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Everything posted by babyg

  1. We are getting married in Cuba too. Our wedding is Dec 29 in Holguin - at Playa Costa Verde - which is just beside Playa Pesqureo. It is a little smaller than Pesqureo with only 480 bedrooms. It has less restaurants as well so it doesn't have the extra half a star that Pesqureo has. We are only going for one week so this is good for us. It has some great reviews. Good luck with your planning.
  2. Too funny and very true. Babyg
  3. This is a great way to get support and be focused. Thanks to Ann and all of you for this great opportunity. I ordered Turbo Jam and just started it this weekend. I found out today that I made a mistake and instead of doing the training video I did a 42 minute intense workout. I really thought they were trying to kill me. lol I am a loser .... so the title fits. Babyg
  4. Hey Teacherbride Planning is going well. I booked Playa Costa Verde for our wedding Dec 29th. I have 18 people booked including us (so far). I found a dress .... now I need to do the oot bags and stuff, but there is still lots of time. So you are considering Mexico - Barcelo Maya Palace? The place looks beautiful. The Mayan was where I was considering at first. Best of luck with planning. Babyg
  5. Hello and gratz on your upcoming wedding. Welcome to the forum.
  6. This is so exciting. All the very best on your wedding day and for the future. I can't wait to see the pics and hear your review. Gratz
  7. Hi There I am feeling a lot of guilt as well. This is both our second weddings and we each have kids (11,14,16, 1. We both had pretty big weddings the first time around. At first we thought it would be a wonderful way to tie the knot and the kids would have a blast. My FI is a teacher and we can only travel during school breaks so we chose Dec 29th, 2008 in Cuba. We also invited close friend and family. So far I have 12 of my friends coming and my FI has no one but his kids. None of our family can come for various reasons. Now I feel selfish going away to get married when our parents and brothers won't be coming. But I don't feel guilty enough to cancel. I really didn't want to plan a wedding in Canada. I just wanted to run away and Cuba kind of offered this to me. But now that our own families can't come I think.... oops.
  8. That is great! I am very pleased for you. I went dress shopping thinking it was a little early and that I have lots of time. Our wedding is at the end of December. The lady at the dress shop told me that in fact it takes 6 months or more to get the dress in. Wow - who knew. Anyway I saw this beautiful dress in a silver shade on the discontinued rack. I tried on about 10 dresses and guess what? I love the first dress I saw. It is about $400 less then the others I tried on, and I don't have to wait for it to come in. The concern I have is that this was my first dress shopping day and what If I buy it and regret it? She has taken it off the floor for 1 week so I can take some friends back to try it on again. It is such a big decision. I will take a photo next time I am in and post it for your opinions. Wondering how do you know when you find the one dress? lol
  9. Happy Planning. This is a great forum and you will get lots of support and ideas. Best wishes Babyg
  10. Hi There I am not great at this uploading and stuff. I did upload a profile pic but I don't think is shows with my posts. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I love all the little wedding trackers and avatars - how do I create - find these - then upload them - I am very much a noob. Thanks babyg
  11. Hey There I am also going to be a cuban bride We booked Playa Casa Verde ... Holguin. The resort is right beside Play pesquero but is smaller - 480 rooms. I did try to book playa pesquero but we had some glitch with the date... and the price was better at play casa verde. Our wedding date is Dec 29/08. If you want any details on feel free to PM me. I had done about 2 months of nonstop research prior to booking.
  12. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would be upset. Who knows maybe she has a reason.... but it better be a good one.
  13. I tried to open but I don't have enough points yet...... I will try to increase my points so I can download it as a resource for my wedding planning. Thanks for the tool.
  14. We are planning our wedding day Dec 29/08 in Holguin Cuba. So far we are planning for the legal ceremony ..... but there is a small glitch. John's divorce isn't final yet. They say 6 - 8 months but then we have to have everything translated into spanish and down there 13 weeks prior. We may very well just have a symbolic ceremony if we can't get it all done in time.
  15. I have not decided yet but "I Love You" by Sara McLaughlin is beautiful.
  16. babyg


    Welcome to the site. I have only been here a short time and have had some amazing ideas. Good luck. PS - also from Toronto area Canada.... actually Bowmanville
  17. Be careful. I hear that the thieves often wait until you contact insurance and replace everything then come back for more. Extra security is in order.
  18. Thanks for the tip. I just checked my local chapters and they have a copy. I will go invest in a copy myself.
  19. Hi There Im Grayz I am new to this site and just learning how to get around I am planning a destination wedding for (so far) Dec 30/08 at Playa Pesquero Cuba. The hotel is yet to confirm if they have a notary who can marry us during the week we want to travel. If they can't then I have to start all over and try to come up with another wedding plan. I am sure I will get lots of ideas from this site. Anyone have Playa Pesquero stories, I would love to hear them.
  20. babyg

    cuba weddings

    Hi Lorriane Thanks for sharing about your wedding. I am currently planning a wedding for Dec 30, 08 at Playa Pesquero. I am getting very excited but there is a glitch. My Fiancé is a school teacher and the only time we can travel is at Christmas. I have checked into flight dates and there is a tour leaving Dec 26th from Toronto. We have been unable to confirm our travel plans until the hotel can confirm if they have a notary who can marry us on Dec 30. I understand that I need to be in the county 72 hours and they don't do weddings on Sundays or holiday. This being a week with holidays in it, it leaves only Dec 30th for a wedding. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Can you share your pics and details about your wedding?
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