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Everything posted by Angel

  1. What a great review!!! Even though you had a few hiccups everything looked great. Congrats!!!
  2. I agree with everybody else. I would also let them know that if they want to eat dinner at the reception that they would need to pay the $42 + 15% service + 10% tax before you leave for your wedding. See what they say then. They weren't invited by you so why should you have to pay. KWIM? Each additional person adds up and if you have a set budget stick to it. If it didn't include them make them pay.
  3. Congrats!! You look beautiful. And the flower girls are so adorable.
  4. Congrats!! You look beautiful. And the flower girls are so adorable.
  5. Great review!!! JM you may need to hire a secretary for all the emails and calls your going to be getting if you don't have one already. I wish I did a little more research on my photographer before hiring. There was sooo many things I would have liked her to do after she was already gone. Hey JM, do you do maternity shoots?!?!?! *hint hint* I may have to get you to come to DC.
  6. Awwww congrats Mrs. Martin. Your going to have so much fun with your little boy. Boys are so much fun. Congrats to you both!!!!!
  7. Thank you everyone soooo much for the compliments!!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by lttlhallie You looked gorgeous! Where did you get that second dress..I love it! oh and love the cake! I actually got the dress at SYMS when my husband was looking for his shirt and pants for the wedding. It was only like 40 bucks!!!
  8. I made my final food decisions when I got there. I'm still working on my review to write because they didn't charge me half price for the 3 kids that came. It was a big issue!! But it worked out in the end.
  9. I made my final food decisions when I got there. I'm still working on my review to write because they didn't charge me half price for the 3 kids that came. It was a big issue!! But it worked out in the end.
  10. Ok so I seen a few other ladies post pics of their bumps so I'm just going to throw one out there. This was taken 3 weeks ago but I'm about the same size.
  11. Me and my sister in-law Us with my mom Us with his mom and dad Us and the kids
  12. Here are some non-pro pics we got back. Some of them look a little crazy because it was so windy and sand was blowing everywhere. And one of the pics you can see my BFF's GOLD wedding band (our rings are white gold) on my husbands finger because I forgot his ring in the room. My baby girl Me and my lil man more to come
  13. I second the omelette!!!! By our 4th day Gloria (I think that was her name) had me and my husbands order memorized. She was such a sweetheart. We made sure we gave her a fat tip.
  14. I just got back from Mexico and I was in my 5th month. I've also heard that after the 34th week you should do any traveling. And just like everyone else has stated, after a certain point you get bigger and it's hard to more and everything hurts you just don't feel like doing anything.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 We had the creme brulee and it was excellent! My Mom still raves over the entire meal we had. Really the food is amazing at the whole resort. I don't know if it was what we picked or it's because I'm pregnant but I hated all of the food choices we picked. I agree with you on the resort food though, it was the best 2 weeks of eating I've ever had.
  16. Thank you!!!! I'm about to post some right now. Just got over 300 from my in-laws so I'm picking through them now.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by destination I think I'm going to try the 3milk cake, but won't be doing an upgrade. I'm not too concerned about it since nobody is all that impressed. And I think there is also a dessert choice; is that right? There is a dessert choice and we went with the Bella Alaska because Claudia recommended it; i think that's what it's called. It was super sweet on the outside and it was icecream on the inside. Almost everybody just ate the icecream on the inside.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 Hey Angel, Did you do your review yet?? I would love to hear all the more recent reviews since my date is fast approaching I'm going to try to get my review done tonite.
  19. I was thinking about you too. It was gorgeous on saturday so I was jealous cause we got all the wind. And as crazy as my friends and family were you guys would have fit right in.
  20. Congrats Jenny you look gorgeous! And Jean-Marcus you did a great job on the quick edit. They look amazing!!! Man I should have went with you for March 1st over at Dreams.
  21. I was able to choose the flowers. Everything I had were roses so she suggested the red roses on the top and I seen another cake with ribbons. There were so many different flowers on the other cakes so you may be able to get what you like. But if you don't mind the flowers coming from your own bouquet I would do that. I can't remember what the exact prices were for the upgraded cake but it was a little steep and to me not worth it.
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