Wow... The To Do list is never ending it seems. But here is my checked off list:
~Choose date/location
~Deposits given for Ceremony site, Ceremony flowers & decor, Reception, Steel drummer for cocktail hour, DJ, Photographer
~ Bought dress and undergarments.
~picked out rehersal dinner local and farewell brunch location.
~made and sent out passport save the dates
~picked out invitations
~bought OOT bags and most of the things to go in them (just when I think I'm done with the OOT bags I think of something else to add)
~bought photo guestbook,program fans,menu cards.
~picked out bridesmaid dresses
Need to Do:
~Decide on a centerpiece
~choose hairstyle and makeup
~make and send out boarding pass invites.
~among other things figure out how to pay for the neverending list of things I Need (WANT) for my DW!