprint when I moved to the Netherlands and everything was fine. I used it for personal use and used my Vodaphone for work. Moved back to the States changed to Helio ($99unlimited) and changed back recently to Tmo since I had my son on it (myfaves). We could both have unlimited for $149 a month. Which is what I was paying for 2 separate phones and he only got 300min a month. Anywho...I've had it for 2 weeks now and I can't stand it. I drop calls all the time, my gps doesn't always work and my emails don't look like actual emails since Tmo doesn't really have a web browser. Giving it until Sunday. I have 20 days to cancel! Okay...sorry I just hijacked your thread!