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Everything posted by FYB87

  1. Okay..I'm in. Never eaten at Manny's and I'm not a Mexican food person at all! Can someone tell me if they have anything else that I might like besides the usual Mexican dishes?
  2. How exciting for you guys! I know you will have fun!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by azhuskergirl And he was a cocky bastard! I'm not sure what he was so cocky about, thought, with his popped pink polo shirt. Seriously?!? I'm alone in my opinion, but I like Graham, and seriously don't think it's wierd that he's having a problem with her dating other guys. Yes, he knew what the show was about before coming on, but I know if I were on that show dating 1 guy while he's hooking up with 10 other ladies, I'd not handle it that well. Just my 2 cents. I like Graham as well. And totally agree that even though he knew what the show is all about he has issues with her being with other guys. To me its about him starting to have real feelings for her, which is a good thing. I think she will choose him as long as he tries to open up more. Did anyone notice that when they kissed she kept trying to slip him her tongue?!? My son says I notice the weirdest things. So just wondering. Anyways, I also like Jason and if it were me picking I would choose him. He is so sweet and sensitive. I think he really has genuine feelings for her. As far as Jesse which is my third favorite he's definitely a great guy. However, I would just be concerned of what type of career he will ultimately have. Unless, he is either already a millionaire or close to it.
  4. A normal name finally! Congrats to a healthy baby for them.
  5. I thought it was a good show. It was confusing in the beginning because of the flashbacks and her dreaming. It was definitely sad, but well worth watching it.
  6. Yeah...I saw that while I was at the gym! But, I was in a groove listening to my playlist and didn't want to interrupt! That's funny other's saw it as well.
  7. Good to hear she had a healthy baby and they are doing well!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsRust I am hoping to get married in Punta Cana, it is so beautiful! I have been looking at the Occidental Grand in Punta Cana. I posted earlier asking if anyone had any ideas about it and now seeing this thread it doesn't look like anyone chose that resort! Did any of you PR Brides or Soon to Be PR Brides look at Occidental Grand during your planning? I didn't look at that particular resort. Only because when I googled for the top 10 resorts in the area it didn't pull-up. Which isn't saying much. We haven't finalized our resort yet. The FI is being difficult. I told him he had until July to offer his input or I will just pick myself. I will go and check out this resort now!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB WOO HOO!!! I'm down 6 pounds! Only 4 to go! At least I know the dress will zip now. I just need to be sure to keep it off. Great job! You will definitely have no problems come wedding day. Keep up the good work!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by townie princess Sorry if this was already mentioned, I only read the first and last pages of the post. Did you ever see the movie "Devil Wears Prada"? There's the part where Ann Hathaway's character tells her snooty co-worker that she looks really thin just in time for her trip to Paris. She responds with "Yes, it's my cube cheese diet. I eat nothing all day, then when I think I'm just about to faint, I eat a small cube of cheese" Not that I recommend anything that extreme, but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. LOL. I'd eat a whole slab of cheese if that were me! That is my favorite part of the movie. I die laughing whenever I get to that part!
  11. Okay...just watched the last 2 episodes and Jackie just keeps getting to me. Being such and child and not telling her mom about Brianna's family was ridiculous. But, in the end it did work out okay since her mom seemed to alright by the end of the episode. Which is funny since it looks like she want to break up with her in the next episode. Now let's get to the workout video! I can't believe Jackie had the audacity to make those ladies wait all that time for her and felt like they should wait since they are waiting to meet with the, "All Might One Jackie." It pissed me off. Now when they were making the video I was quite surprised. Like KLC77 said I didn't realize Rebecca was that tiny either. I also, didn't realize what a nice body Renessa (spelling??) has too. Now that Greg Plitt has an outrageous body. I mean I like it at times and then it grosses me out. I'm so confused! I think I like him better with clothes on since his muscles seem so unreal. Oh...almost forgot about the Office Manager getting Lipo. Obviously she is lazy. There is no way I could work in a gym and not actually work out when my boss said I could even during my working hours. Come on...wouldn't we all at least try? I was actually surprised to see her working there anyway being that she wasn't even in shape. I guess Jackie didn't care?
  12. FYB87


    to the forum!
  13. FYB87


    Hi Amber! Welcome to the forum. Happy Planning.
  14. Hi Janice! Welcome to the forum!
  15. FYB87

    Bride to Be

    Welcome to the forum Andrea!
  16. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  17. FYB87


    Hi Laney! Congratulations and welcome to the forum!
  18. Hi Melissa! Looks like we are in the same boat. Punta Cana in June/July '09. There is a Dominican Republic Board on here that you will have to visit!
  19. FYB87


    Congratulations! to the forum. Happy Planning!
  20. FYB87

    Newbie Bride

    to the forum Jessica!
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