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Everything posted by mpajkos

  1. All I can say is WOW!! what a beautiful slide show. I bet you were soo excited when you saw it.
  2. Your pictures are wonderful! You and your husband look so happy together. All the pics were absolutely beautiful
  3. Your fans came out really nice. The orchid is a nice touch. The ribbon looks great with the orchid
  4. That is too funny! Like Fanny said Do you think they are planning on saving the head to eat on there one yr anniversary. WEIRD!!!
  5. I love your dress too! I think that if you decide on a brooch you should keep the sash tied in the front.
  6. Wow! That was a close one! I really thought Ike was going to but some huge dents into our planning. My reception is on a pier near Mallory Square so if a Cat. 4 came blowing through I'm sure it would be gone! Well Happy that it missed KW but hope everyone else planning their wedding in the carribean is safe.
  7. Very impressive! I love all the personalized touches.
  8. The pictures came out great! I love the last one you posted in black and white with you too kissing. So Cute!!
  9. Wow they look great! I didn't know they could do that. I was going to get mine permed so they curl better but I'll have to look into the extensions.
  10. Luckygirl- I would love it if you let me know how everything turns out with the centerpieces. Flowers are so expensive. Your centerpieces sound great! I was thinking about doing tropical foliage in a vase with little white lanterns around it centered on a mirror with sand on it and some shells scattered. I tried posting a pic put had a hard time changing the size to fit. My photographer is John Hunter. I'm not doing the TTD. No real reason other than never thought of it.
  11. The slideshow was amazing. He really captured your day!
  12. Thanks! We have most of our vendors so far except a florist. I'm still trying to decide if I want to pay someone to do them or have my friend put them together. She did her own wedding and they turned out really nice. Who are you having do your centerpieces?
  13. alright ladies I'm going to do it. I'll keep you updated on the savings
  14. Looks really nice! Its a great feeling to be able to check something off the long list of things to do
  15. I'm in S.Fl and we are experiencing feederbands right now. Nothing too bad but its scary to think that they are projecting Gustav to be a cat. 4 when it hits the gulf coast. Then next weekend it looks like Hanna will hit here in FL. Its going to be a long hurricane season! Stay safe everyone!
  16. You can't go wrong with a Martha recipe!
  17. The pics were Great! love the colors it pops so nicely in the pictures.
  18. forgot to put the website Key West Wedding and Specialty Cakes - Key West Cakes - Key West Florida Here is their email and address/phone [email protected]. address is 920 Kennedy drive, ph#305-296-4165
  19. Hi all you KW brides. I just spoke with my FMIL and her sister knows a cake vendor in KW. The company is called Key West Cakes and his name is Paulie. I looked up their website and their cakes are really amazing! I emailed him some questions and he got right back with me. ( I think it was within an hour almost unheard of) My fiance and I are going to take a trip to KW at the end of the year for a tasting. I will keep you updated. I know how hard it can be sometimes finding good vendors so I thought I would share. Hope it helps!
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