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Everything posted by seaprincess

  1. Yeah! We ordered my BM dresses on Friday!http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t721-50 One less thing to do!
  2. I love that idea! My brother is walking me down the aisle too, so it just inspired some ideas for me too! Thanks for posting!
  3. Glad you ladies agree - I liked them so much that I bought three boxes. Plus at $6 a box I thought the price was right too!
  4. We are doing a legal ceremony, but from what I understand, a guest services staff person translates the whole thing to english for our guests because legally the ceremony has to be performed in spanish (plus the judge is spanish speaking) so I imagine they are quite comfortable with performing the ceremony.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by sassybride Seaprincess: How was the food at the new dows lake restaurant? Ummm...funny story, I lay down to take a nap on Friday night after work and slept through the tasting I did hear from someone that the reviews weren't great, but I think we'll just go there for dinner one night instead to see for ourselves. If anyone heads there first, please post your opinion though! I'd love to hear about it!
  6. I went shopping for Thank you Cards to send out to my engagement party guest and came across these at Walmart. They are Hallmark and cost me $6 for 20! I think they are so cute especially since we are getting married in a Spanish speaking country! PS- One of my wedding colours is Aqua so it fits perfectly!
  7. My E-ring is a princess cut Maple Leaf diamond (one of the Canadian mined diamond companies) which my FI remembered was important to me when we were ring shopping. The setting is modeled after the Tiffany Lucida setting Tiffany & Co. | Engagement Rings | Lucida® | THE LUCIDA® RING | Canada . I personally love the simplicity of the solitaire. I'm having a hard time choosing a band that compliments the ring and sits well next to it....I am leaning towards two micro pave bands, one on either side, to balance the ring. I am all about symetrie and balance.... Plus, I'll be getting a plain platinum band for casual wear/gym/working around the house.
  8. Wow! The photog did an amazing job! You look fantastic! The shots on the beach are perfect!
  9. You look beautiful! Only a little while longer till you get to share it with your husband!
  10. Just heads up to those Canadian brides - it is for US residents only... I just tried to get mine and was denied
  11. Welcome~Lots of great info and people to talk to! Have fun!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by joshfrommontreal Urban Element will hold 50 sit down, and 65-70 cocktail. Ah...so it is relatively small....I have alot more people coming to my cocktail AHR than 70....Thanks Josh!
  13. I was going to suggest a class too- it helps to actually speak the language to other people rather than learn it from a dc or book and just say it aloud to yourself
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by sassybride ya sorry Urban Element. We had our stag at urban well so I'm getting a bit mixed up. Just by looking the pics it didn't look that big but I might not be looking at the pic where they hold the actual weddings. That new restaurant looks AMAZING - love it (dows lake) Thanks for sharing..I think this will be our 4 yr anniv dinner spot I know eh? Looks amazing! I'll let you know how the food is, but the menu online looks so tasty!
  15. There is some time between christmas and new years...I would double check with the couthouse/minister if it could be done on Dec 27 or 28? They may not be open/available, but it would be a solution. It is going to be stressful during that time though so is it worth adding another to-do to the list?
  16. Congrats, welcome and I am sure that you'll finds tons on here about the Paradisus. Good luck and happy plannning!
  17. I like the last lamp, but I agree I would do a different shade colour...the blue is a primary, and when you pair it with another primary colour (like red) it ends up looking more sports themed...or kids room... I would go with a muddy orange to tie the room together...jmho
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by sassybride I looked into these places on York street and they were an arm and a leg... Urban well looks cool - I think Fi and I will be taking cooking classes there. How many ppl can they accommodate for a wedding though? the room looks small. Urban element or urban well? Urban well is that pub on Laurier by ottawa U, but urban element looks like they could accomodate a large enough group....it held firetrucks at one point after all...I guess it depends how many people you were planning on invititing to AHR
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama There was a really awesome restaurant in the market that you could have it at, but for some reason the name has escaped me. Theres a huge brick patio out there and its gorgeous. Ill try and remeber the name! Social? Foundation? They are both in the same little courtyard area along with a few other places. Social is a beautiful venue...I'll have to think about it...
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