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Everything posted by Angel

  1. I actually only had my sister and my bestfriend stand up next to me but i wanted my other girls to stand up next to me too. Because we didn't have a lot of people fly down to Cancun I didn't want everybody standing next to me and nobody seated so I had them all wear one of my colors. They understood and everbody loved that they were all wearing the same color..
  2. Anybody heard how Kat is doing?
  3. Congrats Tami!!!! How are you feeling? Good luck today Kat! Hope everything goes well for you.
  4. Awwww I know your happy Kat. I can imagine how you feel. Tomorrow is a good day to have her, cause it's my bday too!!! Hehehe!! Hope everything goes well for you Shout out to all the Scorpio babies!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by heartbeat So I don’t think I’ve ever check in…lol BUT here I am!!!!!! I’m having my first baby… I’m supper excited!!!! I want him to come already but he’s not due till Feb He’s a lil shy most ppl cant even tell I’m pregnant... Congrats!!! Don't worry, he'll be here before you know it. Have you thought of any names?
  6. I want to see some more bumps!!!!!! I kinda miss mine. Uhhhhhh never mind, I take that back. I like seeing everybody elses.
  7. Hey everyone!!! Congrats to all the new mommies to be!! Wow Kat, look at how cute your bump is. That's how I looked with my first. I know your about ready. It seems like the last few weeks are the longest and hardest. Hang in there, she'll be here in no time. I don't get on much but I just wanted to check on you ladies and see how everything is going. How's it going Danielle? How are you feeling? I was thinking about you the other day. Hope everyone else is doing well. Here are a few pics of Zariah. She's getting so big. She'll be 4 months on the 29th. Man time goes by so fast! Heading out to the bus stop with my other 2 We were heading to the mall so I decided to dress her in pink and black to match me. Man she be making the funniest faces. Have a good weekend!
  8. Hello ladies, first off congrats Jenn, she is soooo adorable. Congrats on your boy Danielle, boys are so much fun. Hope everyone else is doing well. I'm doing good, Zariah is doing well. She is holding her head up and trying to CRAWL. OMG!!!! I layed her on her tummy the other day and her little legs just started going. It was sooooo cute. I have to have my video camera charged and ready to go next time. Time just goes by so fast. She goes back to the doctor on the 29th (MY BDAY!!!) to get some shots. Well I hope everyone else is doing well. Congrats to all the new mommies and mommies to be. Have a good week ladies.
  9. Man it's been quiet around here lately. I love seeing pics of all the babies. They grow up so fast. Well we're doing good. My oldest 2 are in school now so it's just me and Zariah hanging out during the day. It's been so much fun having a baby around again. So how has everyone else been? What's new?
  10. Awwww Natalie and Kora are sooooo adorable. Congrats ladies!!!! And congrats Danielle, I'm so happy for you. Hope everyone else is doing well.
  11. Congrats Mrs. Martin, he is too cute.
  12. Here are a few pics of Zariah that I took the other day. I caught her making some funny faces. This is my oldest daughter with her new glasses. She is the splitting image of me. This is how I looked 20 years ago. And my son
  13. Congrats Twinkletoes!!!!! And congrats to you Mrs. Martin. Can't wait to hear how it went. Hope everyone else is doing well.
  14. Hey ladies, just dropped in to check on everyone. What, no babies yet?!? Well i hope everyone is doing well. Have a great weekend ladies!!!
  15. Congrats Alyssa and Heidi!!!! Hope everyone is doing well. Everything is going good on my end. Except Zariah is up all night long. My husband goes back to work next week so it'll be a change. I'll have all 3 children with me until school starts. So I'll be really busy trying to keep the older ones busy and caring for the little one. But other than that everything is good. How is everyone else doing?
  16. Thank you for all the compliments ladies. I hope everyone is doing well. I went into the hospital at around noon after she broke my water. I was still only 2 cm and I was dilating very slowly. They started me on pitocin around 3 or 4 o'clock when my contractions weren't as regular as they would have liked them to be. After that the contractions were really strong and I couldn't take it so I asked for an epidural. I was comfortable for a while and I started dilating at like 1 cm and hour. So at 9pm my doctor checked me and I was 6 cm, so the nurse had me alternate laying on my right and left side for about 30 minutes. After 30 minutes the nurse checked me and I was still 6 cm so I was still turning. My doctor was shocked because this was my 3rd and I wasn't progressing. So at around 10pm my doctor came in BAM I was 10 cm and her head was almost out. I was shocked that I went 4 cm in a half an hour. So everybody was getting everything ready and I pushed twice and she popped right on out. One thing I can say is with all of my children they were so easy to push out. No cuts or anything. We couldn't be happier. So here are a few more pics. Oh, and the epidural kept me from looking a mess.
  17. Hello ladies, I hope everyone is doing well. I had her Monday at 10:21pm, she was 5lbs 13oz and 19in long. We are home and relaxing. Everything went well. Here are some pictures. I'll post more when I upload all of them onto my computer. Here is a link to her hospital pics. More about the Baby
  18. Awwww Kelly she is sooooooo adorable. Congrats!!!!!
  19. For me it was really painful. They do it to try to bring on labor. All it is is a pelvic exam and she runs her finger around my cervix to separate the sac. You don't have to get it done, this is something we decided because she going to break my water on Monday and she wants me to be at least 2cm. I'm almost a 2 now. I'm being induced because she was breech a few weeks ago and she scheduled a c-section date for the 29th. The last 2 ultrasounds they did she was head down. They went ahead and cancelled the c-section but asked me if I wanted to get induced. I told her yes because I really didn't want her to have a chance to turn back around. They also don't want me to come close to my due date because they are afraid I won't make it to the hospital in time. My labor with my daughter was only 3 hrs and I made it to the hospital in time to push her out. They are fine in doing it because I'm full term anyway. So, if I don't go into labor this weekend I'll have her on Monday. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin Stripped your membranes?! That sounds so painful!!! What is that done for? Now you have me scrared.... Why do they want you delivering already (if you don't mind me asking) and not the full 40 weeks?
  20. Congrats Summer, she is adorable. Kevsgirl, congrats on finding out it's a girl. Hope everyone is doing well. I went in for another appt today and I'm almost 2cm. She also stripped my membranes (which hurt like hell) and hooked me up to this maching to monitor her heartrate and my contractions. If I don't go into labor by this weekend I will be having her on Monday. They are going to break my water and then get things going. I'll keep you ladies updated.
  21. Bisha, Gavin is soooo cute. Good luck Kelly, hope everything goes well.
  22. Awwww Summer I know how you feel. Just hang in there, she'll be here soon. Hope everyone else is doing well. Take it easy and enjoy the rest of the week and have a good weekend.
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