Hi All,
Now that I have finished designing my STD's I am thinking about invite design. So I am back to my lifeline, BDW, for advice. (Please forgive the bad photoshop work, I am at work so I had to do it fast when inspiration struck.)
I found these SOOO cute STD's that I want to turn into a pocketfold invite with of course some modifications. Here is the STD:
So my thought I would change the matte color to orange and line around the picture to pink. The text around it would have our saying "a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step ~Lao Tzu" And the bottom would have our names, date and location.
Then because there isn't a lot of space to put text I was going to set a layer of vellum over the top, not attached to the invite, printed with the more traditional text/information like this:
Then the inserts, which still need some work, would look something like this:
And then the pocketfold would be sand colored and look kinda like this minus the pink ribbon and of course in the sand color (back side is on the left):
Then instead of the ribbon we would seal them up with clear, maybe orange, wax and an old fashioned M stamp. Kinda like this:
Finally we would place them in a clear envelope so the monogram on the backside of the pocket fold would show through. Might even put a bit of confetti in there to give it that pop. Something like this but with different confetti:
*whew* Wow that was a lot to get out. So am I crazy? What is way to over the top? Carla