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Everything posted by milejilo

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by purpleshells beautiful pictures!! I gotta ask, where did you get that diff. level shelving unit..been looking for one like that....the ones ive seen our either too small...are all the same level thank you... we bought the shelving unit at west elm, i don't think they carry it anymore Modern Furniture, Contemporary Furniture & Home Decor | west elm
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie wow, the way you've displayed your pics is fantastic, you have an eye for decorating and incorporating your wedding pics in such a creative and beautiful way. ditto to andi, what color/brand is that awesome grey paint? grey is SO hard to pick out. ive been drooling over grey for our family room ever since i bombed out with the tan i picked originally (boring!!) thank you so much girls.... our bedroom is definitely my favorite part of our home. doesn't really show up well in the pictures but the walls are metallic, we used two different paints, the paint we used for the wall behind the bed is called shimmering bronze (lowe's brand earth elements) and the paint on the wall with the metallic prints is called pewter luster (same brand).
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Elizabeth Medina YAY Milena!!! I know you had said that you liked your photographs but now I really do believe its true. : What a beautiful, beautiful job you did, and your space reflects you and Gerry so well, elegant, relaxed, beautiful, welcoming. I've said it before...art is such a personal thing, and gallery shows and awards are just not where its at for me... but there is NOTHING I like better than knowing that my art is part of the history of such a beautiful new family. I loved seeing this more than I can say. Don't be surprised if I turn up ringing your doorbell and asking for the grand tour. Elizabeth awwww elizabeth, i was going to send you an email with all the pictures, guess you beat me to it. i know i've said it a million times but thank you, thank you for creating such beautiful images, your art will truly be a treasure to us the rest of our lives. ps... gerry and i would looooooove to see you next time you are in the nyc area.... xoxo
  4. thank you....thank you.... everyone!!! you're all so sweet to say such nice things
  5. these are amazing in person! they're metal prints.... they are printed on brushed aluminum
  6. this is a wrapped canvas in the master bathroom, loved the way this came out
  7. these are small little frames (approx 5") in our guest bathroom, it's quite dark in there so the picture didn't come out so great here's a better picture of them
  8. Just wanted to share what we did with our wedding pictures..... I'm fortunate enough to work at a photography studio and was able to go really crazy with all our prints we tried to keep the bulk of everything in our bedroom, didn't want the whole house to look like a shrine to us, lol.... it sure is difficult though, so many gorgeous images so hard not to put them all up all of these were printed on watercolor paper, edges were then torn and the print was float mounted in the frame. the pictures don't do it justice.
  9. amy, you have soooo many amazing details!!! everything is going to be FABULOUS! can't wait to see pics =)
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Elizabeth Medina Hola! I just realized that Milena's amazing Mexico wedding was featured on the a the Para Ti Novia website, a blog that is dedicated to "redefining the modern Latina wedding" I knew the feature was planned but somehow I missed seeing the actual interview and was excited to find it today!!! I hope no one minds my sharing that but as a photographer I just love seeing my incredible brides recognized for the rockstars they are and I also was very happy to see the Best Destination Wedding mentioned! Milena, thank you so much for sharing your photographs, it really means the world to me. ELIZABETH, YOU ARE THE ROCKSTAR!
  11. hey girls... i haven't been on this thread since forever, but i found these really cool pictures of a wedding at the AS. i might be totally re-posting, so sorry if i am, but it would take me an eternity to catch up with all the posts. Here's the link, scroll down to March 24 and 31: Hawes Photography Blog Hawes Photography and Design
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by taranyc great planning thread...you had such wonderful ideas...everything looked amazing! did your resort provide your bouquet or did you use and outside florist? it's beautiful! thank you for sharing! tt yup, the resort did a wonderful job.... the flowers looked amazing.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Boo Just ordered some from the website thanks for the link - 2 to 3 weeks for delivery now, cant wait, how fun! great!!! you'll love them, they are gorgeous.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by lbcs milejilo, everyone is raving about your wedding pics and I can't seem to view them anymore through the link. It is asking me to enter your email address? I would love to see them! awwww you're so cute to say that...hope you were able to see them, i just tried the link and it worked... let me know if you still can't see them.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Lady_Di How did you get the shells into Mexico? I was told you couldn't bring any shells, starfish and etc to Mexico. really? i wasn't aware of that, i just wrapped them in bubblewrap and packed them in my footlocker, they never said anything.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by lolo thank you so much for the info.. how big were your shells?? were they hard to bring down? how did you bring your sand in the frame home? did it get destroyed? thanks again!! my shells are 7" Didn't have any mishaps because we bought 3 foot lockers and put all the delicate things in there with bubble wrap. On our way back I held the frame upright in a small shopping bag and kept it at my feet the whole flight, lol. It got home perfectly.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by BeachBride10 How beautiful! I know you mentioned you got your sand ceremony items at Michaels and Target... but where did you get the nautilus shells? How big are they? I have been trying to find these and I found a few online but I am not sure what size they need to be in order to hold enough sand in them. Thanks Mine are 7" I bought them at a local wholesale decor store.... You can try this website though: PEARLIZED NAUTILUS (6-7")
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Island Bride everything looks awesome! your swine flu ceremony was too cute! i must ask, where did you get your 'live' 'laugh' 'love' signs at? I just tried to do a search and cant find any I would love to put something like that on my cake table thanks for you inspiration! thanks! I got them at target, they were originally black and I painted them the tiffany blue color.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by A2Bride I absolutely love your pictures!! Everything looks so gorgeous...and love your colors! It looked like a lot of your wedding guests wore your colors too! :-) i know! it's so funny, a total coincidence, lol!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by lolo You two are beautiful. You look so in LOVE.....wishing you many years of love. awwww thank you so much, so sweet of you to say that =) Quote: Originally Posted by lolo Your pictures are amazing!! I hope you don't mind me asking....where did you get your sand ceremony items? I love the big shells and the picture in the frame with the sand? i don't mind at all, i'm flattered =P i'm going to add links to the websites so you can get all the supplies for the sand ceremony.... target no longer has the frames, but i found them here: ether frame - Desk - Espresso - Umbra Store - Manufacturer of Houseware Designs the place i got my shells at is sold out of them right now but you can try this website: http://www.conchking.com/Pearl-Nautilus-Shells.html the rectangle boxes i used to hold the shells i purchased at micheals arts and crafts store... not sure if they are meant for candles or what, but they were in the candle aisle good luck, let me know if you have any other questions =)
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by marisa&gil Those pics are fantastic great great shots, and your shoes are AMAZING, were did you get them? Marisa thank you so much =) I got them on the marciano website early in 09, they are super high but because they have a platform in the front i was able to tolerate them until midnight, danced all night =)
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