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Everything posted by FYB87

  1. Congratulations! to the forum!
  2. FYB87


    to the forum!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by adias.angel Actually there is a express version of photoshop on the web thats free: https://www.photoshop.com/express/landing.html Also if you are looking for something to play with there is a program that is used by the computer geek community called Gimp. It is very much like photoshop but free. It use to be exclusive to the Linux platform and recently has had a version available for Windows. GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program For your monogram either program would be perfect. BUT those programs are really made for editing images not creating whole pamphlets. What I am doing is creating monograms and edit photos with photoshop/gimp then using word to create the STD's, pamphlets, ceremony program. That way you can take a word file to a printer and get them printed on high quality paper. Word is a very common program and almost any printer should be able to use it. I really love both Gimp and photoshop. I am a software developer and don't have any training in image creation but I learned them really quickly. If you google the word tutorial and the program you are using they have some great examples of how to use them. Hope this helps. Sorry its so long Carla I found GIMP about 6 months ago and I love it. I use it all the time for editing pics. I wasn't aware of photoshop express. I will have to try that out! kevsgirl...I also use Publisher and I think it's great and it is very simple to learn especially if you already know Word and PPT. I don't have Photoshop so I couldn't give you a comparisson between the two. It is something I would like to buy though. My son wants to get into graphic design and he is dying for me to buy it!
  4. Okay...here it is. One in PPT and the other in Word! The Word template will not upload for some reason (it's not too big). If anyone needs it just pm me and I'll email it to you. Water Bottle Label Template.ppt
  5. I believe I have this at home in my notebook. I'll look and post if someone else hasn't done so by then!
  6. Thanks for posting! Sorry, I don't have any cute wording for the labels though.
  7. I don't think there is a link addressing the printing issue specifically. So this is definitely a good question. I haven't started mine yet, but I did put this thread up about a couple of really good sites for diy pocketfold invites. The first one tells you how to do it, however, it is in Publisher. The other I don't recall what it specifically said since I wasn't making the actual folder (that website shows how to make the folder too). But, if you don't have Publisher and the second site doesn't say. I can only suggest printing 2 inserts on one sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 paper and test how it comes out. The website for Cards and Pockets suggest you can use 3.5" wide or 4.75" wide inserts. So if you did the 3.5" you should be able to get 2 on one sheet. I hope this is a little help for you. Good Luck! I'll search around and see if I can find something for you just in case! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t21405
  8. You did an awesome job! Definitely give yourself a pat on the back. Well...you and your FI's back!
  9. I think the luggage tag idea is great as well!
  10. If I decide to go the envelope route instead of a box I'm going to try and print out on the envelope. Not quite sure how that will look since the envelopes would be cocoa. If I go the box route I will use labels instead.
  11. You looked gorgeous! I loved that location. Now I am torn between there and the gazebo!!
  12. Hi Terina! Welcome to the forum!
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