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Everything posted by seaprincess

  1. I would consider myself spiritual b/c I beleive there is a higher power, and I have prayed to God on behalf of a loved one, but I don't go to church. When I was a child, my parents couldn't agree on a religion for my brother and I b/c my mother was raised Roman Catholic and my father was raised Anglican. THen when I was about 11, my maternal grandmother was diagnosed with cancer and it was important to her that we were introduced to religion. So I was baptized, did my first communion and my confirmation all in within a period of a year -- then we stopped going to church except on major holidays. So I got a crash course in religion, never went to Catholic school (b/c my mother has strong opinions from her own experience being abused by nuns as a child) and can't remember much of what I learned that year. My husband is also a non-practicing Roman Catholic, but has stronger beliefs about baptism etc and we will likely baptise our child Catholic and let him/her decide later on what they believe. I should also add that growing up 80% of my friends were Jewish, so I have a much better understanding of the Jewish faith than of my own...and secretly I always wanted to be Jewish to be like my friends!
  2. I did the TTD in my actual dress, and it wasn't ruined at all...in fact, it was cleaner than after the wedding. I say use your real dress - it was amazing!
  3. So, I went to the doctor on Friday for my annual check-up/pap/blood work etc. Same old, same old... Then today I get a voicemail at home, while I'm at work, from the nurse asking me to call the office. I didn't get the message until 5:30 and tried to call but obviously they are closed! So now I have to wait until tomorrow to find out what its all about and I'm a little freaked! And to add to that, my DH starts asking if I'm nauseous, etc. wondering if I'm preggers.... I have had zero symptoms and as a matter of fact, aunt flow stopped by today for her visit. A couple of years ago I had an irregular pap, but it took them 4 months to call me about that one and this time its only been 2 days! I think that is why I'm freaking! Just needed to vent, b/c I don't want to freak FI out by chatting about it too much until I know the reason for the call, and I know you ladies would be up for listening...
  4. Congrats and Welcome!!!(BTW Love the name!)
  5. Welcome and congratulations! I love the combo engagement/preggo pics! You look positively glowing. When's the big day?
  6. I just heard about this too....my hubby was just in Binghamtom last week to watch the Sens farm team play a few games. Even though I know he wouldn't have been near where it happened, I can't help but thinking how that is a little too close for comfort and how that small town must be devastated.
  7. I went wax crazy before my wedding too!!! I had my eyebrows, arms, brazilian, and full leg done. I've done my underarms in the past and honestly they are more painful than getting a brazilian!! But only the first time, after that it wasn't so bad. I choose to shave them b/c I was wearing sleeveless tops at the gym and couldn't let the hair grow out long enough. It was so worth it to be hair-free for the wedding! I did have to shave my legs during the second week b/c I did have a few spots that needed it.
  8. Welcome Heather! There are a few Ottawa brides on here that I'm sure you'll get to know in the near future. Good luck and happy planning!
  9. Holy Smokes ladies! Geez, BDW has some serious hotties! Fantastic photos for all three!
  10. We definetly did! Although, before the wedding I was pretty sure we were going to be too tired and didn't expect we would! As is turns out, my FI wanted to head back to the room early (1am) and get it on and go to bed, even though I still wanted to party with our group at the disco....anyone who knows us would consider this quite the reverse of roles...I'm usually the sleepy one and he's the party animal. I couldn't let him go back to the room alone and he looked so wiped I conceded and we went back and had a fantastic night... I was pleasantly surprised by that aspect of our wedding night!
  11. Most print at home labels have instructions on how to set up the template - if you use Word, you need to click on the "labels" tab and you can set it up depending on the brand you bought or you can customize the size....good luck!
  12. I love the orchids on the cake! You looked like you had a great time, congrats!
  13. Before you jump to the theory that your first solution is surgery, stop. Just to give you a bit of background, I work in disability and I look at MRI reports all day long. I am not an MD so please keep that in mind, but I do follow patients through theuire treatment experience and surgery is very often a last, last resort. Have you tried all the non-invasiv options - physio therapy? Massage therapy? Acupunture? Chiro? You would not beleive the relief people experience from these types of interventions. Just because an MRI reveals something does not mean you are the same as those cases on the internet. Before you freak, wait until the MD can interpret the MRI and determine if there are alternatives. If not, and surgery is where you are headed, try to relax b/c most often shoulder surgeries can be done by arthroscopy so it is minimally invasive. Either way it goes, good luck - I'm sure you will be well on your way to recovery by your wedding and you can enjoy a new life pain free!
  14. I'm a disability case manager for a large international insurance company. I have a degree in kinesiology and love what I studied! I apply my education to my current job by developing safe graduated return to work plans to help people return to work after injury or illness. I also spend a lot of time reading medical reports...the other case managers I work with are nurses, physios, massage therapists and chiros. I love my co workers, but the job can be tough on the emotions at times.... I would love to switch gears and begin working in health promotion...my goal is to begin a masters in health promotion in 2010.
  15. The night before I spent hanging out with my girls b/c I needed to wrap my BD book and get my hair trimmed by my hairstylist/BM and FI went to bed early. Then I went back to our room to sleep together and wake up together...Then the next morning we each went to breaky with our friends and met up together to go swim in the ocean before I had to begin getting ready. It was wonderful to have a private moment with just the two of us. We are by no means a traditional couple and staying apart didn't really mean anything to either of us, but it totally depends on the couple.
  16. My mom is hosting a cocktail style reception at the local sailing club. We are doing served hot hors d'oevres from 7:30-9:00 along with wine, which is the time that we are also going to do some informal speeches, show the slideshow, etc. Then dancing starts at 9:00 and we are doing fruit sandwich and cheese platters. We are also going to have cupcakes instead of wedding cake.
  17. My dress was all lace and and I used it for my TTD and although it was really sandy, it wasn't ruined at all and I'm wearing it for my AHR in a few weeks....I know a lot of brides have done the same thing. I think that as long as your dress isn't made of silk you should be just fine.
  18. Alright, I haven't posted on here in a while because I have been a lazy post-bride! I haven't been to the gym since I became a Mrs! Yes that would be 6 solid weeks of inactivty....until today. I always dread going back after I take some time off b/c I know its going to hurt and I'm going to hate myself for taking a break.....but in the end I know that I will be better for it. So today I started off with an hour of pilates...Friday is bodypump and Saturday will be spin....only 1 month till the AHR and I need to fit into my dress again! Wish me luck!
  19. Welcome! I just got married there on January 28th 2009. Check out my wedding review and pro-pics!
  20. Oh Calia I'm sorry to hear you are going through all of this! You need to do it today, the sooner the better. Don't go into too much detail, just explain that you need some time for yourself right now and although you wish you could stay, it isn't what you need to be doing right now...blame it on the new clinic if you need too....family business is a perfect reason to leave. Don't feel bad, you're health and wellbeing is the most important thing! Be strong and focus on you! Big hug!
  21. I choose #2 cause I'm a lace lovin' bride too....my dress was a heavy lace overlay and it held up great in the sand during the cermony and during the trash the dress! I'm even wearing it for the AHR cause it wasn't damaged at all...Good luck chosing the dress of your dreams!
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