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Everything posted by FYB87

  1. Thanks JenLeopard for sharing. Those are the same prices I found when I was looking to get round about prices to see what the guests would be roughly paying. So this kinda confirmed my thoughts!
  2. That's great to hear. Glad everything worked out for you. I know that is a relief.
  3. I would contact the vp since that is who Severine spoke with and I would also ask her to send me a copy of the letter the vp gave her so you could reference that when you speak with him/her. This is definitely crazy and I can understand your frustration.
  4. It does depend on your airport. Because that is what I am going through now. I prefer the D.R. However, we have family coming from California, TX and Louisiana which makes Mexico cheaper. But, for our families in other places the D.R. is cheaper.
  5. Thanks ladies! I was over thinking as usual. I'll use the same bags for everyone. Maybe I'll just decorate the bag a little differently!
  6. Are you guys using the same type of bags for them as well? Cause I was thinking about not using the canvas bag I was going to use for the couples and single women, but use the colorful paper bag thing with the handles instead. Maybe I'm over thinking as usual!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Any particular reason not to consider mexico? I was originally trying to avoid mexico because I've been to cancun. I wanted to go somewhere new. But, it was the best price for our guests. I picked riviera maya & I couldn't be more thrilled. There is so much to do there that I didn't do when I was there before. It will be a totally different experience. I would love to go somewhere new, but I'm glad I picked something affordable for my guests. With airfare geting so high it helped that my hotel was cheaper. But, I thought DR was inexpensive too. I think most important to check with is parents. If they are happy with the price then do whatever you want. Make it clear to guests they don't have to go. Then you don't have to worry about the cost. I didn't want to go to Mexico because I've been there before and I've had friends get married there too. Thanks ladies for all of your responses. This does make me feel a little better.
  8. I hadn't thought of the OOT bag thing until I found this forum. It sounds like a very good thing and I am all up for doing it myself and I'm actually excited about it. However, I have single brothers and so does the FI. So am I suppose to give them an OOT bag too? I know they would just throw the bag away. If I don't do the OOT for them, what should I do? I'm confused!!
  9. That is the sweetest thing. Now I wish I had a sister cause I know my brother's wouldn't do something like this for me!
  10. Congratulations! I'm glad to hear that everything is going well. She is very beautiful and what a head full of hair! I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.
  11. I want to get married in Punta Cana, DR and the FI is okay with that decision. But, now I have found out that some family members will most likely have money issues with going there and with the resort I am wanting to chose. So it was suggested we go to Mexico and I don't want to. I honestly feel like since it is my second wedding (FI's first) I could care less if anyone was their period (they weren't there for the first one). I wanted to get married and go on my honeymoon to somewhere I haven't been before which is the whole point of going to the D.R. Am I being selfish? What would you do?
  12. We weren't setting ours up until we've picked the resort. After reading this thread I feel like we need to get on the ball.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Tamster808 I have gone back and forth on making my own. I wanted to purchase from cardsandpockets.com but they do not have my color. I want a blue folder to match my monogram. I was willing to change it but not too much. But I found the exact color cardstock at Michael's and my sister has voluntered to make them for me. She was having trouble but I think I gave her a template that is easier to work with. She is suppose to work on this weekend. I will let you know how it goes. I did a mock one yesterday with just paper and it was not too hard. Yeah...the color issue is the problem for me too. I ordered sample cardstock to see if maybe the website color might be off! We'll see. Definitely, let me know how your sis does (that's great she is able to help you)! I guess if I stated now and maybe did just one every week until the wedding, I may not pull my hair out!
  14. FYB87


    to the forum!
  15. FYB87


    to the forum!
  16. to the forum! If you search through the USVI area on the forum I'm sure you will find lots of information!
  17. to the forum Allyson!
  18. FYB87


    to the forum!
  19. FYB87


    to the forum Vanessa!
  20. I'm sorry I don't. But, definitely something to think about. Being on this forum may be too much for me! I want to do everything I see!
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