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Everything posted by Rainfall

  1. They look wonderful! I can't wait until i can dl the templates and start using them! Thanks for sharing
  2. I think that the deposit and gifts you have already done is enough. I am paying for the girls dresses, sandals and jewelry.. I am not sure if I should include anything else as my budget is surly already over.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by future_mrs2010 rainfall what is your wedding date?? we leave 2 weeks from sunday... holy sh!t! I guess I should call american and delta airlines about my dress, to see if I can carry it on! Im Jan 22 at Dreams Puerto Aventruas.. I wonder if I should just risk it. ahhhhhh so hard I can't trust checking my dress~!
  4. my FI was the same, but in the end, he told me it was my day and this was something I wanted him to do.. essentially he had no choice Im glad things went the way you dreamed Good Luck!
  5. Im sorry thats happening, it's a toss up to call the builder or not, or you can just keep very very close tabs on them? it's like a second job!
  6. I know what you mean, what bugs me the most is people will say they will come when you know they won't. Just be up front I'm not mad that you can't come!
  7. I hope everything works out for you in the end!
  8. The 40 year old virgin : Steve Carell
  9. Thanks for sharing, sure put a smile on my face
  10. Hi, What is everyone doing for music for your wedding? So far the options are: 1. Hire on-site DJ ~ 200USD per/hr 2. Hire outside DJ ( not sure cost? can someone fill in?) 3. Bring your own Ipod/CD and just rent their stereo system ~130-150 USD 4. Bring your own stereo system with music (~200-400USD) My question is that is their a electronics store in Playa so that I can buy my own stereo system and not have to bring one to Mexico? I've never been so I am not sure what it's all about. Love to hear what you are doing! -Rain
  11. i'd probably just take it home to wash. make sure it dries before putting in your suitcase tho
  12. Thanks for this! im looking to put something together and need a starting point!
  13. hate lol don't wnat to get addicted! The Matrix? ( it's on tv tonight)
  14. great website thanks for sharing
  15. Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist :Kat Dennings
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