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Everything posted by ButlerGirl08

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by joshfrommontreal You are so right about this! I have never really noticed the models before as anything above and beyond but this season I noticed it right away. Yeah, they also do interviews with the models and let them talk...which has never been done before. I am excited for this season though because I do believe that it is filled with talent.
  2. Good...at least I'm not the only one... I need to stop because it depresses me when it doesn't move or when it goes up.
  3. 1. Where is your cell phone? desk 2. Your significant other? Ears 3. Your hair? Ponytail 4. Your mother? Nutso 5. Your father? Arizona 6. Your favorite thing? food 7. Your dream last night? pregnant 8. Your favorite drink? gatorade 9. Your dream/goal? fashion 10. The room you're in? work 11. Your ex? cheater 12. Your fear? spiders 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? Atlanta 14. Where were you last night? MegaBus 15. What you're not? skinny 16. Muffins? English 17. One of your wish list items? Atlanta 18. Where you grew up? Missouri 19. The last thing you did? drink 20. What are you wearing? uniform 21. Your TV? small 22. Your pets? none 23. Your computer? restricted 24. Your life? great 25. Your mood? sleepy 26. Missing someone? nope 27. Your vehicle? TANGY 28. something your not wearing? e-ring 29. Favorite Store? MAC 30. Your summer? short 31. Like someone? love 32. favorite color? red 33. When is the last time you laughed? today 34. Last time you cried? n/a
  4. I didn't see it either, when does it come on again...looks like I gotta Tivo it.
  5. Great review, reading your review made me reminisce about when I was there.
  6. We actually flew US Airways also and they hung it up in the closet no problem, the lady threatened to take it and where it, but besides that...no worries. I took on the dress and I had a bag and they didn't say anything about too many carry-ons. You will be fine. What I will suggest that whoever (between you and your FH) boards first, let them carry the dress on and hang it up so that it can get on the plane sooner just in case someone in front of you is doing the same thing. The closet is small but it's better than folding it. I honestly don't think you would need to steam it because it is so hot and humid that it would steam itself. Or you can put it in the shower...
  7. I haven't gotten mine yet or a slip from the post office. Lizz you think emailing Chandly will help the process? What is her email again
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by joshfrommontreal I hope he's not the new Christian! I felt the same way about Christian all last season, I just wanted him off but I had to listen to the world 'fierce' 1000000000x instead. I agree 100%, he is trying to make his "word" known, but he is so lame when he says it...he just says it at any given time. I don't remember last weeks or the people yet, they haven't made a huge impact on me yet...we will see this week. The models are gorgeous this season though.
  9. The pics are in my review thread I posted...hold on lemme go find it, BRB
  10. So...the AHR was fun, kinda overrated...but at least we got some cash from the family. It actually paid for our trip down there so I guess we came out on top. We did get a cake which is great seeing how when we got married in Jamaica, we weren't able to bring the cake back so that we can eat it next year on June 14th, now we can!!!
  11. Shame on some of you girls (me included... ) and great job to others. I can't say that I did well this weekend, as it was out AHR in good ole Memphis. I ate good food, but I think I did okay because I could've ate alot more than what I did... but of course I had to eat the barbeque...YUMMY. And I drank, which I don't ever do, but I had to take celebratory SHOTS!!! This week I will get back on track. If I am not dying sleepy, I will at least do 2 sets of my 8 min workouts in the morning before I go to sleep. I am not sure how this weigh in will be though. Does anyone else besides me weigh themselves outside of the weigh in? I have a bad habit of this and I was wondering if it is something I shouldn't be doing? According to the scale not only am I back up from last weigh in by 2.6 lbs, but I am up from initial weigh in by 1 lb...yucky. I gotta get my mind right immediately. I need to start cooking, I know that will help me out...
  12. Yeah...so even after a not so good week, I still managed to lose 1.6 lbs... Better than I thought. I kept stepping back up on the scale to make sure. This week, my goal is to run all the days that I am off. This will be hard seeing how this weekend is my AHR... I can't promise I will be good, because aint nothing like southern home cooked meals...
  13. I wish I would have cancelled when it wasn't already in motion...I did however cancel the one in STL... YAY
  14. Oh boy... I don;t even know how many to expect to tell you the truth... Ah well, it's too late now... We will be headin down by way of Megabus tomorrow morning...
  15. I love PR!!! I like the yellow dress and the blue cups. I don't know, I do sense some talent on the show...I am looking forward to watching it tomorrow!!!
  16. Beautiful...I really enjoyed your pics. I'm glad everything went well too...
  17. So we leave for our first reception Friday...and all the trouble we are going through to travel all the way from NW Indiana to Memphis, better pay off at this reception...
  18. Okay ladies...so I just caught up with all the replies and I have to say I am so proud of everyone. It sounds like everybody took some sort of step to get to the better them.. I am so happy for you guys, keep it up... on the other hand... I have accomplished DIDDLY SQUAT!!! I didn't run, I haven't ate better (or at all really for that matter) and I still feel crappy. It's actually making me want to give up..but I know I won't do that. I feel very behind, but like you guys tell me...One day at at ime, if things don't go right...start over the next day. So with that being said, I am about to go and pop in my workout video and do the damn thing RIGHT NOW!!! I need to lose at least 30 lbs eventually, not according to the BMI readings, because if I lose more than that I will look sick. I am ashamed to know what my weigh in will be at Wed, even though I have been peeking at the scale (I weigh myself too often, another obsessive problem of mine) and I am the same...I guess that's better than gaining for me. Anyways, I'm off...and will talk to you guys tomorrow... Any quick and easy ideas for meals
  19. Dlyteful..where are your pics? The one I have seen is fabulous...
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by DLyteful I added my hubby the week I got back to work. Its usually 30 days from the date of the marriage and my benifies (charges) all back dated to that day and my hubby received a type of credit.... U usually dont need the certificate to add the info right off, only if the insurance company does a type of audit. Then they request the certificate. If your going to add him I would suggest you do it ASAP or you are probably going to have to wait until your companies open enrollment date. Yep you are exactly right. I got everything in Monday...exactly 30 days from the day we got married.. But I am kinda pissed about how they are gonna charge me back to June 14th since that's when we got married...he didn't use the benefits... Ah well. He should be in there though...
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