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Everything posted by ButlerGirl08

  1. Oh ok...I was just making sure I wasn't the only one. Thanks Alyssa.
  2. I hung my dress in the captain's closet...with no problems.
  3. You guys are welcome, I been meaning to post them a while back...
  4. Thank you Nikki... This pic was took with my camera too and still turned out beautifully.
  5. What about a cute and simple bun with a weave ponytail or something
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Agape Gems We got our official wedding certificates in the mail yesterday! Just short of 2 months. Only thing is, they spelled 12th wrong... wonder if that matters? Congrats Court...so you know Ima need you to give me a step by step of EXACTLY how you filed to change your name... Where to go, what to do...the details...
  7. So I was just on a thread about sororities and thought it would be interesting to see if there are any fellow sorors out there that are part of the Divine 9. I am a Delta woman...OOOO-OOOOPPP to my devastating sorors. Crossed Apr 26, 2008 (Neo!!!) #7 Sweetness Elite Eight South Bend Alumnae Spr. 08
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP I am number 4b or the Talented 10 F89 Delta Tau Cheyney University let me be the first to serenade you...... MEMEmemeMEeee (clearing my throat) She may be an Omega sweetheart or the dream girl of A phi A...... She may wear a Kappa's diamond, or her love may a Sigma be...... But if she wears the Delta Symbols, then her first love is DST Shes a Delta Shes a Delta Shes a DEeeeeeellllllttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaa.. OOOOO_OOOOP Another Delta girl here...Delta Sigma Theta that is... OOOOO-OOOOPP to my sorors Lady P and Nikki. I would try and post the sweetheart song that was sung to me by some sorors we just met at the ROR, but I don't know how to post it. But Anyways... Sorortiy life is wonderful, have always wanted to be a Delta. Alumnae chapter is a little different from Undergrad, I'm sure, but there is still a sisterly bond. DST for life. OOOOOOOOO-OOOOOOOPPPP!!!! #7 Sweetness Elite Eight South Bend Alumnae Spr 08
  9. Okay so, I am still unable to look at other's pages or pics. It says I don;t have the rights. Is there something wrong. I am a Full member and have a few points, should I still be restricted
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Agape Gems Heck yea! I had plenty of bells and whistles and a fantastic photog for that amount. I just picked a resort (RIU Ocho Rios, Jamiaca) where there were lots of things for free- like a dinner reception at a simi-private restaurant, etc. By doing a lil research I found that we could afford to stay for 10 days if we went with the RIU over some of the other more branded places like Couples, Sandals, Beaches... I agree with Courtney 100%...it can be done...we had no choice... We were well under...of course there were a few extra things...but it was beautfiul and less expensive... Make sure you go All Inclusive...i don't think I can go back to ever doing it Non All Inclusive...
  11. You know what...I thought about it. I'm in...for $15 if I win great...but if I slack and my $15 goes to someone who worked hard, they desearve it... AnnR I am PM'ing you now...
  12. I am still contemplating... I just started back working out today and have 3 acountability partners... I don't know. It would be a great way to make sure my ass gets to it... Decisions, decisions...
  13. At first I hated my job as a Supervisor at a Bakery (not sweets but English Muffins) because I knew there were other things out there I wanted to do more and it is difficult managing people way older than you. Now I have realized that the job isn't so bad it's my boss and all of the politics and the fact that I live in boring Indiana. If it were up to me, I would go back to school and get a degree in Fashion Design and start designing clothes. I would start off by working in some boutique or be an assistant to some up and coming designer, then take off from there. We are in the process of finding something in the Atlanta area. I want the big city life, but I love the Southern Hospitality and alot of culture. Which is how we came up with Atlanta, and I just love the damn city. Besides I am the breadwinner now because my DH hasn't found a decent job due to the lack of opportunities in small town Indiana (South Bend, not tiny...but small enough) So since I have no experience or education in fashion whatsoever, I am looking for jobs in my degree of Industrial Engineering (great degree to fall back on btw.) That will hopefully get us to Atlanta and when we get settled, I will start taking classes part time. This is kinda why we are pushing off having kids for at least 2 or 3 years. I am only 24 (will be 25 in Aug) and DH is 26, so we are still wanting to just enjoy us and pursue our dreams. He wants to play pro basketball. As of now, I am pursuing a part time gig at the MAC counter that was just opened in Macy's (the 1st one ever here...YAY) So we will see if they call me back and maybe that will be the foot in the door of the fashion industry that I need... Sorry for blabbin, but this is a topic that is truly on my mind throughout 75% of my day at least...
  14. We didn't really have much items, but we had a bag dedicated to all the items and my BM was kind enough to check it since her luggage policy did not require her to pay for additional bags before 2. We also packed some stuff in our bags and everything was okay. We wrapped things really well and just hoped for the best. I didn't too much trust shipping it there. If it weren't going to make it there, I wanted it to be because of something I did not based off of somebody else...lol. But like I said, we didn't have a whole lot of decorations, everything was mainly things for the OOT bags and some BM & GM stuff.
  15. I used snapfish and I love it... You can do the slideshow and order pics and when you sign up, they let you order some pics for free. Once all of my guests finish uploading their pics, I am going to get them in Hi-Res and put them on a disc so I can print them out.
  16. Okay so we were there froom 6/11-6/22...We arrived on the 11th and drove past the RIU Mo Bay and this is what we saw...It didn't look done at all IMO, but they are saying Aug 29th... Here are some pics I took for you girls... Hope this helps...
  17. Maureen I agree 100%. I can't change anything. I have heard the first thing is the SS and then the License and so on so forth. My work says I have 30 days to be able to add my husband, but I'm like...30 days from when? From when we got married or from when they issue the license? I asked if I could let them see the paper that we signed, but my HR lady is obviously confused and should be out of a job. I hope it come soon, but until then...I guess I am still a Bond and not a Butler. I still keep calling Mario my Fiance... DOOO (like Homer Simpson...) Marsha, the paper you guys signed at the ceremony, they should have gave you a copy immediately following the ceremony. Double check with your hubby.
  18. You looked so beautiful. You remind me of Christina Millian btw. How many guests did you have Wow it was gorgeous, makes me wanna go back. Where are the rest of the pics
  19. I never thought of that... Last time we played it was us shooting horse. Usually when we play, like back in the day, he would take it easy on me because I was a girl. Which is understandable, because if we were seriously playing, he would dunk on me... But if I do attempt to play with him, I run the chance of going to the gym and running with some actual girls which is a plus also. I think I am kinda reluctant because I know the girls that come up there to play are young and in great shape and would wax my a$& up and down that court... I don't wanna get embarassed, but I guess I gotta start somewhere...I am going to ask him tomorrow... I hope I remember how to play...lol. Gotta take my hoopin shoes out of retirement and brush the dust off of them.
  20. It all depends on availability. You got lucky for your honeymoon because something better was available...but if they don't have it, they can't give it. It doesn't hirt to ask...or plea...lol.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by JBinjour I actually have a lot of their products. Since, I don't wear a lot of makeup. I also can't justify spending $50 on a bronzing blending brush. Their product line works for me. I really like brushes. It's actually a higher quality brushes for the price. I also like their lip glosses, bronzers, and eyeshadows. I can't use their foundation makeup. Since, I am black-american with a in-between tone (not very dark skinned & definitely not light skinned). Their foundations do not blend very well with my skin tone. I believe for the price you are getting more. Lol, at least it's not Wet'n'Wild makeup!!! You know, as far as foundations go have you tried MAC... I am like the MAC spokeperson on here, but I truly believe in their products. Don't get me wrong, I too think it is insane to have a $50 (Ican't like I have a couple $30...but they're so good) so hopefully me venturing out to E.L.F. will be beneficial. I just hope they hurry and send my stuff...
  22. That's exactly why we got the Jacuzzi Suite ASAP because when we were there they weren't upgrading anyone...they had even overbooked the rooms so there was an issue for folks to even get the room they were promised. I would say go for exactly what you want, you won't be in your room the entire trip...but you will spend a significant amount of time in there, so it needs to be enjoyable.
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