I got one, My daughter was almost born on 95 (the actual highway). I went to my regular scheduled appt on a Monday and she checked me to see if I dialated any, not that much at all. As soon as she was done I had this REALLY bad contraction. I couldn't even get up it was so bad. It looked like homegirl was doing somersaults my stomach looks so distorted. My due date wasn't until that Thursday so she scheduled me for an enduction just in case I go past my due dat. So I went to the mall and walked around with my aunt for a while. I later went home to rest and that night I couldn't take it anymore so I went to the hospital. I called my doc first, she told me I wasn't in labor because I was able to talk to her. I was so pissed. That was coming from a doc that didn't have and never wanted children. So, when I went the contractions stopped!!!! So they gave me something so I could sleep and I went home. That morning I woke up and they started yet again. I called my aunt that lived across the street and she came over until my mom and other aunt could take me to the hospital. I'm walking around the house trying to keep my mind off of the pain. So my aunt tells me "Angel, if your water breaks I'm driving you to Potomac Hospital." That hospital was like 5 min from me and my hospital was like 35 min away. So as soon as she said that my water broke. All over my moms cream couch. So we are driving down the highway to my hospital and as the contractions get stonger I didn't know I was pushing as well. Her head was coming down and we weren't even half way there. So my aunt is flying on the highway and we managed to get there and the docs came out and wheeled me to Triage to check me and they were like "OH MY her head is down, undress quickly and put this gown on. So they put me on a bed and put me in a delivery room and they said start pushing, and there she came after 2 pushes. No meds or anything. It actually wasn't that bad. My doctor made it in after the 1st push. Then for my son they told me that they would enduce me because my first one was so fast. So they enduced me at like 9am on a Monday and I didn't have homeboy until 11pm that night. It was awful. So that's my long story.