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Posts posted by Angel

  1. I don't think your being unreasonable at all. If you don't want the trio to play it let your WC know and tell her your reason why. You really don't even need a reason. That's YOUR day and you want it a certain way. You don't want to look back later on and say Man!! I wish I would've done this or done that. Cause it would be too late. Stick to your guns and let her know Be aggressive!!! Just my 2 cents.

  2. Sorry for you loss, crying sometimes helps. You don't want to hold back because when it all gets built up, you'll find yourself even more overwhelmed from when you first heard the news. So just stay close and hold onto your family and be comforting to each other. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ana View Post
    You can totally do it! Honestly the first month and a bit sux because you're not totally into a routine yet, and you're seeing minimal results. But something happens around the 2nd month and suddenly there's big changes in your body etc... by then you're in a pretty good routine too and seeing the changes is a huge motivator. At least that's what I've found in myself. Its easy to keep it going after that because you've seen what you can do cheesy.gif Keep up the good work! punk.gif

    See, that's my problem. I don't see results fast enough so my routine stops. I've always been tiny and never had a weight problem, I just want to be toned. But my kids do it with me so it makes it fun. You should see them doing Tae Bo LOL, too funny!! But I'm going to stick with it this time because we have our girls trip in July, Cruise in December and then I get married in March. We will see what happens.
  4. Well I have always loved this song, ever since I was little. It's an old song by Atlantic Starr, Always. I haven't really told him that's our song but I sure he wouldn't have a problem with it.

    Here's the lyrics. It's a man and a woman singing so I thought it was fitting. If you listen to it on the internet some of you may remember it.


    Girl you are to me

    All that a woman should be

    And I dedicate my life to you always

    A love like your's is rare

    It must have been sent from up above

    And I know you'll stay this way for always

    And we both know

    That our love will grow

    And forever it will be you and me ...hey

    Ooh you're like the sun

    Chasing all the rain away

    When you come around you bring brighter days

    You're the perfect one

    For me and you forever will be

    And I will love you so for always

    Come with me my sweet

    Let's go make a family

    And they will bring us joy for always

    Oh boy I love you so

    Can't find enough ways to let you know

    But you can be sure I'm yours for always

    And we both know

    That our love will grow

    And forever it will be you and me ...hey

    Ooh you're like the sun

    Chasing all the rain away

    When you come around you bring brighter days

    You're the perfect one

    For me and you forever will be

    And I will love you so for always



    I will love you so for always



    I will love you so for always

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