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Everything posted by m-mak

  1. We are staying at the ROR in Ocho Rios. Just wondering where we can golf near the resort? We would like to know the cost and the best way to book. Please let us know. Thanks.
  2. I can't believe I only have two months to go... I can't wait.
  3. Thanks for posting.. you must have worked vary hard on them.
  4. Hi girls (and maybe boys) I know my husband to be is on this site more than me! I am having problems booking my hair and nail appointments at the spa online. Have any of you done this? Please help me. I want to make sure I get my appointments on the wedding day. My wedding is in two months ot the ROR.
  5. Good luck! I hope everything works out for you...
  6. Thanks for the review. Your pictures look great. Welcome home
  7. Thats crazy I can't belive he does not take credit cards.
  8. Thanks for the great review. I can't wait to go.
  9. Thanks! What a detailed review. It's a big help.
  10. I'm November 12th and think I have every thing lined up. When are you sending in your noterized documents.
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