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Everything posted by ButlerGirl08

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by JoLo908 shot glasses! So easy to get, and great memories of places! Sometimes we take sand in a little glass bottle from places too... I use to do shot glasses, I still kinda do, but many of them came up missing idurin those crazy ass college parties back in the day...
  2. Hooter's t shirts... whatever city I go to, or anyone I know...I have them get me a Hooter's t shirt. Not sure why, but I like how it has the city on the shirt...
  3. No steel band... I used the Gospel song, "How Deeply I need You" by the Shenikah Glory Ministries...absolutely phenomenal...
  4. So far...the beginning of the week is ok...I think I have lost with that one little run and eating better and drinking water...we will see.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by KHarrod My crush is AgapeGems because she's so wonderful and helpful. Yeah I would have to agree with AgapeGems as well...
  6. I would have to say NikkiandDean... She is so supportive and sweet... And she is my sorority sister...
  7. I was married on June 14th and I didn't get mine... If they came I was sleep, but nothing was left on my door...maybe it will come tomorrow... I hope.
  8. I heard that... well I know you can do it...just stay active and try and do something on a daily basis...
  9. Well I didn't go running this morning, but I figured that I would give myself Sundays off. Besides when I got home, DH was sleepy and didn't wanna go...he used the excuse "Let's go every other day..." I agreed and just went to bed. But I am eating better and drinking more water. I am physically starting to feel better and it's on;y been 2 days. I don't think nothing has changed on the scale, but I'm sure it will. My goal is to go running when I get off in the morning since I don't have to work...and if I am really feeling froggy, go running later in the day too... Thanks for the support girls. I really appreciate it because you all are really helping ,e feel confident that I can change...
  10. The groom walking down, then the GM, then the BM, and then me and my moms...
  11. Weren't you supposed to subtract that last part with 4.7 times your age
  12. You guys are right, and when I got off of work Saturday morning...I pushed myself and told myself...NO MORE EXCUSES... so I went and ran around the neighborhood. I was so proud of myself. I wouldn;t have done it without my DH...he was there the whole way. I felt good about myself, I slept better, and I decided to eat better...so I ate good today and drank lots of water. I also joined Free Calorie Counter, Diet & Exercise Journal - MyFitnessPal.com. I need this boost, I just hope I keep it up because it feels so good.
  13. So I am officially going to the grocery store when I get off work...seriously.
  14. RUN RUN RUN...I need to tell myself this...but I know cardio is the cure to loosing weight. If you are familiar with strength training...Lateral Pull Downs with leight weights would be excellent for you. Military Press is a good one for your shoulder area and your traps... Lateral raisies and front raises too.
  15. Yea, you can not wear shorts in Sir John...
  16. My TA booked us through Jamaica Tours... It was very enjoyable... For Dunn's River, we took the Cool Runnings Tour...where we went snorkeling on a booze cruise sort of boat and then off to Dunn's River...it was alot of fun for $75.
  17. My hair could not hold a curl, that's how humid it was...There is a breeze, but it was a hot breeze...
  18. Yeah I would suggest going with the free package and then upgrade accordingly...
  19. Courtney I was gonna say the same thing. I used my parasol to block my face, but I also waited up by the balcony area until the BM's were gone. Then I walked down those stairs, and still didn't move until I heard my music playing. I did this on purpose, because my song I walked in on does not get real goo unitl about a minute into it...so I walked hella slow too... My DH was so nervous and emotional, he never looked up anways...even when I was standing in front of him at the altar. I had to crack a joke to lift his spirits...
  20. This is absolutely crazy...and I thought Michael was a nice guy...SCUMBAG!!!
  21. Ladies...I NEED MOTIVATION... I am on a downward slope... I can't get any motivation... I told one of my friends I feel like I am gaining weight, and she agreed saying that she can tell in my face. I just feel horrible, but I just can't get up enough energy to do anything.... I just am starting to accept the fact that I am lousy and for some reason I feel stuck. I need something strong to help me...for real...
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 I lost 2 lbs. Looks like my replacing meals with ice cream plan is a good one! Just kidding. I'm back to eating semi-good. I do have a funny story from yesterday. I went to the gym. I didn't really want to, but knew I should. I was so unmotivated. I warmed up on the treadmill and as soon as I was ready to head to the back machine I needed someone else got on it. So, I left. lol The girl at the front desk must've thought I was crazy. I was only in there for 8 minutes! Kelly I laughed so hard I almost pee'd my pants...
  23. She said it was sent out July 21st, and that I should be receiving it soon... YAY...
  24. Well look girls, even us taking the conscious effort to try and change a little says something about us. I really wish I had all the time and money in the world to work out and eat right, but unfortunately I don't. I gotta make due with what I'm working with... On the other end I look at it like this, if I don't win, my $15 will go to someone who really desearves it so it's no money lost... ya dig And soror, that pizza and wine (I don't even drink, just hungry) sounds good. Looks like I am at work tonight with again nothing to eat because of a hectic mess here and it being too late to order food in. Luckily we make English Muffins here so I can just grab them off of the line and munch. Now alls I need is some butter and jelly.
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