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Everything posted by Princess402

  1. These are great! I really love the colours, and also the little flower to hold the boarding cards together - that's a really cute idea and I may steal it!
  2. I am so jealous that you scored that dress for 300 bucks! It's SOOO nice! Definitely one of those things that was "just meant to be"
  3. Check out this thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t1332 My own website is not quite done yet but in the spirit of giving back, just for my BDW girls, I will offer you a sneak peak! Craig & Angela - wedding website by mywedding.com
  4. Aww that's sad! I don't think it's cheesy at all... although I can see where he might get that idea from. It is very fairytale-like! But hello, it's our wedding day! It should be as fairytale-like as possible I say!!! If I end up getting married at the Melia, I'm SO getting the horse and carriage. Although my FI has also said that he thinks it's completely unnecessary and roled his eyes at me, lol.
  5. I have watched Cake Boss a few times and yes I did see that episode - unbelievable! What a BRIDEZILLA! I felt so furious. Mainly bc my FI was looking at me with this look that said "see, you brides ARE crazy!". She seriously gives all brides a bad name. Good luck to her new husband is all I can say! If I was the cake boss I would have just delivered that cake that she ruined. I can't believe that he was so nice to make her that amazing new cake, and even then she wouldn't come out and say thank you or anything... sheesh!
  6. I always look at the seller's feedback to determine if it's a risky purchase. In this case, the seller seems to have a lot of feedback and for the most part it is good. If you're still concerned, take some time to scan the feedback for negative comments, and see what those comments are about. I think this seems like a good find! I may order a few necklaces myself
  7. Great job and super cute! I love the colours. I'm using similar colours for my STDs (which are nowhere near done yet, sigh...), and seeing yours is making me feel all inspired!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by eloping789 These pics make me even more excited!! We upgraded our room this week to the RS one bedroom suite (the prices have dropped dramatically since we booked) and we'll be there in 9 days!!!! Wow that's exciting news Lori! And I can't believe it's almost time for your wedding already! I have to wait sooo looong for mine. Can't wait to hear all about yours soon
  9. I totally love it! (And I think it looks better on you than the model!) Good job finding "the one"!!!
  10. Great offer Dino! Almost makes me wish I was getting married in Mexico instead of the Dominican I'm sure you'll get a lot of new bookings!
  11. BEAUTIFUL photos Robyn! And if Angel is reading this thread: I LOVE LOVE LOVE your dress!!! You look amazing
  12. I think that dress is gorgeous! And I agree with the sentiment that other posters have expressed, that for a DW there are no rules and you should wear whatever you love and feel comfortable in! That being said, even if there were "rules" around the formality of the dress, I don't think that dress is too formal at all! Especially since you are not getting married on the beach. Congrats on finding THE dress!
  13. I know that many (or even most?) resorts have a beach party on a certain night each week. Anyone know what night that would be at Dreams Palm Beach? I don't want to plan my wedding beach party for the same night as the resort beach party if I can help it!
  14. Your wedding was so beautiful and I absolutely LOVE the orange flower in your hair!
  15. They are both GORGEOUS, but I would personally choose #2 because the beading etc on #1 is quite formal, but #2 would be perfect for a DW and is equally fabulous (IMO). Congrats on finding them both though cause I don't think you can go wrong with either one!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Future Mrs. Griffith I vote for dress #1, it is really flattering! But you could always keep #2 as your TTD dress I totally agree!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by erinsny24 That's awesome Princess! I hope you get what you want. I thought it was great Melani got back to me right away too! That says alot to me! I am trying to figure out the pricing now. We are inviting about 175 people but realisticaly thinking that about 40-60 will come. It is hard to compare the resort packages from hotel to hotel. Did she send you any information about photographers or anything? She sent me the 2009 pricing for "extras" which includes photography. I have no idea who they use though. I'm either going with Photosouvenir or bringing a photographer with me I think. I am in the same boat of expecting about 40-60 people. What I've noticed is that many resorts almost seem to penalize you for having so many people at your wedding which I think is ridiculous. I know you have to pay extra for your private event, but you'd think you should be rewarded some how for bringing them so much business. In any case, that's one thing I don't like about the Melia, which is the other resort I am considering, is that while it is so beautiful and perfect for us in many respects, it seems like for a group our size the wedding will be quite pricey, especially compared to Dreams. Extras DREPB 2009.pdf
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by erinsny24 I contacted the wedding coordinator at this resort and they got back to me right away and actually my travel agent is down there right now. I will check to see what information the wedding coordinator sent me and see if it is anything different than what is on the website. I will also let you know what my travel agent says. The Melia Caribe and Dreams Palm Beach are my top two resort choices right now, so I've been in touch with the WC, Melani, there as well and let me just tell you that if I could pick a resort based on the WC communication alone I think I would pick Dreams Palm Beach! She's been great, and the pricing there is so reasonable. My FI reallys wants to go to the Melia because of the free golf but I am secretly (er, ok, maybe not so secretly!) hoping that the travel pricing will be better for Dreams Palm Beach so we can go there instead
  19. For anyone else thinking of aqua and orange, check out the pictures of this wedding - beautiful!!! Punta Cana Wedding Dominican Republic Orange County Wedding Photography | Los Angeles Wedding Photography | Destination Wedding Photographer
  20. If you're just doing one boarding pass insert you could try etsy seller DesignsbyTine. She doesn't charge a design fee and quoted me $1.75 per STD which would include 1 pass, 1 jacket and plain white mailing envelope. I didn't end up ordering from her as I've decided to try and do mine myself, but that was the most reasonable price I could find when I was looking!
  21. Well what can I say that hasn't been said already!? These are AMAZING! I bow down to the boarding pass STD master! Thank you so much also for posting your templates and so much info for the rest of us to follow in your footsteps
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek here's some that i found orange and aqua wedding pics - Google Image Search Aqua and Coral (light orange) wedding colors?? - Project Wedding Forums Ooh thanks for these links! I have been wanting to use turquoise/aqua and coral (maybe with small accents of hot pink and lime green?) as my wedding colors and FI has been a total party pooper about it and says he needs to see these colors in action because in theory this color combo sounds awful to him. I can't wait to show him these pictures!
  23. Like most of you it seems, FI and I have a joint account and then we also each have personal chequing accounts. We each put a set amount into the joint account each month and then that money pays for all of our shared living expenses. I like this because I know that the bills will be paid, but it also gives each of us the freedom to do what we want with what's leftover in our personal accounts. We use the same bank and our accounts are linked, but I can only see the balance of my account and our joint account and same for him. I think that perhaps when we're both done school and are making more money that we may combine things completely but for now when we're pinching pennies I think it's better that we still have our separate slush funds and we're not paying for and fighting about each other's sometimes poor spending habits!
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