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Everything posted by henrychucvb01

  1. I hope you feel better soon.
  2. I was looking at different wedding cakes and i noticed most of them don't have the couple on the top. So the question is: Is it still okay to put the little bride and groom on top of the wedding cake? or it is to old fashion?
  3. Did you know that the reason why brides carry bouquet of flowers is because back in the Middle Ages women really smelled bad? The flowers would counteract the smell and made it pleasant for the groom to marry the bride. Food of Thought
  4. This is how our story begins…as told by Huy [and commented by Yani]. It was spring 2000; we were both in college finishing up our freshmen year. I went to my classes as usual…but one day, when I came back from my classes, I saw something that had changed my life forever. I had laid eyes on the cutest girl I have ever seen. She was sitting at the front desk in the office of our college dorms. Basically, she was like the concierge of a hotel. But, if some of you think that I went up to talk to her, well, I’m afraid you’re mistaken. I was too shy to talk to her. I just walked pass her and went up the stairs to my room. This went on for about month and obviously, that had to change. I had to figure out a way to get to know her a little better and have her get to know me. I started to prepare a game plan, but I just remember that I don’t have any game. But then, I had a stroke of genius; I noticed that we both have some mutual friends. So, I made sure that I was a part of whatever outings that she was involved. Well, one day, I found out that they were planning a trip to San Diego for spring break. I overheard them talking about renting a vehicle big enough for the whole group. I had the perfect solution for them; I had a mini van that could be used for free [and he begged his way in to our trip and we really needed the van so I let him join us]. You can say that I was in the right place at the right time. It was definitely my time to shine. I didn’t know what got into me, but I was confident and charming during the trip. It wasn’t the charismatic type of charming that I had; it was more of a funny/good sense of humor and friendly kind of charming (if there is such a thing). You see, my goal wasn’t to jump in and sweep her off her feet. Instead, my goal was just to get noticed and whatever I did worked. After that trip and a couple of more group events, such as a Knott’s Scary Farm trip where I almost ripped her sweater off her body, (interesting story for another time [no, it’s not what you think, it’s actually a funny story, but he’s right it’s for another time]…), I got to know her and she got to know me so we became friends. The best parts of being friends with her were being AIM buddies, chatting the night away, making her a great birthday cake, and having movie nights in my room. I have to say those were good times [yes, they were good times…but little did I know that he was trying to woo me]. Then, December came along. I made sure that I was her secret Santa and that was the moment I decided that we should be more than just friends. I gave her a teddy bear and left a poem, in the shape of a heart, inside the bear’s sweater. She didn’t found it right away and when she did, she told me that she needed time to think about it during the winter break. I have to say that it was the worst two weeks of my life [i was completely caught off guard with his present and never really knew that he liked me that way...we always enjoyed each other’s company but I never thought nothing more because I wasn’t really looking for something else]. Then, 2001 arrived and we came back to the dorms from our winter break. She finally gave me an answer, and well it’s obvious what she said. Later that week, we went out on our first date as a couple. For those of you who want details, I took her to a nice French restaurant and a musical. From that point on, we have had some major ups and downs. We have broken up and gotten back together. We also did the really long distance relationship thing (about 8000 miles away). It was a wild roller coaster ride, but we had fun along the way. Finally, we have reached the next level of our relationship. I asked her to marry me (for the second time) on the beach coast of the beautiful Pacific Grove near the Monterey Bay, and she said yes! [Oh yes, he technically has asked me before and it was when we went to Neuschwanstein castle in Germany (the real Disneyland castle) a couple of winters ago, but the timing wasn’t right for me so we gave it time]. Now, we are about to spend the rest of our lives together and I can’t think of anyone else to spend my life with [me too =)].
  5. I would have to say that i have most of you beat. I have been with my Fiancé for 10 years. High School sweethearts (199 and College Sweethearts.
  6. What do you think is the top invitations style? I am trying to pick a unique style for my wedding.
  7. Hi Everyone, My name is Huy and i am getting married on May 22 2009. I was thinking about having my wedding in Europe. I worked in Germany for 2 years and loved the place to death.
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