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Everything posted by FYB87

  1. FYB87

    Hi All =)

    Congrats Kathy! Happy Planning!
  2. FYB87

    Newbie ;)

    Hi Tara! to the forum!
  3. Welcome to the forum David!
  4. to the forum Trish! Happy Planning!
  5. FYB87


    Congrats! to the forum!
  6. Not sure how I missed this thread. But, I'm glad everything worked out in the end. I just switched back to T-Mobile from Helio and it sucks. Which is why I said don't know how I missed the thread! LOL. I switched to T-Mobile from Sprint when I moved to the Netherlands and everything was fine. I used it for personal use and used my Vodaphone for work. Moved back to the States changed to Helio ($99unlimited) and changed back recently to Tmo since I had my son on it (myfaves). We could both have unlimited for $149 a month. Which is what I was paying for 2 separate phones and he only got 300min a month. Anywho...I've had it for 2 weeks now and I can't stand it. I drop calls all the time, my gps doesn't always work and my emails don't look like actual emails since Tmo doesn't really have a web browser. Giving it until Sunday. I have 20 days to cancel! Okay...sorry I just hijacked your thread!
  7. Happy Wedding Day! I hope it is all you dreamed of an more!
  8. I was excited to see this thread! As for some reason the older I get the more horrible my acne gets. I didn't even have acne as a child. Then I turned 28 got asthma and acne. I'm 37 now and there are times that I just don't leave the house outside of going to work. So I would love to see before and after pics. A co-worker did suggest that I get on it 6 months before the wedding. I had heard of it, but didn't want to try it when I was younger. Now that I'm not going to have babies I may give it a try. So I would love to see before and after pics. Also, if you wouldn't mind any joint issues you may or may not have (this concerns me as I do figure competitions and I do a great deal of weight training during that time). Good luck and if you can please keep us posted!
  9. In theory I'm feeling your pain cause my gf's tried to get me to go out last night! Drink as much water as you can. That will help a little.
  10. Wow...that was a truly amazing proposal! You definitely found yourself one of a kind! Congratulations!
  11. I love the color and the style of the dress. Very beautiful.
  12. Not sure if you already tried on both dresses. But, I would try them both on and make a decision. I actually love the one you initially purchased! But, definitely go with the one YOU love!
  13. Congrats! I remember that feeling when I started my new job last month and found out I had it! I've done my Invites, STD's and Welcome Brochure's using it.
  14. Congrats Morgan! Your pics are absolutely beautiful.
  15. Sounds like your shower was pretty special and you all had a wonderful time. Love the pics of you and FI. Can't wait for the pro pics!
  16. I'm glad to hear everything worked out!
  17. Sorry about the problems you had with the WC. Congrats on your wedding and can't wait to see pics!
  18. I am so sorry this is happening. I do agree and think that you should stop dealing with Fabio and just deal directly with the Hotel Manager and see what he/she can do to make you feel better. Maybe drop the price or get something free. Especially since you have the e-mails proving what Fabio initially said. That is ridiculous. Don't stress though...it will all work out in the end and you will have a fabulous wedding day!
  19. to the forum Tiffany!
  20. Welcome to the forum Marisol!
  21. FYB87


    to the forum Kellie! Happy planning.
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