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Everything posted by milejilo

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by can't wait! You have moved me so much, I am almost sure we are going to copy your invites (hope you don't mind)! Couple of questions, though: what size of kraft paper did you buy? do you have templates? how many pages did you include in the MIB? if there are multiples...how did you incorporate them together? thanks!! don't mind at all .... we designed the 5.25 x 11 document in illustrator which was then printed on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of kraft paper. We set the printer to add crop marks in order to cut down to the 5.25 x 11 size of the invite. We folded the invite top to bottom, so the invite opens like a calendar. Hope that makes sense... i have the original document in illustrator if anyone wants it, let me know. as you can see in the pictures... the front of the invite is the actual invitation, the inside is a letter to our friends and family which included our travel agent's info. our website info etc. the back of the invite is a map of the riviera maya where we highlighted where the azul sensatori will be.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by The Rinns Milejilo, I'm sorry for posting twice, but like I said before I absolutely love these invites! I will be working on mine within the next few weeks, so I just wanted to ask you a few questions. First, I know that you said it in your original post, but did you get the paper you used for the actual rolled up invites at Kraftoutlet.com or at Kate's? Second, what font did you use for the writing on the invitation (this really makes it look professional!)? And last, are there any tips that you can give me? Such as anything that you learned the hard way or anything to avoid? Any help would be very much appreciated...I feel like I have two full time jobs with both my regular job and this wedding planning, so any time saving info is incredibly helpful! Thanks! Hi Stephanie... at first we were in search of pretty hand made paper that we were going to stain and burn... but at $1.20 a sheet at kate's paperie we decided against it. Searching through the store we found the kraft paper, which in turn had me searching online for matching labels and mailing tubes.... You should definitely buy it all in one place if you can. The fonts my brother used are burgues script and celestia antigua. As far as tips... I didn't really find it too difficult, just a little tedious. Make sure you roll the invite tight with a pencil so it fits in the bottle easily. You'll need someone to help you tie the raffia around the invites. FI says, make sure you give yourself extra room on the sides of the invite so when you burn them you don't burn off any wording. To burn the paper, first roll, then burn and have a damp rag ready to put it out ( shouldn't burn for more than 4 seconds ). oooh, I suggest not using a candle, FI did a couple that way and for some reason it left dark soot on the paper. He used one of those zippo gas lighters for the stove, he complained his fingers hurt, but I just kissed it and made it better, lol.... hope that helps, good luck, can't wait to see them.... I know what you mean, the wedding planning becomes a second job, but it goes by so quickly, enjoy it =)
  3. you guys are so beautiful it would be hard to take bad pictures of the both of you. Congrats!!! amazing
  4. I've sent several emails... It takes anywhere from one to two weeks to get half an answer. I just gave up planning anything right now. I'm just going to wait until some of the site visits and until some of the weddings.
  5. thank you so much kb22246 .... both invites were actually printed on laser printers. the tag on the bottle, i just wrote that free hand, the labels on the cylinders and envelopes all that was printed on a laser printer... but i'm sure an ink jet printer would work just as well. The paper for the flat invites is truly amazing, the picture doesn't do it justice... if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to pm me.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by JHarwood2Be Polly-Are you feeling like you have an answer on your photographer issue? You are bringing someone in right? Weddingchick brought up a good point. Since the resort isn't open yet, they don't have any specifics on locations etc. They are based in Miami. I am just trying to hold tight on any actual planning until the resort is open, some site visits have been done and maybe even a wedding or so has been done. We have some time to work out the details, menus, dj, flowers etc. Hope that helps! i feel like i've been totally MIA on this thread. sorry... but i think you are absolutely right.... until the resort is open, we're just going to drive ourselves crazy trying to plan anything... It's almost august!!! two more months and they'll have more of an idea of what they're dealing with.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by luckygirl They look awesome! If you get a chance could you post how you made them? Like, where did you get the template for tags and invites. And besides burning the fingers, did your FI come up with a good way to burn the invites? I love them! thank you so much ... they were a lot of work, but so worth it... FI, basically rolled up the invite and burned the edges for about 5 seconds, he would then extinguish the invite on a damp rag... i wish i could take full credit for the designing but that was all my brother's doing (he's a graphic designer who owns his own design firm). i know he purchased the fonts and designed it in illustrator... the tag came just as you see it and i bought a brown pen and wrote the date on it... let me know if you have illustrator perhaps i can send you the file...
  8. it was actually FI's job to burn the paper... he burned his fingers a couple of times, poor thing.
  9. This forum is a constant source of inspiration, thanks to all of you, our invites were a huge hit and everyone is super excited about the wedding. The last of our invites went out last week, so I thought I would share some pictures. I truly loved the idea of the MIB, but we knew it would cost us a pretty penny so we decided not to do STD’s. Here’s a break down of the costs and websites we used to order supplies: all labels and tags: $33.59 Brown Kraft Labels - Rectangular - Kraft Outlet - Brown Kraft Labels, Kraft Paper and Cardstock, Kraft Printing Supplies. 100 cylinders: $63.37 Snap-Seal Tubes - Uline Bottles, shells and sand: $76.21 Message in a Bottle Invitation Raffia: $15.00 Kraft Paper: $10.00 I bought these at Kate’s Paperie Stamp and stamp pad: $ 12.00 I bought these at Micheal’s Total to make 80 MIB's: $210.17 (2.63 each) plus postage We gave out most of our invites but we had at least 20 we needed to mail….Postage: $2.59 each We ran out of MIB invites and we had to mail invites to family out of the country so we decided to use the same design but using a flat card. All supplies bought at paper presentation in nyc, here’s their website paperpresentation.com … each invite came out to $2.43 plus postage… What do you guys think?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JHarwood2Be I have a special treat for you girls. wow!!! there it is! we'll all be getting married there soon
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by amyc Thanks for the TA recommendation! Here's the review I read about the DJ but keep in mind this is for the Azul Beach resort...I'm not sure if they will use the same vendors for weddings at Azul Sensatori. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t23318 I completely agree about food and music making the wedding. My fiancee and I were at a beautiful wedding for one of his co-workers recently. Everything was top notch but the DJ was HORRIBLE so hardly anyone danced and most people left early. I never thought it made a big difference until I went to that wedding. There are a lot of unknowns which I think makes everyone nervous but my friend brought up a good point tonight when we were talking about it at dinner. There are going to be unknowns with any resort...you never know when management might change, or the WC changes, or policies change. It sounds like a lot of people are experiencing similar issues getting answers from the WCs at the other resorts too. I'm seriously considering taking a trip down to the resort right after they open...I think it will be worth it to just set my mind at ease. I never imagined I would get so stressed out over my wedding...my face is breaking out like crazy!!! I just sent Nancy a long email.... I asked her tons of questions about the DJ and I asked for their website and references. It's just so frustrating that we have to use their vendors and we're at their mercy. I am hoping they use the very best, but at least put my mind at ease and show me what you are offering me. But, the Lomas website does not really do that... Hopefully I'll get an answer soon.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by lenka14 I am also waiting for my confirmation from Azul Sensatori. Do any of you know which photographer you'll be using? I really love the work of Sol Tamargo and Matt Adcock but they're banned from Karisma hotels i knoooooooow, makes me want to cry too... i'm on a hunt for a photog...definitely not using theirs.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by pepper55 I got my confirmation yesterday!! Yay! Now, I'm officially in this thread. Just a question - when do you actually speak to the WC to discuss location, menu option (private event) and any other private events (welcome cocktails)? Did you guys schedule a call or did you do everything over email? yaaaaaaaay that makes three of us from NJ...
  14. now that i'm booked i'm dying to get all the fun stuff started but it just seems like they don't have it all together yet.... yes, it's very frustrating but i'd rather wait until they have all their information straight instead of them giving me false information or information they have to take back later. i'm trying really hard to be patient, but it's not easy we'll just get through this together
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by pepper55 Hi everyone! Hope to be "officially" part of this thread soon. Just waiting for our confirmation................. How long did that take? ? i have my fingers crossed for you .... i just got my confirmation earlier today, it seemed like years before i heard back... good luck
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie are you using glass or plastic bottles? we used plastic and didnt use a box or tube! we just waxed the tops. MUCH cheaper! Unfortunatly.... i didn't think about that I bought the glass bottles
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. we used 6" glass bottles in the boxes and paid $2.71/invite. we didnt load it with sand either. i couldn't find a tube that was the perfect size without spending an enormous amt of #, and i ordered the bottles and boxes at the same time from the same company. EDIT: not $2.71/invite - it was $2.71 to MAIL each invite I've narrowed down our guest list to around 80... hmmm, that's around $240 for postage and I just spent $173 on supplies.. well, I'll post what I come up with soon... thanks for your help.
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